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Certification in Nonviolent Communication

CNVC Certification Process Outline

Please Note: The following procedures to prepare for certification are described as a one-to-one relationship between candidate and assessor. They do not take into account flexible arrangements of candidates and assessors working in groups. The information can still be used as a guide for a flexible range of assessment procedures, leading to a consistent outcome of highly skilled CNVC Certified Trainers who can demonstrate that they know NVC, teach NVC, and are “living” NVC.

1. Pre-Registration

Potential Candidate

  • Reads CNVC Certification Preparation Packet (CPP)
  • Contacts an Assessor
  • Potential Candidate and Assessor
    • Discuss possible working relationship and registration requirements
    • Discuss CPP thoroughly
    • Mutually decide to work together and apply to register
    • In the event of no mutual decision to work together:
      • If potential candidate contacts another assessor, they inform both assessors about this step.
      • Potential candidate may notify CCC for further support.

2. Registration

Potential Candidate

  • Sends application to assessor which includes:
    1. Contact info
    2. Training log (minimum 10 days of training with CNVC Certified Trainer/s)
    3. Statement of purpose
    4. Recommendation from at least one Certified Trainer
    5. Read and agree to: CPP guidelines and current Trainer Agreement and read, agree to and sign Non-Certified Trainers guidelines
    6. Registration Fee

Potential Candidate and Assessor

  • Decide mutually to complete registration
  • Don’t come to mutual decision — candidate may notify CCC for further support

Assessor and CNVC Office

  • Assessor notifies CNVCs certification department via email
  • CNVC office sends instructions to candidate to fill out online registration form
  • CNVC office sends orientation welcome packet to candidate

3. Preparation for Assessment: Three to Five Years


  • Works through the materials in the CNVC Certification Preparation document
  • Attends minimum of an additional forty (40) days of NVC training, including a CNVC International Intensive Training (IIT) (strongly recommended) or equivalent, a minimum fifty (50) days altogether
  • Teaches NVC for at least two years
  • Asks for feedback from participants and other CNVC Certified Trainers
  • Reflects growth and learning through writing a journal
  • Discusses parts of CNVC Certified Trainers Agreement with the assessor
  • May transfer to another assessor if mutually agreed upon

4. Pre-Assessment


  • Makes contact to schedule pre-assessment
  • Agrees to current CNVC Certified Trainers Agreement
  • Dends pre-assessment portfolio to assessor
    1. A statement of your purpose in becoming a CNVC Certified Trainer
    2. Personal journal entries
    3. Feedback forms
    4. List of the total trainings
    5. Training log
    6. Explanation of NVC concepts and key distinctions
    7. Pre-assessment fee


  • Asks candidate if they have any “unfinished business” with CNVC or the NVC community to work through
  • Reviews portfolio
  • Solicits feedback from CNVC Educational Services team and CNVC Certified Trainers community

Candidate and Assessor

  • Decide mutually on candidate’s readiness for pre-assessment
  • If a mutual decision is not reached:
    • Assessor may ask for further information before pre-assessment
    • Candidate may contact CCC for appeals process
  • Co-create pre-assessment session together
  • Agree mutually at the end of pre-assessment
    • Candidate goes ahead with the final assessment
    • Candidate can re-apply after a minimum six months with suggested work on specific area/s
  • If a mutual agreement is not reached at the end of pre-assessment, candidate may notify CCC for further support

5. Assessment


  • Makes contact to schedule assessment
  • Sends assessment fee to assessor

Candidate and Assessor

  • Co-create assessment session together
  • Agree mutually at the end of assessment
    • Assessment was successful: Assessor and candidate explore learning edges for future growth and review final steps for certification
    • Decision to postpone certification: Assessor and candidate discuss strategies for further preparation; candidate can re-apply after a minimum of six months with suggested work on specific area/s
  • If a mutual agreement is not reached at the end of assessment, candidate may notify CCC for further support


  • Announces the success of the assessment to CNVC office and writes a letter of recommendation to the trainer community

6. Certification

CNVC office

  • Sends candidate “Final Steps for Certification” letter


  • Completes the administrative registration for “New Certified Trainers”
    1. Candidate fills out personal/contact information in online database or submits them by hard copy mailing
    2. Candidate sends a short biography to be included in certification announcement
    3. Candidate sends a list of NVC trainings received and offered during certification process
    4. Candidate sends signed Trainer Agreement and certification fee to CNVC

CNVC Office

  • Updates records, adds to website and trainers Yahoo!Group
  • Announces certification to trainers Yahoo!Group, and candidates Yahoo!Group, including biography
  • CELEBRATION! 🥳 With new CNVC Certified Trainer, CNVC office, Educational Services team and CNVC Certified Trainer community


We recognize that applying for certification is a serious commitment.

If you're ready to find an assessor, or would like to get to know them, please click button below to browse their profiles. Some include videos which you may enjoy:
If you have any questions, or would like to discuss your interest with one of our training staff, please email us. Click on button to be taken to the contact form:

What is with giraffes and NVC?

Of all land animals, giraffes have the biggest hearts; measuring up to two feet long and weighing about 21 pounds. In NVC it symbolizes the intention and capacity to recieve and speak with compassion and empathy—a big heart!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about the Certification Process:

How can I become a certified trainer with CNVC?

You are recognized as a Certified Trainer with CNVC when you complete the certification program as designed in the certification preparation packet (CPP) in dialogue with your assessor; you can download the CPP (found here). Reading the CPP document will allow you to gauge your own willingness and ability to commit to becoming a CNVC Certified Trainer. Certified Trainers join a global community of partners supporting a common vision and mission with CNVC.

How long does it take to become a Certified Trainer?

he certification process is comparable to a 3-to-5 year journey. It entails a more structured track towards pre-assessment and a more personalized path toward certification.. Some people complete the process in less time, while others may take more time. It is a highly individualized process, as there are many variables involved. Fundamentally it is a path that involves acquisition of leadership skills and an embodiment of a consciousness from separation to interdependence, from powerlessness to self responsibility.

How many trainings do I need to take in order to become registered as a candidate?

The first step to starting the certification path is to attend at least 20 days of training with Certified Trainers; please note that some assessors ask for more than 20 days, so we encourage you to contact more than one assessor to check with them the numbers of training they ask for to register you as a candidate.

How do I find trainings in my country or online?

We invite you to visit the events and trainings page: Reach out to individual trainers in your region, or who you are drawn to learn from.

Do I have to work with an Assessor during my certification path?

Yes, the certification program operates through our team of CNVC Assessors. Please note that your assessor does not need to be in the same geographical area as yourself. Many of our assessors work with candidates in different regions and countries. While you are welcome to facilitate the spreading of NVC as an an independent trainer, the affiliation with CNVC goes through a process facilitated by CNVC recognized assessors who are trained to serve in that role.

Will the trainings that I received before being registered as a candidate be counted in my certification path?

The previous training before being registered as a candidate would be counted as long as they meet the following criteria:

  1. The trainings were provided by CNVC Certified Trainers.
  2. The trainings were interactive and participatory.
  3. The trainings offered opportunities for giving and receiving feedback.
  4. You provide specific records from the trainings including name of trainer, date, exact hour(s) of training, topic, site.
  5. For each training experience, a written summary of the main points learned: 1- 2 paragraphs.
How can I get an Assessor?

Most of the assessors have their contact information on their profiles. Please click here to see all our current assessors.

After becoming a candidate, can I change my Assessor?

You can change your Assessor after registering as a certification candidate with agreement from both your current Assessor and new Assessor. Learning to operate from a paradigm of partnership is the heart of this journey. Dialogue even when disconnections are present are attempts to find one another’s humanity in the midst of conflict.

How much does the certification program cost?

The certification journey entails a partnership with your assessor as well as engaging in offering and receiving NVC trainings. The financial investment for this journey differs depending on a variety of circumstances. Variables are linked to where you are in the world, whom you are training with, your creativity and in accessing resources. Given the disparities in financial stability, a dialogue with the assessors team can support attending to the needs linked to the specific circumstances.

Do I need to renew my certificate every year?

The Center for Nonviolent Communication has a unique perspective in offering certification — certification is a validation and celebration of a new colleague joining the CNVC community. It is not a permanent credential like a diploma, but needs to be renewed each year to stay in effect. In essence, it is an annual renewal of your commitment to the organization.

Typically, the two annual requirements to remain active as a Certified Trainer are:

  1. Fill out our Annual Trainer Survey to report on your activities in the past year; and
  2. Make an Annual Trainer Contribution to financially support the organization.

In addition, each time CNVC updates the Trainer Agreement, we will also ask you to sign the new version so in some years, this will be a third requirement.

Do you have another question?

Let us know if you have any questions, or if there is anything else that we can do to help.