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From our CNVC Certified Trainers

Principles & Skills of NVC

Kristin’s 6 weeks of why & how

By: Kristin Masters


Tuesday, Jan 28, 2025 12:00 PM —
Tuesday, Mar 04, 2025 12:00 PM
United States
Recurring event
Timezone: America/Vancouver

Tuesdays on zoom from 4:30-6:30pm pacific time (officially 4:30-6, plus an optional 30 min Q/A), starting 1/28-3/4/25 .
These will be recorded for viewing by registered participants.
Whether you come to this to learn a tool, develop a skill, engage in a practice or treat this as a “consciousness”, you are welcome to come to enjoy this community of learners.

There are a thousand reasons you might be coming to this. For yourself, the way you relate to your own thoughts and choices. For an important relationship, to see if you can express and hear one another better. For guidance in the workplace, or with neighbors, or … to have a way to hear the demands of the world in a new way.

Whatever your motivation, it is possible to use NVC as a tool, a skill, a practice or consciousness. It can be supportive on all of these levels, and it is your choice how much to learn and practice, and which aspects to reach for when you need a hand.

I like to think of NVC as a huge steamer trunk full of principles and frameworks, overflowing with strategies for reaching for empathy and honesty, awareness and relationality. So, whether you choose to pick up a wrench or open the whole trunk, we invite you to join us for some of our upcoming options to see what life serving communications can shift for you.

Kristin loves teaching foundations series, giving folx the principles and skills to building trust and reducing defense. She invites you (and someone close to you, if you wish) to join for explorations of the principles of this life serving communication model. This won’t be a talking head kind of class, as there will be plenty of choice to participate in dyads, to work solo in journals, to ask questions and to work with live situations from your life. You might expect to find reasons to laugh, to see things thru fresh lenses, and to meet some other community.

to register, please go to If this sliding scale presents a barrier, please write to [email protected] to tell her what works for you in timing and contribution.


Fee request

Type of activities


  • General
  • Intimate Relationships
  • Mind-Body-Spirit
  • Social Change