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Certified Trainers at the Center for Nonviolent Communication

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  • Country - Current: China
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Local NVC group, member of NVC Chinese Net, that specializes in family education and alternative education for children.

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Siddharth (Syd) Singh

  • CT Topics: General
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  • Country - Current: India
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Siddharth Singh is a facilitator and coach and has worked in the field of leadership development since 2001. He has found inspiration in many bodies of work, including Nonviolent Communication (NVC). He is a Certification Candidate

Siddharth serves as a full-time volunteer and is on the Board of Trustees of Friends of Mor al ReArmament (India), a charitable trust also known as Initiatives of Change (IofC). This is a non-political, non-religious, volunteer-led movement committed to social change through personal transformation. He is the Director of Asia Plateau, the education and conference centre of IofC. Asia Plateau (Panchgani, India) is where the International Intensive Training (IIT) 2025 is going to be held. 

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Nina Neidhart

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Costa Rica
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Being born and raised in Switzerland I always dreamt of another life in a warm country and so, in 2006, I left Switzerland. I did not imagine it would be a goodbye for good but I have not returned to live there since. After traveling the world for some months, I ended up in Costa Rica, the place not only where my son was born but where I was reborn.

I love to connect with nature and I am a big animal lover. Going on my daily beach walks with my dogs early in the morning is my meditation and it is where I can get grounded and connect with mother earth and myself. Costa Rica has a wonderfully special energy, which invites you to look deeper and reconnect with yourself and nature.

I was gifted with a son whose soul clearly came to this world to guide and transform me. It very soon was clear, I cannot parent this child the way I was parented. It would mean rebellion and constant conflict and a lot of power over and lack of autonomy and freedom of choice. This did not align with me at all and I decided to look for support.

Finding NVC was like finding the language to describe what I feel in my belly, what my intuition tells me, or in other words, I discovered my feelings and needs and started to understand them. It was such a relief for my mind, to finally be able to understand what my heart always knew and have a concept for what I always felt. 

Since I can remember I have this deep desire to be an active part of change in this world. I have been working with the local community for over a decade, first through a project where we held workshops about menstruation and handed out free menstruation cups to the participants. Now I am eager to bring NVC into our canton, which is the least developed and poorest of Costa Rica and an area often forgotten by the government.

I want to share NVC because I truly believe in its power and magnificence. My dream is to spread NVC in Latin America and make it accessible also to the ones with less resources. I am currently on the path to become a CNVC certified trainer. I am also active in creating NVC community within Costa Rica, especially where I am at home, offering NVC workshops for free or at an affordable price to low-income communities.


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Trân Thahn Tâm

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  • Country - Current: Viet Nam
  • Country - Original: Viet Nam
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

I'm currently working as a project manager at Officience which has provided me invaluable insights into team dynamics, particularly during the organizational changes and challenges of the past three years, including the Covid-19 pandemic. This period intensified my focus on effective communication, conflict resolution, and creating supportive environments.  My exploration of empathic listening and facilitated discussion techniques, was driven by a desire to foster genuine connection and understanding within teams. 

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NVC Chinese Net

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: China
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

In the past 5 years, NVC Chinese Net has devoted itself to nurturing public, for-profit, and non-profit organizations, as well as schools, through Nonviolent Communication (NVC)-inspired training and initiatives.

We have lovingly crafted a robust and thriving web of communities, with Chinese-speaking NVC practitioners spread across China.

We are now embarking on an exhilarating journey, embracing a refreshed vision that aims to empower a thousand Chinese NVC leaders, while our organization is experiencing a profound metamorphosis, guided by teal organizational principles, to become an exemplar of the partnership paradigm.

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Sonja Kersten

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Croatia
  • Country - Original: Croatia
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

My first encounter with Nonviolent Communication (NVC) was in 1998 during a three-month training for peace activists. Even then, the concept of NVC resonated deeply with me, as I had previously been involved in mediation and met inspiring individuals who supported our peace efforts after the war. However, it wasn’t until 2007, when I met the remarkable team of Nada Ignjatović-Savić and Katharina Sander at Lebensgarten, that I truly experienced the transformative power of NVC. For five days, these two women—each unique in temperament and character—taught us how to introduce NVC into schools. From that point on, mediation and NVC became inseparably intertwined for me, forming the foundation for numerous peacebuilding and community projects in which I volunteered and worked with the Center for Peace in Osijek until 2011, when I co-founded a mediation center with three colleagues.

Currently, I dedicate most of my energy and time to school and peer mediation. Recognizing the crucial role of NVC in mediation, I translated Marshall Rosenberg’s book Nonviolent Communication: The Language of Life into Croatian in 2006. Since then, each participant in our mediation trainings receives a copy of the book as part of their introduction to NVC.

In 2021, I co-founded the Politics of Nonviolence with five other peace activists. This organization focuses on peace education and action, striving to build the capacity for nonviolence and nonviolent action within local communities in Croatia. This year, our efforts include organizing dialogue forums and facilitating discussions on important and sometimes controversial topics relevant to our community.

Being part of a community that applies, promotes, and spreads NVC is essential to me. From my experience, I know that when NVC serves as the foundation, it elevates relationships, peacebuilding, and community-building activities to incredible levels.

I live and work in Osijek, Croatia.

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Anna Pataki

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: Hungary
  • Country - Original: Hungary
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

I first heard about NVC in 2016 at a 4-hour parenting workshop, shortly after our daughter was born, and I immediately felt that this brief experience would change my life. Since then, I have participated in 80+ days of NVC workshops, including an IIT in Slovenia in 2019 where I had the opportunity to learn from several trainers from around the globe. They’ve contributed to my life in very different, yet all very valuable ways. I’m in the CNVC certification process which is an important and exciting journey for me that brings me closer to myself, to others and to the quality of alignment that I am seeking in my life.

I’m fond of the topic of social change and I am aiming to contribute to a world that works for all through offering the skills and experiences that I have and continue to gain. Besides using my NVC skills to work with groups and to do coaching and mediation, I also work on IT implementation projects as a management consultant and project manager. I see the structural thinking and the complexity that are present in such projects as valuable assets that I bring to all my work, including with organizations, businesses, NGOs, as well as in the healthcare industry. In all of these spaces, I aim to help to create structures where everyone’s needs matter.

I joined the organizing team of IIT Hungary 2025 both for the process (cooperating with Éva and Évi brings me a lot of joy and learning) and to contribute my skills toward helping this IIT become a reality. I trust that it will be a space for magical things to happen and that our being together will contribute to shaping our world towards nonviolence. Come, let’s co-create this magical space together:)


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Changwon Chae

  • CT Topics: General
  • Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Country - Current: South Korea
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates
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Jane Barr

  • CT Topics: General
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  • Country - Current: Canada
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Jane has been practicing NVC for the past 15 years. She immersed herself in the teachings during several week-end sessions and a two-year program taught by Gina Cenciose. She organized several NVC intros for the Transition Town group she coordinated in her neighbourhood in Montreal. Jane is a retired environmental expert who consulted to the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) for over 20 years. She is passionate about living NVC, especially with her two youngest grandchildren. She also has a consistent practice in non-dual meditation. Her organizations skills were honed while coordinating grass-roots community groups. She looks forward to helping Tosha in the role of co-Coordinator to make the 2025 Canada IIT run smoothly on the material and spiritual planes! Jane speaks English and French fluently.

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Saa-Aungwa Mngueshima Kristine Ikpah

  • CT Topics: General
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  • Country - Current: Nigeria
  • Country - Original: -- None Selected --
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Saa-Aungwa Mngueshima Kristine Ikpah is a member of the Nigerian NVC network and NVC Africa Network.

She started learning NVC through Peace building trainings organized by United States Institute of Peace in Nigeria through Tarek Maassarani. She is deeply interested and rooted in promoting Conflict transformation as a whole, specifically Peace building through facilitating community dialogues and mediating conflict between individuals, groups, and communities.
She is a graduate of Benue State University, Nigeria in Psychology. She is also currently in her second year in a diploma programme specialising in social works which will offer her more opportunities to be able to interface with agencies that work directly with women, youth, and children.

Her work in NVC as well as counselling targets to support mainly women, youths and vulnerable groups towards living more fulfilling lives by creating safe spaces for authentic expression, healing, self-knowledge, and integral development. She believes that women are the bed rock of every society. Therefore, teaching them to own their voices and their life's experiences will build different aspects of their lives and give them the opportunity to contribute significantly to Nigeria

She is very passionate about Women's psychological, emotional, mental, financial, integral well-being.

Saa-Aungwa collaborates with Ndidi regarding the training venue, accommodations, feeding, and transportation. You can contact her with the following information.

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Tammi Terrell

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  • Country - Current: United States
  • Country - Original: United States
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Tammi Terrell Morris is an Author, Activist, and Spoken Word Artist. Tammi holds a Bachelors degree in Sociology and a Masters of Science Degree in Leadership and Management. Tammi is committed to building community and practicing empathy. Tammi has spent the majority of her professional career working with individuals with developmental disabilities. Tammi is currently a  a full time Caregiver to her 2 sons. In her spare time, she enjoys producing and recording material for her podcast Confused Reality as well as serving as Treasurer for the New Mexico Network for Nonviolent Communication. She hopes to use her gifts of writing poetry, performing spoken word, motivational speaking, and connecting with others to make the world a more loving and accepting place. 

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Mohsine Karrakchou

  • CT Topics: General
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  • Country - Current: Morocco
  • Country - Original: Morocco
  • Roles: Volunteer
  • Assessor - accepting candidates: Accepting new candidates

Mohsine Karrakchou holds a PhD and is a graduate of the École Polytechnique de Lausanne. With over 8 years of experience in startups within the telecommunications sector in Canada and the United States, he has also founded and led several successful ventures in the agri-food industry, building a robust entrepreneurial expertise. Driven by a passion for humanity, organizational dynamics, and Nonviolent Communication. Mohsine channels his skills to enhance business performance through individual coaching and training, fostering harmonious relationships and effective communication within organizations.


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