Making Life Wonderful
An Intermediate Training in Nonviolent Communication with Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D
4 DVDs Runtime: 8 hours
This video series, based on a two day training led by Marshall B. Rosenberg, Ph.D., is filled with insights,
examples, extended role plays, stories, and songs showing how Nonviolent Communication can be used
to find solutions to perplexing problems and to celebrate our power to make life more wonderful! This
video series is suitable for beginners and those with more Nonviolent Communication experience alike.
Nonviolent Communication provides powerful tools for resolving differences at personal, professional, and
political levels. Dr. Rosenberg first created and began to offer Nonviolent Communication skills training to
peacefully integrate schools and other public institutions during the 1960s. Since then, Dr. Rosenberg and
his associates have introduced NVC in over thirty countries to educators, students, parents, managers,
mental health and health care providers, military officers, peace activists, lawyers and mediators,
prisoners, police and clergy, and more.

- Personal Stories About Marshall (Video)
- CNVC Founder
- Contributes to A Global NVC Community (Video)
- India 2024 (International Intensive Training)
- NVC 5. Marshall's Way of Teaching (Video)
- NVC 6. Development of Teaching Approach and Lingo (Video)
- NVC 8. Marshall the Man (Video)
- NVC 9. Principles of NVC (Video)
- The surprising purpose of ANGER (Store Item)
- Practical Spirituality (Store Item)
- Life Enriching Education (Store Item)
- Life Enriching Communication - Audiobook (Store Item)
- Life Enriching Communication (Store Item)
- Nonviolent Communication (Store Item)
- The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes (Store Item)
- Nonviolent Communication (Store Item)
- Feelings and Needs Inventory (Store Item)
- Speaking Peace (Store Item)
- Nonviolent Communication Online Training Course (Store Item)
- What’s Making You Angry? (Store Item)
- We Can Work It Out (Store Item)
- Teaching Children Compassionately (Store Item)
- The Surprising Purpose of Anger (Store Item)
- Speak Peace in a World of Conflict (Store Item)
- Raising Children Compassionately (Store Item)
- Practical Spirituality (Store Item)
- Life Enriching Education (Store Item)
- Getting Past the Pain Between Us (Store Item)
- Being Me, Loving You (Store Item)
- Comunicación no Violenta (Store Item)