Nadine Helm
Certified Trainer since 2024
I am passionate about life and living. Yet I also know these moments when life feels like it is falling apart and rips the heart open with grief and fear and loss. I know how it feels to withdraw and not want to be in this world. When heavy clouds of sadness, fear, and despair weigh on the heart and mind. When life hits with unforeseen hardness. And I have come to trust the life force within!
I am dedicated to opening into experiences and surrendering as a practice of meeting life. It would be a blessing to walk this path alongside for a bit. I am offering 1:1 sessions and workshops combining NVC, Internal Family Systems Therapy, Mindfulness, and Vedanta practices and wisdom.
My dream is to live together with people in a thriving community, where we support each other in our individual and personal healing, support healthy interpersonal relating including using conflict as a powerful opportunity to move us closer together, learn about each other, and come away with a stronger and deeper bond and to be of service to the wider community and the world by co-creating structures that truly take all needs of all living beings into consideration.
I was lucky to meet NVC in 2004, get the chance to learn with Marshall personally and have ample opportunity to learn in-depth with Robert Gonzales since 2006. Robert Gonzales has definitely been the most important presence in my life as a teacher and contributed tremendously to my healing and growth. Alongside my NVC path, I spent many months over several years in Thich Nhat Hanh’s monastery Plum Village in France and was blessed to be in his presence many times.
In 2019 the work of Internal Family systems has come into my life and enriched and deepened the inner healing work as well as gave new inspiration to the vision for a SELF-led world, where people engage from a place of compassion, care, and connection.
The yogic teaching and particularly the Vedantic approach of the inquiry "Who am I" adds an important perspective on the ultimate reality that I find invaluable to be able to live, work, relate, love, and serve on this planet and helps me to get disentangled when caught in the illusion of separation and suffering. My life has ever changed so deeply since I met NVC, the Buddhist practice, the yogic teachings, and IFS, and particularly those dear teachers.
I feel deeply committed to sharing the gift of presence, love, compassion, and transformation that was bestowed on me in all these years. A gift that keeps giving. Join me. It would be lovely to learn and grow together!
“May I become at all times, both now and forever, A protector for those without protection, A guide for those who have lost their way, A ship for those with oceans to cross, A sanctuary for those in danger, A lamp for those in the dark, A resting place for the weary, A healing medicine for all who are sick, A vase of plenty, a tree of miracles, And a servant to all those in need; As long as living beings exist, and suffering afflicts them, May I too abide to dispel the misery of the world. May I bring sustenance and awakening, Enduring like the earth and sky Until all beings are freed from sorrow, And all are awakened. Shantideva”
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