NVC Immersion & Trainer Development Program
Deeply Integrate Your NVC Personally & Professionally
AUDIENCE: intermediate
NVC Immersion & Trainer Development Program - An In-Depth Learning Experience. – Online.
- Do you share in the passion for NVC?
- Would you like to deepen your NVC consciousness and skills
- Are you looking for personal transformation?
- Are you facilitating NVC groups or classes?
- Would you like to share NVC by facilitating groups or classes?
- Would you like to develop or expand skills as a facilitator?
- Announcing the thirteenth year of the NVC Trainer Development Program.
Eight months duration – Begins September 28-29 or October 5-6, 2024.
Interviews and Registration to be completed by August 1, 2024. If you discover this after that date, please call Kathy immediately. Taking Interviews now, please schedule your zoom call here.
Includes: Eight two-day weekend trainings, 7 two-hour live online classes, 8 private coaching sessions, and ongoing buddy support. Assisting for one online training series is also included. If all components of this program are completed it will be 21 days of training.
Intention – to support individuals in deeply integrating NVC personally. Facilitate trainer development on multiple levels as some participants move toward effectively sharing NVC and/or becoming a certified trainer. If you are not interested in becoming a facilitator or trainer, this program will serve you in deeply integrating the consciousness and skills through the immersion experience and individualized attention to your goals.
Purposes –
Provide a supportive and nourishing learning environment.
Provide information, resources and learning experiences to support trainer development
Support the development and expansion of the quality of deep presence and personal capacity for meeting life’s challenges with courage and peace.
Give feedback and coaching in group and one on one settings
Explore, process, and practice topics, skills, and consciousness relevant to NVC integration and facilitation
Develop and support NVC consciousness and skills within each participant.
Intended Outcomes
-Clarity and integration of Key distinctions
-Increased embodiment of NVC consciousness & skills
-Fluency and greater ease in naturally using NVC
-Supported experience in presenting NVC with feedback and coaching
-Increased capacity for presence and self-awareness when reactivity arises
-Skill in facilitating an active group
-Development of your learning materials and exercises
-If you want to facilitate, you will have support in creating a plan for sharing NVC that is congruent with your skill level and both challenges you and supports your success
-You will have experienced personal process and healing using NVC
-You will have experience in facilitating individual process with co-participants
-Confidence in leading practice groups and presenting basic NVC classes if desired
*Full participation in weekend trainings, conference calls and individual coaching sessions to the best of your ability. *This serves you in your learning, and the group and me in having continuity and ease in the learning and group experiences.
*Homework completion between sessions supports your practice and integration
*Regular weekly meetings with a buddy for consistent mutual support, practice, and empathy via phone, video call, or in person
*Assisting a Level I or II training offered by Communication Works during the 8 month period, if you so choose.
*Tuition investment is $5,700 or $5,900 if credit card is used. This will shift if we decide to meet in person for any retreat. Payment plans are available.
Required Pre-Requisite –
Level I Compassionate Communication Foundations Trainings, or accepted equivalent. Check with Kathy if you have other previous training.
Level I Training will be offered as a weekend intensive September 20-21, 2024 if you haven’t taken it yet.
Helpful Experience (not required)
Participation in an NVC practice group
Participation in one NVC retreat experience of 4-7 days or an IIT (International Intensive Training from the Center for Nonviolent Communication.
Intention to share/teach NVC is optional
Check out the link to the landing page for more details and dates.
I look forward to talking with you to explore further and welcome you to the program!
Participant Success:
“Kathy’s 8 month course is truly a gift. It has changed my life in ways I couldn’t even imagine. Daily I use the skills she taught us from difficult business conversation, to friends and family, to relationships. Kathy herself is extraordinary and authentic in her desire to give to you all her knowledge to help you be the best you, you can be. She is caring and kind and creates a safe space to explore the breakthroughs (and there will be breakthroughs). Before her course I found myself avoiding life in many ways and feeling hurt and disappointment, after her course I feel I not only have the tools, but I embody them. The course is truly transformational.” Lauren 2018
"What has contributed most to my learning is: acceptance, fun, clarity, continuity of the monthly weekends, Kathy’s experience teaching and coaching, working through deeper aspects of NVC such as healing old wounds and the living energy of needs and the presence work.” Rev Nadia Mirren
“My learning was well supported by the safety and atmosphere of trust that Kathy created. In that closely held container of trust and loving support, I became able to relax, acknowledge my fears of exposure, become vulnerable and be able to share in an environment that allowed me to be myself as totally and completely as possible.” Participant 2014 C. V.
More testimonials and videos on the expanded landing page.
Your Trainer:
Kathy Ziola, MA, Center for Nonviolent Communication Certified Trainer. My journey has included thirty-five years of deep exploration of relationship, self-awareness, healing arts, spirituality and communication. NVC trainer training includes Bay Area NVC’s Leadership Program in 2006, the Training of Trainer Program in 2009, Making Collaboration Real Trainings in 2010 and 2011 with Miki Kashtan, study with Marshall Rosenberg in 2009, and extensive work with the NVC Training Institute (Robert Gonzales, Susan Skye, Wes Taylor, Towe Widstrand) for three years. I have organized and facilitated NVC training for nineteen years. I created this program in 2011 and this coming year will be its 13th year. I have organized and facilitated workshops and retreats in a variety of settings over the past 25 years. These have included the areas of stress management, peer counseling training, breath work, loving relationships, women’s retreats, yoga, Reiki, and couples’ work. I currently provide training, coaching and psychotherapy to individuals, couples, families, organizations and businesses. It is my passion to support others in having extraordinary relationships based on presence, honesty and compassion.
Education: CNVC Certified Trainer since 2009. MA Agency Counseling with Emphasis in Marriage and Family Therapy, University of Northern Colorado. BS Human Development and Family Studies, Colorado State University.
- Compassionate Communication Foundations 1 (Trainer Event 06-20-2025)
- Live Compassion Moments (Store Item)
- The Power of Empathy (Store Item)
- Empathy Now (Store Item)
- Live Compassion (Store Item)
- Ramp Up Your Power to Connect - In Person (Trainer Event 03-28-2025)
- Ramp Up Your Power to Connect! (Trainer Event 01-15-2025)
- Foundations of Compassionate Communication Level 1 Jan/Feb 2025 (Trainer Event 01-07-2025)
- Foundations of Compassionate Communication Level 1 May/June 2025 (Trainer Event 05-01-2025)
- Kathy Ziola (Trainer Profile)
- Business
- Conflict Resolution
- Counseling & Coaching
- Diversity
- Education
- Facilitation
- General
- Health & Healing
- Intimate Relationships
- Mind-Body-Spirit
- Parenting & Family
- Social Change