The Compassionate Classroom
Relationship Based Teaching and Learning
This inspiring guidebook supports teachers seeking to create an emotionally safe learning environment where academic excellence thrives. In this first complete curriculum for teaching Nonviolent Communication (NVC) to elementary age students, lessons supply instruction for creating a community of reverence, self-awareness, and mindfulness. The relationship-centered classroom model aids in building trust, reducing conflict, improving cooperation, and maximizing the potential of each student.
Specific tips for teaching nonviolent skill sets are provided, and educators are assisted in building connections among diverse populations, cultivating self-awareness, and rewarding reflective thinking. Customizable exercises, activities, charts and cutouts make it easy for educators to create lesson plans for a day, a week or an entire school year.

- Ofrezco respeto, recibo respeto - Madres, padres, niños y niñas enriqueciendo sus vidas (Store Item)
- The No-Fault Zone Game (Store Item)
- Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids (Store Item)
- The No-Fault Zone Game (Store Item)
- Respectful Parents, Respectful Kids (Store Item)
- The No-Fault Classroom (Store Item)
- Sura Hart (Trainer Profile)