Gewaltfreie Kommunikation
Eine Sprache des Lebens
Standard work on non-violent communication by Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg
A language of life
Without perhaps intending it, our words and the way we speak often result in hurt and suffering - for others and also for ourselves. Nonviolent communication helps us to listen more consciously and to pay respectful attention to the other person.
At the same time, we learn to express ourselves honestly and clearly. As a language of life, we can use NVC in communication with all people, regardless of age, regardless of their cultural or religious background, in a wide variety of situations. With stories, experiences and exemplary conversation situations, Marshall Rosenberg makes it clear in his book how even complex communication problems can be solved with the help of NVC.
Standardwerk der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation von Dr. Marshall B. Rosenberg
Eine Sprache des Lebens
Ohne dass wir es vielleicht beabsichtigen, haben unsere Worte und unsere Art zu sprechen oft Verletzung und Leid zur Folge – bei anderen und auch bei uns selbst. Die Gewaltfreie Kommunikation hilft uns, bewusster zuzuhören und unserem Gegenüber respektvolle Aufmerksamkeit zu schenken.
Gleichzeitig lernen wir, uns ehrlich und klar auszudrücken. Als eine Sprache des Lebens können wir die GFK in der Kommunikation mit allen Menschen, egal welchen Alters, unabhängig von ihrem kulturellen oder religiösen Hintergrund in den unterschiedlichsten Situationen anwenden. Mit Geschichten, Erlebnissen und beispielhaften Gesprächssituationen macht Marshall Rosenberg in seinem Buch deutlich, wie sich mithilfe der GFK auch komplexe Kommunikationsprobleme lösen lassen.
- Personal Stories About Marshall (Video)
- Contributes to A Global NVC Community (Video)
- India 2024 (International Intensive Training)
- NVC 5. Marshall's Way of Teaching (Video)
- NVC 6. Development of Teaching Approach and Lingo (Video)
- NVC 8. Marshall the Man (Video)
- NVC 9. Principles of NVC (Video)
- Raising Children Compassionately (Store Item)
- The surprising purpose of ANGER (Store Item)
- Practical Spirituality (Store Item)
- Life Enriching Education (Store Item)
- Life Enriching Communication - Audiobook (Store Item)
- Life Enriching Communication (Store Item)
- Nonviolent Communication (Store Item)
- The Nonviolent Communication Book of Quotes (Store Item)
- Nonviolent Communication (Store Item)
- Feelings and Needs Inventory (Store Item)
- Speaking Peace (Store Item)
- Nonviolent Communication Online Training Course (Store Item)
- What’s Making You Angry? (Store Item)
- We Can Work It Out (Store Item)
- Teaching Children Compassionately (Store Item)
- The Surprising Purpose of Anger (Store Item)
- Speak Peace in a World of Conflict (Store Item)
- Raising Children Compassionately (Store Item)
- Practical Spirituality (Store Item)
- Life Enriching Education (Store Item)
- Getting Past the Pain Between Us (Store Item)
- Being Me, Loving You (Store Item)
- Comunicación no Violenta (Store Item)