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There are fees involved in each step of the Certification Process:

1. Registration: USD $100 - 250 paid to the Assessor

2. Pre-assessment: $250 - $600

  • Additional $100 - $250 for a video critique paid to Assessor (if necessary)
  • We expect the Assessor(s) to spend approximately one day reviewing your pre- assessment file, and more time discussing it with you and deciding whether or not to schedule a final assessment session. Please include this fee payable to the Assessor by including it with your pre-assessment file.

3. Assessment: USD $250 - $600

  • We expect the Assessor(s) to spend approximately one to three days meeting with you for the final assessment session. Please offer this fee directly to the Assessor at the time of your appointment.

4. Certification: USD $250 paid to CNVC

These amounts are based on USD currency. We want to consider economic conditions, standards of living and exchange rates in all cultures to ensure that:

  1. Assessors receive fees that contribute to their sustainability; and
  2. Certification is accessible to people in all cultures. So please discuss with your Assessor to mutually agree on the currency in which they wish to be paid and the equivalent amount of the range.

If you and your Assessor mutually decide that the final assessment has been successful, please submit the certification fee, payable to CNVC, along with the required information as directed by the CNVC office in order to complete the certification process. If the pre-assessment is not followed by the assessment itself, the pre-assessment fee will still apply in consideration of the Assessors’ time. The Certification Candidate can re-apply after six months, and might be requested to pay a fee again for the additional Assessors’ time.

If you have difficulty in meeting these fees, please discuss alternative options with your Assessor such as: deferred payments, a payment plan, in-kind services, resources for how to do one's own fundraising, etc. If offered and received with willingness and joy, Assessors would like Certification Candidates to consider contributing even beyond this range, with awareness of the Assessors' efforts on their behalf, and also to support other Certification Candidates with less resources.