Javor Škerlj Vogelnik
Certified Trainer since 2022
I work in the business environment, in universities, in youth centers and other organizations. I enjoy providing support and imparting new knowledge to individuals and groups!
My passions include music and woodworking, and I am gradually studying abroad in the movement therapy method Movement Medicine, which combines the knowledge of traditional shamanic practices and modern neuroscience. I like to go to the hills, I love nature and regularly practice the Wim-hoff method of exposure to the cold.
Trainer's primary language
Sem mednarodni certificiran trener globalnega pristopa nenasilne komunikacije po Marshallu Rosenbergu (www.CNVC.org) in delujem v poslovnem okolju, na univerzah, v mladinskih centrih in drugih organizacijah. Uživam v nudenju podpore in predajanju novih znanj posameznikom in skupinam!
Med moje strasti spadajo tudi glasba, izdelovanje iz lesa, postopoma pa se v tujini izobražujem tudi iz gibalno terapevtske metode Movement Medicine, ki združuje znanja tradicionalnih šamanskih praks in sodobne nevroznanosti. Rad hodim v hribe, obožujem naravo ter redno prakticiram Wim-hoff metodo izpostavljanja mrazu.
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