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Global home opening

Global home is open for you! 🎊

Connect, learn and collaborate with people inspired by NVC from all over the world

A home for our entire community... 🏠

đŸŒ± You now have 24/7 access to a growing online NVC community - Certified Trainers, Certification Candidates and Supporting Members together in one place. Plus...

đŸ€– Technology that allows everyone to speak together in their native tongue

🌀 Access to ever-increasing NVC resources, including empathy exchanges, practice groups and training information

All your conversations are neatly organised into categories. →

And although we have already begun decorating and furnishing the place nicely, it is your home to shape according to your desires!

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Global Home Vision... 

A thriving community of people living, sharing, and applying Nonviolent Communication (NVC) in many places, languages, and cultures.

Sharing resources, supporting each other, and building community: a world in which everyone's needs matter and where wilful giving and receiving is the norm.

Creating synergy and amplifying our impact by uniting - Certified Trainers, Certification Candidates, and Supporting Members together... and even more people in the future!

Amplifiying impact together

Read more …Global home opening

Film-making consent form

Film-making consent form

The Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) and the IIT Romania (04-13 July 2024) Trainer team would like to collect video footage from this event to inform others about what this event is like and to spread Nonviolent Communication (NVC) around the world. In addition, we would like to provide memories to you of the people you met and the experiences that you had. Are you willing to help us with this?

We have invited a professional filmmaker Martin Schneider-Lau  ( from Germany, who plans to create a 10-minute film about this intensive training. We are grateful that he is volunteering his time and that he is willing to contribute this gift to our organization.

Here is the process that we will follow:

  • The filming will begin on the 6th day of the IIT (9th of July) so that everyone can orient themselves to the experience and get to know their fellow participants and the trainers before filming begins.

  • The trainer team will introduce the filmmaker to the participants on the 9th of July and share more about his vision and how the video will be created.

  • If you do NOT want to appear in the video, the organizers will describe how you can avoid having your video taken in the first place. At any moment the film-maker will start operating, together with the on-site trainer, he will offer the best possible strategy to anyone who does not want to appear on the video, while ensuring the quality of the learning experience of everyone present in the space.

By signing this agreement, you agree and consent as follows:

A. I consent and authorize the Center for Nonviolent Communication, to use my likeness in a video that is taken by the professional film-maker at this International Intensive Training in Romania, in any and all of its publications, including web-based publications such as their website and social media accounts. 

B. I understand and agree that all the video footage produced by the filmmaker with this material is the property of CNVC. 

C. I acknowledge that I am not entitled to any compensation or royalties with respect to the use of the videos.

D. I agree to release and forever discharge CNVC from the claims, liabilities, obligations, promises, agreements, disputes, demands, damages, causes of action of any nature or kind, known or unknown, which I, and anyone claiming on behalf of me, may have or claim to have against CNVC in connection with this Release.

E. I have carefully read and understand the provisions of this Film-making Consent Form and am freely, knowingly, and voluntarily agreeing.

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature in the box above.

Read more …Film-making consent form

Receipt of payment

request a receipt

If you need an official receipt (invoice) for a payment that you made to the Center for Nonviolent Communication, please fill out this form.

As a global organization, we issue receipts (invoices) in many countries around the world that have different requirements for what appears on the receipt. Please tell us the details you want us to include on your receipt (invoice). Thank you!

Please select what kind of payment you will need a receipt of payment for.
Please tell us the Country and the year of the IIT
In case you want the receipt of payment (invoice) to be issued to a company
If required
If required
(or anything else that you want to tell us)

Read more …Receipt of payment


Thank you for filling out this survey! 

About you


Relevant skills

The Organizer of an IIT is a crucial role, and goes a long way toward determining the success of an IIT. Would you be willing to self-evaluate yourself on the following criteria please? 

On a scale from 1 (lowest) to 10 (highest), where would you place yourself on the following:

Relevant experience

CNVC has found the most success with Organizers who have experience relevant to the CNVC community and the organization of a large multi-day event such as an IIT. 

Would you be willing to self-evaluate on the following criteria? 


Taking on the coordination of an IIT is a big commitment.  We estimate that you'll spend an average of 10-15 hours per week for a year. It varies over time. At the beginning it may be less, but the weeks before it can be 40 hours. Also plan a few days after the IIT. We ask that all organizers ensure that they are committed to a year-long project with considerable responsibility. Also that they are willing to step into the responsibility as the primary “holder” of this event from start to finish.

Would you be willing to self-evaluate on the following criteria?

Memorandum of Understanding

Netherlands IIT 2025

: Trainers for the International Intensive Training (IIT) in the Netherlands beginning 03-Jan-2025: Corrylaura van Bladel, Irmtraud Kauschat, Mironel de Wilde, Aga Rzewuska-Paca, and Olga Nguyen.

PURPOSE: Establish alignment and clarity about everyone's roles (what CNVC does, and what the trainers do) so that we have predictability and clarity of roles.

REQUEST: If you are aligned with this agreement, could you please sign it below? If you have questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected]? 


1. Purpose of this Document:

The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is to establish a shared understanding between the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) and trainers at the the International Intensive Training (IIT) in regard to mutual agreements, responsibilities, and roles of CNVC and the IIT Trainer before, during, and after the IIT in the Netherlands happening from 03-Jan-2025 through 12-Jan-2025.

2. Purpose of this International Intensive Training:

This IIT will be a 9-day Nonviolent Communication (NVC) “immersion experience” residential workshop where Participants, Trainers, and Organizers live and learn in community during the training that provides real-life opportunities to live NVC over an extended period of time. Participants develop NVC skills and consciousness with the guidance and support of the Certified Trainer team. See a description of the roles at IITs.

3. Responsibilities of the Trainer

In order to help make this IIT as successful as possible for everyone involved, we ask you as an IIT Trainer to agree to the following:

a) BEFORE the IIT:
  • Read and understand the Manual for Organizing an IIT.
  • Align with the Agreements for attending an IIT that will will ask each person who will be at the IIT to sign.
  • Become familiar with the guidelines and framework around the IIT and actively support the CNVC policies and processes that are described on the IIT page on the website; the pre-registration form; and the IIT Spreadsheet (maintained by CNVC and the Organizer)
  • Make travel arrangements as soon as the IIT receives the go-ahead by CNVC in order to ensure that the most economical travel options can be chosen. If you take a flight to the IIT, we agree to reimburse you for an economy fare ticket (which we request to help conserve our financial resources). If you wish to purchase another ticket class such a business class or first class, you agree to contact CNVC ahead of time to discuss.
  • Contribute to multiple aspects of marketing such as your website, social media accounts, email list, in-person announcements, and/or other strategies that you have available to you.
  • Appear in promotional videos and/or participate in promotional sessions that are either educational in nature or Q&A.
  • Contribute “freemiums" -- NVC-related content that draws people in through free educational NVC materials (for example: Feelings/Needs lists, online introductory classes already on Youtube channels)
  • Support the quality of the event by being available for planning meetings and email conversations in the months leading up to the IIT.
  • Coordinate with the other members of the Training Team when planning sessions to ensure variety, notice redundancy, and ensure that Marshall Rosenberg's core curriculum is being offered.
  • Co-create systems for conflict transformation in order to live in consciousness of nonviolence and to create systems of support for the event (examples: empathy assistants, facilitated conversations, mediation, or restorative processes).
  • Request approval from the CNVC Programs Department before inviting other people to the IIT who will perform any of the roles of the training team.
  • Appoint one Trainer of the IIT Trainer team to be part of the Financial Assistance decision-making committee -- along with the Organizer and a representative from CNVC. This committee determines who receives financial assistance and in what amounts based on the Financial Assistance for IITs: Guidelines.
  • Make printed training materials available 6 weeks prior to the start of the IIT, so the Organizer can include these resources into a Participants Manual.
  • Keep CNVC and the Organizer Team informed about an unforeseen circumstance such as illness or family emergency which has an impact on the availability of the Trainer.
  • Arrive at the venue 48 hours before the start of the IIT time for landing, building cohesiveness with other members of the training and organizing team, and finish planning the program.
b) DURING the IIT:
  • Share the Core Curriculum of Nonviolent Communication as created by Marshall Rosenberg.
  • Offer introductory-level sessions that are clearly communicated to the participants.
  • Provide clarity to the Participants whether any sessions will be recorded and made available to them.
  • Be a steward of trust around intimate relationships as a representative of CNVC.
c) AFTER the IIT:
  • Submit reimbursable expense receipts within two weeks after the IIT is completed.
  • Allow sufficient time after the end of the IIT to debrief with the Organizers and Trainers. In these meetings we encourage you to:
    • Share personal learnings and request specific feedback from the team members about your learning edges.
    • Share your self-assessment and invite honest feedback from others.
    • Evaluate the IIT as a whole and harvest collective learnings.
    • Provide a written summary of the collective learnings and suggestions for future IITs and share them on the CNVC Global Home within 3 weeks of the end of the IIT.

4. Responsibilities of CNVC

The IIT is produced, paid for, managed, and directed by CNVC, which is committed to supporting the Trainers, Organizers, On-site coordinators to create a successful event. CNVC commits to the following:

  • Communicate decisions and implement management directives via the Programs Department.
  • Pay you a trainer's fee of USD $4,000, assuming that you are present for the entire IIT (exceptions must be agreed to ahead of time by CNVC).
  • Pay your room, board, travel expenses, and meals that are directly related to the IIT. The total compensation will be processed within 10 business days after receipt of documented expenses. Please submit receipts for any expenses that you request reimbursement for.
  • Provide a single occupancy room, with ensuite when possible, to provide privacy and and opportunity to recharge between sessions.
  • Create a Landing Page and forms for Pre-registration, Payments, Financial Assistance, and Intake.
  • Contribute to marketing including on our website, email announcements, social media, and posting videos of Trainers.
  • Provide visa invitation letters or templates if requested by trainers
  • Provide a representative for the Financial Assistance decision-making committee -- along with the Organizer and one IIT Trainer. This committee determines who receives financial assistance and in what amounts, as well as which Certified Trainers qualify for free tuition spaces. 

5. Termination / Cancellation


While it is extremely rare for CNVC to cancel an IIT and we have every intention to host each one that we sponsor, CNVC reserves the right to cancel the IIT at its sole discretion. CNVC is more likely to cancel if fewer than 15 full-tuition registrations are booked three months before the scheduled start-date. If the IIT is canceled, CNVC will reimburse IIT Trainers for direct expenses, such as the nonrefundable part of pre-ordered travel tickets.

CNVC reserves the right to terminate this agreement in cases where CNVC and the IIT Trainer reach a point of irreconcilable differences that affect the IIT Trainer’s involvement in the IIT. For example, the IIT Trainer chooses to end the relationship with the organization as a CNVC Certified Trainer.

By the IIT Trainer:

While signing this MoU indicates a clear intent from the IIT Trainer to partake in the IIT, there may be circumstances that prevent you from fulfilling this intention. If you needs to cancel their participation in the IIT, the Trainer will notify CNVC at the earliest possible time to support CNVC’s ability to find a replacement.

CNVC will not pay compensation or reimbursement to the CNVC Trainer if they cancel their participation in the IIT before the IIT takes place. If the IIT Trainer cancels in the midst of the IIT, CNVC will offer prorate compensation based on the number of full or partial days completed. CNVC will reimburse the original receipts for travel and meal, prior to the change in fees.

This agreement is non-transferable. If you withdraw from your role as a trainer in this IIT, you may not transfer your role to another trainer. Rather, a replacement would be selected by CNVC in consultation with the remaining trainers and the Organizer.

6. Addendum

The following resources can be accessed for a broader understanding of IITs:


As a Certified Trainer who has been invited to serve on the training team for this IIT, by signing below, I agree to all of the points described in this MoU (if you have any concerns or questions before signing this document, please email us at [email protected]).

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature in the box above.

Trainer Agreement (for review only)



The purpose of this agreement is to create alignment and synergy between the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) and Certified Trainers (CTs), and to help everyone involved be more successful in sharing Nonviolent Communication in the world.

Please read this Agreement and if you agree, sign at the end. If you have questions, email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The Center for Nonviolent Communication is a global organization that supports the learning and sharing of Nonviolent Communication, and helps people peacefully and effectively resolve conflicts in personal, organizational, and political settings.

CNVC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit organization registered in the United States, in the state of Texas.

CNVC is a steward of the integrity of the Nonviolent Communication process and a nexus point of Nonviolent Communication-related information and resources, including training, conflict resolution, projects and organizational consulting services. CNVC’s mission is to contribute to more sustainable, compassionate, and “life-serving” human relations in the realms of personal change, interpersonal relationship and in social systems and structures, such as business/economics, education, justice, healthcare, and peace-keeping. Nonviolent Communication work is being done in over 65 countries and growing, touching the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

Certified Trainers are people who CNVC has determined, according to the organization’s assessment process, as living and embodying the values and principles of Nonviolent Communication. In addition, CTs can articulate the key principles and can share Nonviolent Communication in a way that is consistent with the process created by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg.

Even after being certified, CNVC asks CTs to continue to learn and integrate Nonviolent Communication principles as part of a continuing education process.

CNVC asks CTs to embrace the process of learning and living the Nonviolent Communication consciousness and therefore contributes in whatever ways possible within the limits of willingness and capacity in local and/or international community projects, volunteering in CNVC governing bodies (circles, committees, or task forces), thereby multiplying the chances of nurturing paradigm shifts from life-alienating to life-enriching on all levels.


The purpose of this agreement is to establish alignment and to create synergy between CNVC and CTs, and to help everyone involved be more successful in their missions.

This agreement between CNVC and CTs grants the CT the right to use the trademark and service mark of CNVC, as well as other benefits as identified in Appendix 1, along with a request of the CT to fill out the Annual Trainer Survey which enables CNVC to:

  • Celebrate the contributions that trainers are making throughout the world and make them more visible;
  • Gather data that helps us to track what type of impact we are having, and with which groups of people (this helps us when seeking funding for projects);
  • Collect best practices and share them to support trainers;
  • Understand the factors that help trainers to thrive and enjoy their work (and factors that get in the way of this).
  • Fully align intention, behavior, and commitments between all parties. This includes clarity about processes when the agreement is not upheld.


By signing this agreement, as a CT I agree to align my actions with the CNVC Mission Statement, Code of Ethics, and Goals:


CNVC strives for all of our operations, activities, and programs to be based on mutual consideration of human needs in harmony with the consciousness of Nonviolent Communication. Therefore, CNVC longs for all relationships with Certified Trainers and participants to be based on honesty and empathy within the context of keeping to this Trainer Agreement.


CNVC’s goal is to continue developing and supporting a strong growing community of Certified Trainers who use their skills toward nurturing a more peaceful world.


The more Certified Trainers value Nonviolent Communication consciousness in their teaching and living, the more effective the whole Nonviolent Communication community will be in reaching our goal of creating a more peaceful world.

In order to live the values of Nonviolent Communication, CNVC asks Certified Trainers to maintain an ongoing process of personal development, supporting each other by exchanging materials, giving and receiving feedback and offering empathy, and exploring ways to develop new training designs and materials. CNVC encourages Certified Trainers in the Annual Trainer Survey to share information about their work.


Certified Trainers agree to work with their participants in harmony with the values of mutual trust, safety and respect. CNVC holds a core value that Certified Trainers maintain a high degree of personal integrity in, and awareness of, their role and responsibilities when teaching, evaluating, supervising or advising a participant and especially when boundaries are being tested and relationships being formed.


In the course of Nonviolent Communication events, it is possible that participants and trainers alike may feel an unexpected level of emotional intensity, intimacy, or vulnerability, and may wish to express these feelings as sexual contact.

CNVC wants to model and stand for integrity, responsibility, consideration, and care towards event participants, CT candidates, and communities, in order to create safer learning spaces. CNVC wants to raise awareness around:

  • power dynamics that come into play.
  • impact of a relationship (sexual, romantic, or other) across power differences.
  • vulnerability of people who step into potentially emotionally-charged environments.

Therefore, Certified Trainers agree to the following:

  • Abstain from sexual contact with training participants, private students, coachees or clients during Nonviolent Communication events and for a period of 6 months after the professional relationship has ended.
  • If a Certified Trainer develops romantic or sexual feelings for a participant, or if a participant expresses such feelings for a CT, we ask the CT to seek support and offer transparency within the training team or personal support circle to find a way to care for everyone without getting further involved. Openness to feedback is essential to minimize blind spots.

For more information and depth about this request, please refer to the guidelines in the Sex and Intimacy document that appears in the Certification Preparation Packet.


CNVC and Certified Trainers agree to remain aware and mindful in creating inclusivity, celebrating diversity, and maintaining equality and fairness for all participants with regard to their color, race, religion, class, gender, age, ability, and political beliefs and to support participants to make their needs known.

CNVC and CT's strive to include participants and trainers from countries and groups that have been historically disenfranchised and promote economic accessibility for all to join CNVC events and resources.

We ask that trainers create spaces that are strong enough to hold many perspectives, needs, and honest expressions of every participant, including the cultural beliefs and practices that the people present have brought with them.

Essentially, we are aiming for containers that welcome freedom of expression, vulnerable sharing, and honoring and caring for everyone's vulnerability. If requests around confidentiality arise, we ask trainers to navigate this with participants in a way that encourages the formulation of requests and agreements that work for the situation and everyone present.


CNVC defines a conflict of interest as a situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial or otherwise, and serving one interest could involve working against another, or have perceived or real personal gain or gain to a connected person.

Certified Trainers agree to disclose any contract or professional role that may impact their personal, professional, legal or financial interests, as well as any relationship that may compromise their objectivity, competence, or effectiveness in performing their duties as a CT. Furthermore, CTs agree to enter into an open and transparent discussion on how to manage any perceived or actual conflicts of interest.


We acknowledge that concerns, complaints, disagreements, and disputes may arise within the network, with participants or between CNVC and CTs concerning this agreement.

CTs, Board Members, and the Executive Director agree to address these issues with the people concerned in the first instance, and at the earliest opportunity, as an informal attempt to find an acceptable solution between the parties.

CTs, Board Members, and the Executive Director also agree that if any one of us are approached to resolve an issue we will engage to the best of our ability in finding resolution. This means that when it is needed, CTs, Board Members, and the Executive Director agree to seek support within the network from a person or conflict transformation group that is mutually acceptable to all parties involved. It is our hope that this approach will result in a resolution that is satisfactory to everyone involved.

If conflicts occur that are not resolved and are creating harm to CNVC, CTs, and/or Board Members, CNVC might temporarily suspend the trainer’s active status until they are willing to engage in a conflict resolution process (or mediation) with those who are being impacted by their actions.

In the event that the parties cannot come to a resolution and a third party is needed, CNVC will engage an arbitrator from the International Centre for Dispute Resolution and all parties agree to abide by the outcome of this process.

In the event that any controversy, claim, or dispute between the parties arising out of or related to the arbitration process or the Trainer Agreement which is not solved by any of the methods described above, the dispute will be understood and interpreted according to the laws and legal statutes of the State of Texas, Travis County, United States.

Because CNVC is registered in the United States, State of Texas, ultimately we are subject to their laws even though some Nonviolent Communication principles differ from the principles of these legal systems. Our hope is that using these systems is a last resort, and that we can use Nonviolent Communication principles to find a mutually satisfactory solution.


By signing this agreement, CTs agree to align their intentions and actions with the terms and conditions outlined in Section I above. In response, CNVC grants the CT the non-exclusive and non-assignable right to use the name, registered trademark and service mark, and training materials of CNVC.


Except for the title of “CNVC Certified Trainer” or “Certified Trainer” specifically granted by this Agreement, CNVC reserves all rights in its name, registered trademark and service mark, and copyrighted training materials.


It is expressly agreed by the parties that an important asset of CNVC is its goodwill and that it may become necessary for the CT to take action to protect that goodwill. If CNVC becomes aware of reasonable grounds to believe actions of the CT may cause damage to CNVC’s goodwill, CNVC is free to take action to notify the CT of the injury, loss or harm and seek to solve the problem using the Nonviolent Communication process.


This Agreement is in effect until CNVC updates it. Each year on the Annual Trainer Survey, CNVC will ask each trainer to reaffirm that they are willing to act in alignment with this Trainer Agreement. An opportunity will be provided on the survey to give feedback or make suggestions for changes to future versions of this Agreement.


It is understood and agreed by the parties that this Agreement does not create a partnership, joint venture, agency, employment, or fiduciary relationship of any kind between them, and nothing in this Agreement is intended to make either party a general or special agent, joint venturer, partner, or employee of the other for any purpose.


Certified Trainers are practitioners who are affiliated with CNVC through the Certification process. When CNVC designates people as CTs, the organization provides credibility and visibility to them as people who the organization trusts and recommends to the general public to share Nonviolent Communication.

Each trainer operates independently in their own business structures from a financial and legal standpoint. CNVC encourages trainers to establish business structures, acquire liability insurance when it is relevant, and use resources that support them in their work of sharing NVC in the world. However, CNVC does not currently provide these resources for CTs.

CNVC assumes no liability for any debt or obligation incurred, or warranty, guarantee, or representation given by the Certified Trainer in connection with the use of their status of Certified Trainer as described in this Agreement. CTs indemnify CNVC against all claims, liabilities, and costs arising from CNVC Certified Trainer malpractice or conduct which is not in harmony with the values of NVC or the contents of this agreement. In addition, CNVC recommends that CTs obtain professional liability insurance.


CNVC may issue a Notification of Breach of Agreement if the organization has reasonable grounds to believe that the CT has taken actions that could damage the reputation of CNVC, or has taken actions which create liability issues for CNVC. 


The CT will be notified by email, using the email address provided by the CT to CNVC and will be asked to respond within 14 days. It is the responsibility of the CT to ensure that their email address is up to date in the CNVC database.


When CNVC perceives that a CT has violated one or more terms of this agreement, one Board Member and the Executive Director will reach out to the CT to discuss the situation, explore solutions, and seek to make agreements that address the organization’s concerns and also is consistent with the CT’s needs.

If this does not lead to a mutually satisfying result, the next step is to initiate a restorative process to which the following parties are invited:

  • CT who is perceived to have violated the Trainer Agreement
  • Person who is perceiving the violation of the Trainer Agreement
  • One or more Board Members
  • Executive Director
  • Facilitator trained in Nonviolent Communication-based restorative practices or mediation and agreeable to all parties (if a person cannot be agreed upon by CNVC and the CT, the Programs Resource Circle will be asked to appoint a facilitator)

If the CT who is perceived to have violated the Trainer Agreement is not willing to participate in the Restorative Circle, or if the Restorative Circle does not result in mutually agreeable outcome, CNVC will engage an arbitrator from the International Centre for Dispute Resolution and all parties agree to abide by the outcome of this process. 


If procedures for addressing the issues as described above have failed, CNVC will notify the CT that their status as a Certified Trainer is suspended. Notification shall be by the method deemed to be the most likely to give actual notice to CT and will include email notification.


Upon receiving notification from CNVC that this Agreement is suspended, the CT shall immediately cease to use any of the items in connection with the promotion or delivery of CT’s training activities, including but not limited to the following:

  • Use of the CNVC logo
  • Claiming that they are a current CNVC Certified Trainer

The CT is not disqualified from consideration for a renewed agreement by CNVC in the future as a result of having been suspended, and the decision regarding the appropriateness of future status is fully within the discretion of CNVC and will be exercised in a manner consistent with the Mission and Code of Ethics of CNVC.



Any notice required by this Agreement will be deemed to have been properly delivered to a party if sent by certified mail or electronic mail to the address of the respective party as set forth below.


Center for Nonviolent Communication
1401 Lavaca Street
Suite 873
Austin, Texas 78701 United States

Email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


The CT agrees to make an annual financial contribution to CNVC in order to support the organization’s subsistence, and to support CTs around the world by creating visibility of CTs and serving as a central hub for the global Nonviolent Communication network.

To support the organization's sustainability, CNVC requests an Annual Trainer Contribution in the amount of USD $300 or more. If, due to personal, economic, or structural circumstances, a CT is unable to pay this amount, CNVC asks the CT to contribute an amount after considering the following factors:

  • Ability to pay: How much financial resources do you have access to?
  • Desire to support CNVC: How much would you like to give, to support the sharing of Nonviolent Communication in the world?
  • The value that you receive: How is your life enriched by being associated with CNVC? In what ways does being a Certified Trainer help you share Nonviolent Communication in the world?

CNVC asks you to choose an amount that is a modest stretch for you, but that also allows you to maintain your sustainability and well being. Even if the amount that you will pay is $0, we ask you to state on the Annual Trainer Survey the amount that you will contribute as a form of engagement and participation. Among other things, this gives CNVC important information about trainers to learn from.

The Annual Trainer Contribution supports the cost of the CNVC certification program and related activities, as well as maintaining the CNVC website, record-keeping, referrals, supporting access and community connection for Certified Trainers. Once you fill out the Annual Trainer Survey, you will receive instructions for how to make your Annual Trainer Contribution.


Certified Trainers may resign their role as a Certified Trainer at any time by informing the CNVC Certification Department in writing at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. A Trainer who has withdrawn and subsequently wishes to reinstate their Certified Trainer status agrees to contact the Certification Department and agree the steps to reinstatement before signing the Trainer Agreement.


I have read and understand the Mission Statement and Code of Ethics, as well as all other terms and conditions of this Agreement as set forth above. By my signature below, I acknowledge that a material element of the consideration for the grant of the status/title as CNVC Certified Trainer is my promise that I will use my best efforts to align my actions in relation to my activities as a CNVC Certified Trainer with the Mission and Code of Ethics of CNVC and that my failure to do so shall be considered a material breach of contract and grounds to suspend the certification granted.

I acknowledge that I have had the opportunity to consult with an attorney or any other legal advisor prior to signing.

This Agreement shall become effective only after the signing and delivery of this Agreement by each of the Parties and no other course of conduct, oral agreement or written memoranda shall bind the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained in this Agreement except this Agreement itself. This Agreement may be signed and delivered by way of electronic signature and delivery, which when delivered, shall function as the original.

Each individual signing this Agreement on behalf of a Party has been duly authorized and empowered to sign and deliver this Agreement.


  • Maintains the website
  • Responds to general public enquiries
  • Refers requests and business opportunities to CTs
  • Maintains a virtual bookstore / online shop of Nonviolent Communication educational materials for sale (sales are fulfilled by other distributors)
  • Creates and sponsors intensive trainings (IITs) and other CNVC-organized events
  • Helps the public connect to Certified Trainers
  • Provides administrative support for the certification program, including supporting candidates and assessors
  • Offers administrative support when trainers are addressing conflicts.

2. Designation as a “CNVC Certified Trainer” including use of the names "CNVC" and “The Center for Nonviolent Communication” along with the CNVC logo and branding.

3. Attendance at trainings sponsored by CNVC such as International Intensive Trainings (IITs) without tuition charge or at discounted tuition charge may be available depending on CNVC resources to the extent there is space available. CNVC may at its discretion limit the number of places available. CTs are responsible for their travel, accommodation, and other costs.

4. Consideration to be part of IIT Trainer Teams subject to eligibility which includes being current with the annual renewal steps for CTs. IIT Trainers are contracted and paid by CNVC provided that the CT has completed and submitted the most recent Annual Trainer Survey and has made their Annual Trainer Contribution (see section VI 3 of this document)

5. Use of and specific functions dedicated to CNVC Certified Trainer support including:

  • Post and promote profile information in a searchable database of trainers.
  • Post and promote upcoming events in an online training schedule.
  • Email CNVC supporters with agreed and approved content that includes notices of upcoming training, and promotion of Nonviolent Communication-related events.
  • Access to the Certified Trainers Global Home, for sharing materials and curriculum, offering and receiving training advice and seeking support.

6. In addition, and in accordance with the bylaws adopted on 09-Aug-2020 all Certified Trainers (“CTs”) are automatically Members of CNVC. Each Member eligible for voting will have one vote on all matters put forward for voting. CTs will be eligible for voting when they comply with the requirements of the CNVC Trainer Agreement relevant for the year in question. The Member Voting Rights relate to:

  • election of Board Members
  • amendment of Bylaws
  • decisions at a Special Purpose meeting.

7. After signing this agreement, Certified Trainers may legally use:

  • The name "Center for Nonviolent Communication" or CNVC.
  • The logo of the Center for Nonviolent Communication.
  • Training Materials containing the name or logo of CNVC.
  • The title, “Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication" or "CNVC Certified Trainer."


In Accordance with the Agreement, Certified Trainers will: 

1. Maintain the core values of the Nonviolent Communication process. Clearly distinguish Nonviolent Communication from other teachings, concepts, skills, methods or philosophies, even if they are consistent with Nonviolent Communication.

2. Support a consistent and clear connection with, and recognition of, CNVC.

  • Exhibit presence in the international community by mentioning CNVC on any Nonviolent Communication media or materials you produce such as business cards, signatures, brochures, and websites.
  • The signature “CNVC Certified Trainer” or equivalent translation.

3. Mutually support other members of the CNVC Certified Trainer community by:

  • Sharing handouts and other training support materials with one another and with CNVC, with credit given to the original creator.
  • Contacting Certified Trainers and Nonviolent Communication communities before you initiate in-person public Nonviolent Communication events in their region for potential collaboration, connection, and follow-up.
  • Collaborating with other CTs in your region and coordinating events in new areas whenever feasible or possible.

4. Support Ongoing Learning by:

  • Requesting feedback from training participants.
  • Offering feedback to your fellow Certified Trainers, CNVC Staff, and community members so everyone can grow in our understanding of the consciousness of Nonviolent Communication and in our skill to promote Nonviolent Communication awareness in the world.
  • Working with and attending workshops of other Certified Trainers, and offering attendance to other CNVC Members without fee or at a reduced cost.
  • Participating in a Nonviolent Communication community. We strongly encourage you to participate in existing Nonviolent Communication communities in your region and/or to form them when possible, in order to learn, grow, and collaborate with your colleagues.

5. Support CNVC’s mission by contributing to connection. For example, offer trainings or mediation skills to resolve conflicts, and facilitate connections with other Certified Trainers for additional support.

6. Consider supporting CNVC’s mission by making additional financial contributions if you have the financial means to do so. Financial or “in kind” contributions to CNVC or regional and local groups helps to promote the spread of Nonviolent Communication in the world. Aside from the agreed CNVC Certified Trainer contribution referred to in the section called ‘Support of CNVC’ we ask you to make additional contributions where it is given freely and allows you to maintain your financial sustainability.

I agree to the terms and conditions described above to be a CNVC Certified Trainer starting which will remain in effect until a new Trainer Agreement is created by CNVC. 
This Trainer Agreement was revised by a Task Force that worked from October 2022 to February 2023 and was co-chaired by Lorna Ritchie, Certified Trainer (Germany) and Jeff Brown, Executive Director (United States).


Center for Nonviolent Communication
By: Jeff Brown, Executive Director


Read more …Trainer Agreement (for review only)

Trainer Agreement [ES]

Firmar Acuerdo de Entrenadores

Acuerdo de Entrenadores


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El propĂłsito de este acuerdo es crear alineaciĂłn y sinergia entre CNVC y Los/las Formadores/as Certificados/as, y ayudar a todos los involucrados a tener mĂĄs Ă©xito al compartir la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta.

Este acuerdo ha sido objeto de importantes revisiones para 2023, con el objetivo de ser mĂĄs significativo, relevante, inspirador y alineado con los principios de CNV que todos valoramos.

Lea este Acuerdo y, si estĂĄ de acuerdo, fĂ­rmelo al final. Si tiene preguntas, envĂ­enos un correo electrĂłnico a [email protected]


El Centro de Comunicación No Violenta (CNVC en lo siguiente por sus siglas en inglés) es una organización global que apoya el aprendizaje y el intercambio de comunicación no violenta, y ayuda a las personas a resolver conflictos de manera pacífica y efectiva en entornos personales, organizacionales y políticos.

CNVC es una organizaciĂłn sin fines de lucro 501(c)(3) exenta de impuestos registrada en los Estados Unidos, en el estado de Texas.

CNVC es un cuidador de la integridad del proceso de comunicaciĂłn no violenta y un punto de conexiĂłn de informaciĂłn y recursos relacionados con la comunicaciĂłn no violenta, que incluyen capacitaciĂłn, resoluciĂłn de conflictos, proyectos y servicios de consultorĂ­a organizacional. La misiĂłn de CNVC es contribuir a relaciones humanas mĂĄs sostenibles, compasivas y "que sirven a la vida" en los ĂĄmbitos del cambio personal, las relaciones interpersonales y en los sistemas y estructuras sociales, como negocios/economĂ­a, educaciĂłn, justicia, salud y conservaciĂłn de la paz. El trabajo de comunicaciĂłn no violenta se realiza en mĂĄs de 65 paĂ­ses y estĂĄ creciendo, impactando las vidas de cientos de miles de personas en todo el mundo.

Los/las Formadores/as Certificados/as (FC en lo siguiente) son personas que CNVC ha determinado, de acuerdo con el proceso de evaluaciĂłn de la organizaciĂłn, como individuos que viven y encarnan los valores y principios de la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta. AdemĂĄs, los/las FC pueden describir los principios clave y pueden compartir la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta de una manera consistente con el proceso creado por Marshall Rosenberg.

Incluso despuĂ©s de obtener la certificaciĂłn, CNVC les pide a los/las FC que continĂșen aprendiendo e integrando los principios de la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta como parte de un proceso de educaciĂłn continua.

El CNVC solicita a los/las FC que adopten el proceso de aprender y vivir la conciencia de la Comunicación No Violenta y, por lo tanto, contribuyan de todas las formas posibles dentro de los límites de su voluntad y capacidad en proyectos comunitarios locales y/o internacionales, como voluntarios en los órganos de gobierno del CNVC (círculos, comités o grupos de trabajo), multiplicando de esta forma las posibilidades de fomentar los cambios de paradigma de alienar la vida a enriquecer la vida en todos los niveles.


El propĂłsito de este acuerdo es establecer un punto de alineaciĂłn y crear sinergia entre el CNVC y los/las FC, y ayudar a todos los involucrados a tener mĂĄs Ă©xito con sus misiones.

Este acuerdo entre CNVC y los/las FC otorga a los/las FC el derecho a usar la marca registrada y la marca de servicio de CNVC, así como otros beneficios identificados en el Apéndice 1, junto con una solicitud de los/las FC para completar la Encuesta anual de entrenadores que permite a CNVC:

  • Celebrar las contribuciones que los capacitadores estĂĄn haciendo en todo el mundo y hacerlas mĂĄs visibles;
  • Recopilar datos que nos ayudan a rastrear quĂ© tipo de impacto estamos teniendo y con quĂ© grupos de personas (esto nos ayuda a la hora de buscar financiamiento para proyectos);
  • Recopilar las mejores prĂĄcticas y compartirlas para apoyar a los capacitadores;
  • Comprender los factores que ayudan a los capacitadores a prosperar y disfrutar de su trabajo (y los factores que se interponen en el camino para lograrlo).
  • Alinear completamente la intenciĂłn, el comportamiento y los compromisos entre todas las partes. Esto incluye claridad sobre los procesos cuando no se respeta el acuerdo.


Al firmar este acuerdo, como FC, acepto alinear mis acciones con la MisiĂłn, el CĂłdigo de Ă©tica y los Objetivos de CNVC:

1. Nuestra Misión y Código de Ética

(CNVC se) Nos Esforzamos porque todas nuestras operaciones, actividades y programas se basen en la consideraciĂłn mutua de necesidades humanas en armonĂ­a con la conciencia de la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta. Por lo tanto, [en el cĂłdigo de Ă©tica], CNVC anhela que todas las relaciones con los Entrenadores Certificados y los participantes se basen en la honestidad y la empatĂ­a dentro del contexto de cumplimiento de este Acuerdo de Entrenador.

2. Nuestra Meta

El objetivo de CNVC es continuar desarrollando y apoyando una comunidad sĂłlida y en crecimiento de Entrenadores Certificados que usan sus habilidades para fomentar un mundo mĂĄs pacĂ­fico.

3. Nuestra comprensiĂłn de la calidad

En cuanto mås valoren los/las FC la conciencia de la Comunicación No Violenta en su enseñanza y en su vida, mås eficaz serå toda la comunidad de Comunicación No Violenta para alcanzar nuestro objetivo de crear un mundo mås pacífico.

Para vivir los valores de la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta, CNVC pide a los Entrenadores Certificados que mantengan un proceso continuo de desarrollo personal, apoyĂĄndose mutuamente, intercambiando materiales, dando y recibiendo comentarios y ofreciendo empatĂ­a, y explorando formas de desarrollar nuevos diseños y materiales de capacitaciĂłn. CNVC alienta a los Entrenadores Certificados a elegir compartir su informaciĂłn con todos los Miembros o con el PĂșblico en General en la Encuesta Anual de Entrenadores.

4. Respeto hacia los participantes

los/las FC acuerdan trabajar con sus participantes en armonĂ­a con los valores de confianza mutua, seguridad y respeto. CNVC tiene como valor fundamental que los/las FC mantengan un alto grado de integridad personal y conciencia de su rol y responsabilidades cuando enseñan, evalĂșan, supervisan o asesoran a un participante y especialmente cuando se ponen a prueba los lĂ­mites y se forman relaciones.

5. Manteniendo lĂ­mites

En el transcurso de los eventos de ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta, es posible que tanto los participantes como los capacitadores sientan un nivel inesperado de intensidad emocional, intimidad o vulnerabilidad, y deseen expresar estos sentimientos en forma de contacto sexual.

CNVC quiere ser modelo y representar la integridad, la responsabilidad, la consideraciĂłn y el cuidado hacia los participantes del evento, los candidatos de los/las FC y las comunidades, para crear espacios de aprendizaje mĂĄs seguros. CNVC quiere crear conciencia sobre:

  • las dinĂĄmicas de poder que entran en juego.
  • el impacto de una relaciĂłn (sexual, romĂĄntica u otra) a travĂ©s de las diferencias de poder.
  • la vulnerabilidad de las personas que entran en entornos que potencialmente estĂĄn cargados de emociones.

Por lo tanto, los/las FC aceptan lo siguiente:

  • Abstenerse de tener contacto sexual con los participantes de la capacitaciĂłn, estudiantes privados, coachees o clientes durante eventos de ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta y por un periodo de 6 meses una vez finalizada la relaciĂłn profesional.
  • Si un/a FC desarrolla sentimientos romĂĄnticos o sexuales por un participante, o si un participante expresa tales sentimientos por un/a FC, le pedimos a los/las FC que busque apoyo y ofrezca transparencia dentro del equipo de capacitaciĂłn o cĂ­rculo de apoyo personal para encontrar una manera de cuidar a todos, sin involucrarse mĂĄs. La apertura a la retroalimentaciĂłn es esencial para minimizar los puntos ciegos.

Para obtener mås información y profundidad sobre esta solicitud, consulte las directrices del Documento sobre sexo e intimidad que se encuentra en el Paquete de Preparación para la Certificación.

6. InclusiĂłn y creaciĂłn de un espacio para todos

CNVC y los/las FC acuerdan permanecer atentos y conscientes para crear inclusión, celebrar la diversidad y mantener la igualdad y la equidad para todos los participantes en cuanto a su color, raza, religión, clase, género, edad, capacidad y creencias políticas y apoyar a los participantes para sus necesidades sean conocidas.

CNVC y los/las FC se esfuerzan por incluir participantes y formadores de paĂ­ses y grupos que histĂłricamente han sido privados de sus derechos y promover la accesibilidad econĂłmica para que todos se unan a los eventos y recursos de CNVC.

Pedimos a los formadores que creen espacios que sean lo suficientemente fuertes para dar contenciĂłn a muchas perspectivas, necesidades y expresiones honestas de cada participante, incluidas las creencias y prĂĄcticas culturales que las personas presentes han traĂ­do consigo.

Esencialmente, estamos buscando espacios de contenciĂłn que acojan la libertad de expresiĂłn, el intercambio vulnerable y honrar y cuidar de la vulnerabilidad de todos. Si surgen solicitudes relacionadas con la confidencialidad, les pedimos a los Entrenadores que naveguen esta solicitud con los participantes de una manera que fomente la formulaciĂłn de solicitudes y acuerdos que funcionen para la situaciĂłn y todos los presentes.

7. Conflicto de intereses

CNVC define un conflicto de intereses como una situaciĂłn en la que una persona u organizaciĂłn estĂĄ involucrada en mĂșltiples intereses, financieros o de otro tipo, y servir un interĂ©s podrĂ­a implicar trabajar en contra de otro, o tener una ganancia personal posible o real para una persona con la que estĂĄ conectada.

Los/las FC aceptan declarar cualquier contrato o función profesional que pueda afectar sus intereses o relaciones personales, profesionales, legales, financieras que puedan menoscabar su objetividad, competencia o eficacia en el desempeño de sus funciones como FC. Ademås, el/la FC acepta entrar en una discusión abierta y transparente sobre cómo se manejarå el conflicto de intereses posible o real.

8. ResoluciĂłn de Conflictos y Disputas

Nosotros reconocemos que pueden surgir inquietudes, quejas, desacuerdos y disputas dentro de la red, con los participantes o entre CNVC y los/las FC con respecto a este acuerdo.

Los/las FC, los miembros de la Junta y el Director Ejecutivo acuerdan abordar estos temas con las personas involucradas en primera instancia, y tan pronto sea posible, como un intento informal de encontrar una soluciĂłn aceptable entre las partes.

Los/las FC, los miembros de la junta y el director ejecutivo también acuerdan que si alguno de nosotros es contactado para resolver un problema, haremos lo mejor que podamos para encontrar una solución. Esto significa que cuando sea necesario, los/las FC, los miembros de la junta y el director ejecutivo acuerdan buscar apoyo dentro de la red de una persona o grupo de transformación de conflictos que sea mutuamente aceptable para todas las partes involucradas. Esperamos que este enfoque resulte en una resolución que sea satisfactoria para todos los involucrados.

Si ocurren conflictos que no se resuelven y estån creando daños a el CNVC, los/las FC y/o los miembros de la Junta, CNVC podría suspender temporalmente el estado activo del capacitador hasta que esté dispuesto a participar en un proceso de resolución de conflictos (o mediación) con aquellos que estån siendo impactados por sus acciones.

En caso de que las partes no puedan llegar a un acuerdo y se necesite un tercero, CNVC contratarĂĄ un ĂĄrbitro desde el Centro Internacional para la ResoluciĂłn de Disputas y todas las partes acuerdan acatar el resultado de este proceso.

En caso de que cualquier controversia, reclamo o disputa entre las partes que surja de- o esté relacionada con el proceso de arbitraje o el Acuerdo de Entrenador que no se resuelva por ninguno de los métodos descritos anteriormente, la disputa se entenderå e interpretarå de acuerdo con las leyes y estatutos legales del Estado de Texas, Condado de Travis, Estados Unidos.

Debido a que CNVC estĂĄ registrado en los Estados Unidos, Estado de Texas, en Ășltima instancia, estamos sujetos a sus leyes, aunque algunos principios de ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta difieren de los principios de estos sistemas legales. Nuestra esperanza es que el uso de estos sistemas sea el Ășltimo recurso y que podamos usar los principios de la comunicaciĂłn no violenta para encontrar una soluciĂłn mutuamente satisfactoria.


Al firmar este acuerdo, los/las FC acuerdan alinear sus intenciones y comportamiento con los términos y condiciones descritos en la Sección I arriba. En respuesta, el CNVC otorga los/las FC el derecho no exclusivo e intransferible de usar el nombre, la marca registrada y la marca de servicio, y los materiales de capacitación del CNVC.

1. Reserva de Derechos

Excepto por el tĂ­tulo de "Formador certificado de CNVC" o "Entrenador certificado" otorgado especĂ­ficamente por este Acuerdo, CNVC se reserva todos los derechos sobre su nombre, marca registrada y marca de servicio, y materiales de capacitaciĂłn protegidos por derechos de autor.

2. “Goodwill” de CNVC

Las partes acuerdan expresamente que un activo importante del CNVC es su “Goodwill” (figura utilizada en las leyes de Estados Unidos de Norte America) y que puede ser necesario que los/las FC tomen medidas para protegerlo.

Si el CNVC tiene conocimiento de motivos razonables para creer que las acciones del CT puede causar daño al “Goodwill” de CNVC, CNVC es libre de tomar medidas para notificar los/las FC sobre la lesiĂłn, pĂ©rdida o daño y tratar de resolver el problema mediante el proceso de comunicaciĂłn no violenta.

3. TĂ©rmino del Acuerdo

Este Acuerdo estå vigente hasta que CNVC lo actualice. Cada año, en la Encuesta anual de capacitadores, el CNVC le pedirå a cada capacitador que reafirme que estå dispuesto a actuar de conformidad con este Acuerdo de capacitadores. Se proporcionarå una oportunidad en la encuesta para dar su opinión o hacer sugerencias para cambios en versiones futuras de este Acuerdo.


Las partes entienden y acuerdan que este Acuerdo no crea una sociedad, empresa conjunta, agencia, empleo o relaciĂłn fiduciaria de ningĂșn tipo entre ellas, y nada en este Acuerdo pretende convertir a ninguna de las partes en un agente general o especial, empresa conjunta, socio o empleado del otro para cualquier fin.

1. Sin responsabilidad jurĂ­dica y financiera en la relaciĂłn entre las partes

Los/las Formadores/as Certificados/as son profesionales que estĂĄn afiliados a CNVC a travĂ©s del proceso de CertificaciĂłn. Cuando CNVC designa a personas como CT, la organizaciĂłn les brinda credibilidad y visibilidad como personas en las que la organizaciĂłn confĂ­a y recomienda al pĂșblico en general para compartir la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta.

Cada formador/a opera de forma independiente en sus propias estructuras comerciales desde un punto de vista financiero y legal. CNVC anima a los formadores a establecer estructuras empresariales, adquirir un seguro de responsabilidad civil cuando sea pertinente, y utilizar recursos que les apoyen en su trabajo de compartir la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta en el mundo. Sin embargo, el CNVC actualmente no proporciona estos recursos a los/las FC.

CNVC no asume ninguna responsabilidad por cualquier deuda u obligación contraída, o garantía, garantía o representación otorgada por los/las FC en relación con el uso de sus beneficios como FC como se describe en este Acuerdo. Como parte de este acuerdo, los/las FC indemnizan al CNVC contra todos los reclamos, responsabilidades y costos que surjan de la mala pråctica o conducta de el/la FC del CNVC que no esté en armonía con los valores de la Comunicación No Violenta o el contenido de este acuerdo. Adicionalmente CNVC recomienda que los/las FC tengan un seguro de responsabilidad civil profesional.


CNVC puede emitir una notificaciĂłn de incumplimiento, si la organizaciĂłn tiene motivos razonables para creer que algĂșn/a FC ha realizado acciones que podrĂ­an dañar la reputaciĂłn del CNVC, o ha realizado actos o acciones que puedan provocar situaciones donde se responsabilice equivocadamente al CNVC.

1. MĂ©todo de notificaciĂłn

El/la FC serå notificado por correo electrónico, utilizando la dirección de correo electrónico proporcionada por el/la FC al CNVC y se le solicitarå que responda dentro de los 14 días. Es responsabilidad de el/la FC asegurarse de que su dirección de correo electrónico esté actualizada en la base de datos del CNVC.

2. Proceso

Cuando el CNVC perciba que el/la FC ha violado uno o mås términos de este acuerdo, un miembro de la Junta y el Director Ejecutivo se comunicarån con los/las FC para hablar sobre la situación, explorar soluciones y buscar acuerdos que aborden las preocupaciones de la organización y también sea consistente con las necesidades de los/las FC.

Si esto no conduce a un resultado mutuamente satisfactorio, el siguiente paso serĂĄ iniciar un proceso restaurativo al que se invitarĂĄ a las siguientes partes:

  • El/la FC que se percibe, ha incumplido con el Acuerdo de Entrenador
  • Persona que estĂĄ percibiendo el incumplimiento del Acuerdo de Entrenador
  • Uno o mĂĄs miembros de la Junta
  • Director ejecutivo
  • Facilitador capacitado en prĂĄcticas restaurativas basadas en la comunicaciĂłn no violenta o mediaciĂłn y reconocido para todas las partes (si el CNVC y el/la FC no pueden ponerse de acuerdo sobre una persona, se le pedirĂĄ al CĂ­rculo de Recursos de Programas que nombre un facilitador).

Si el/la FC considera que se ha incumplido el Acuerdo del Entrenador, no estå dispuesto a participar en el Círculo Restaurativo, o si el Círculo Restaurativo no da como resultado un resultado aceptable para las partes, el CNVC contratarå a un årbitro desde el Centro Internacional para la Resolución de Disputas y todas las partes acuerdan acatar el resultado de este proceso.


Si los procedimientos para abordar los problemas descritos anteriormente han fallado, el CNVC notificarå a el/la FC que se suspenderå su condición de Entrenador Certificado. La notificación se harå por el método que se considere mås probable para ser visto por el/la FC e incluirå una notificación por correo electrónico.

1. Compromiso de los/las FC ante la NotificaciĂłn de SuspensiĂłn

Al recibir la notificaciĂłn del CNVC, el presente Acuerdo queda suspendido, el/la FC dejarĂĄ inmediatamente de usar cualquiera de los elementos, actos o textos y/o palabras relacionadas con la promociĂłn o difusiĂłn de actividades formativas de el/la FC, incluyendo pero no limitado a lo siguiente:

  • Uso del logotipo de CNVC
  • Afirmar que es un entrenador certificado actual de CNVC

2. Elegibilidad para la restauración del estatus de Entrenador Certificado después de la Suspensión

No se descarta la renovaciĂłn del acuerdo de el/la FC, por parte del CNVC en el futuro despuĂ©s de haber sido suspendido, y la decisiĂłn con respecto a la idoneidad del estado futuro estĂĄ totalmente dentro de la discreciĂłn de CNVC y se ejercerĂĄ de manera consistente con la MisiĂłn y CĂłdigo Ético del CNVC.


1. Direcciones para Notificaciones

Se considerarĂĄ que cualquier notificaciĂłn requerida por este Acuerdo se ha entregado correctamente a una parte, si se envĂ­a por correo certificado o correo electrĂłnico a la direcciĂłn de la parte respectiva, como se establece a continuaciĂłn.

2. DirecciĂłn del CNVC

Center for Nonviolent Communication
1401 Lavaca Street, Suite 873
Austin, Texas 78701 Estados Unidos

DirecciĂłn de correo electrĂłnico: [email protected]

3. Apoyo del CNVC

Los/las FC acuerdan hacer una contribución financiera anual a CNVC para apoyar la subsistencia de la organización, y así pueda apoyar y hacer visibles a todos los/las FC en todo el mundo, como eje central de la red global de Comunicación No Violenta. Para apoyar la sostenibilidad de la organización, la CNVC requiere una Contribución anual del entrenador por la cantidad de USD$ 300 o mås.

Si por circunstancias personales, econĂłmicas o estructurales, un/a FC no puede pagar este monto, el CNVC solicita a el/la FC que aporte un monto luego de considerar los siguientes factores:

  • Capacidad de pago: ÂżA cuĂĄntos recursos econĂłmicos tiene acceso??
  • Desea de apoyar al CNVC: ÂżCuĂĄnto le gustarĂ­a dar para apoyar el intercambio de ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta en el mundo?
  • El valor que recibe: ÂżCĂłmo se enriquece su vida al estar asociado con CNVC? ÂżDe quĂ© manera ser un Entrenador Certificado te ayuda a compartir la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta en el mundo?

CNVC pide que se elija una cantidad que sea modesta para el/lla FC, y que también le permita mantener su sostenibilidad y bienestar. Incluso si la cantidad que pagarå es $0, el CNVC pide que el/la FC indique en el Encuesta anual de entrenadores, el monto como una forma de compromiso y participación. Entre otras cosas, esto le da al CNVC información importante sobre los entrenadores de los que puede aprender.

La ContribuciĂłn Anual del FC apoya el costo del programa de certificaciĂłn CNVC y sus actividades, ademĂĄs de mantener el sitio web de CNVC, mantenimiento de registros, referencias, acceso de apoyo y conexiĂłn con la comunidad para el/la FC. Una vez que complete la Encuesta anual de capacitadores, recibirĂĄ instrucciones sobre cĂłmo realizar la ContribuciĂłn anual de capacitadores.

4. Cambio en el estatus de la certificaciĂłn

El/la FC podrĂĄ renunciar a su rol de Formador Certificado en cualquier momento comunicĂĄndolo por escrito al Departamento de CertificaciĂłn del CNVC al correo: [email protected].

Un/a FC que se ha retirado y posteriormente desea restablecer el estatus de Formador Certificado, acepta comunicarse con el Departamento de CertificaciĂłn y acordar los pasos para el restablecimiento del estatus, antes de firmar el Acuerdo de Entrenador.

5. Reconocimiento / AutorizaciĂłn

He leído y comprendo la declaración de misión y el código de ética, así como todos los demås términos y condiciones de este acuerdo, tal como se establece anteriormente.

Con mi firma a continuaciĂłn, reconozco que un elemento material de la contraprestaciĂłn para la concesiĂłn del acuerdo de entrenadores es mi promesa de que harĂ© todo lo posible para alinear mis acciones, en relaciĂłn con mis actividades como FC de CNVC, con la MisiĂłn y el CĂłdigo de Ética de CNVC y que de no ser asĂ­, se considerarĂĄ un incumplimiento sustancial de contrato y un motivo para suspender la certificaciĂłn otorgada.

Reconozco que he tenido la oportunidad de consultar con un abogado o cualquier otro asesor legal antes de firmar. Este acuerdo entrarĂĄ en vigencia solo despuĂ©s de la firma y entrega de este acuerdo por cada una de las partes, sin ningĂșn otro acto, acuerdo oral o memorando escrito obligarĂĄ a las Partes con respecto al tema contenido en este Acuerdo, excepto este Acuerdo mismo.

Este Acuerdo puede ser firmado y entregado por medio de firma y entrega electrónicas, las cuales, cuando se entreguen, funcionarån como el original. Cada individuo que firma este Acuerdo en nombre de una Parte ha sido debidamente autorizado y facultado para firmar y entregar este Acuerdo.


Centro de ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta
Por: Jeff Brown, Director Ejecutivo


1. CNVC realiza las siguientes funciones que apoyan a los/las FC:

  • Mantiene el sitio web
  • Responde a las consultas del pĂșblico en general.
  • Remite solicitudes y oportunidades comerciales a los/las FC.
  • Mantiene una librerĂ­a virtual / tienda online de materiales educativos de ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta a la venta (las ventas son atendidas por otros distribuidores).
  • Crea y patrocina entrenamientos intensivos (IIT) y otros eventos organizados por CNVC.
  • Ayuda al pĂșblico a conectarse con Entrenadores Certificados.
  • Brinda apoyo administrativo para el programa de certificaciĂłn, incluido el apoyo a candidatos y asesores.
  • Ofrece apoyo administrativo cuando los capacitadores estĂĄn abordando conflictos.

2. La designaciĂłn como "Entrenador certificado de CNVC", asĂ­ como el permiso del uso de los nombres "CNVC" y "El Centro para la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta", junto con el logotipo y la marca de CNVC.

3. La asistencia de el/la FC a capacitaciones patrocinadas por CNVC, como Capacitaciones intensivas internacionales (IIT), sin cargo de matrĂ­cula o con un cargo de matrĂ­cula con descuento, puede estar disponible segĂșn los recursos de CNVC en la medida en que haya espacio disponible.

El CNVC podrĂĄ, a su discreciĂłn, limitar el nĂșmero de plazas disponibles. Los/las FC son responsables de su viaje, alojamiento y otros costos.

4. La consideraciĂłn para ser parte de los equipos de entrenadores de IIT estĂĄ sujeta a elegibilidad, lo que incluye estar al dĂ­a con los pasos de renovaciĂłn anual para el/la FC. Los Instructores IIT son contratados y pagados por el CNVC siempre que el/la FC haya completado y presentado el Informe Anual mĂĄs reciente y haya realizado su ContribuciĂłn Anual de Entrenador (ver secciĂłn VI 3 de este documento).

5. El uso de y funciones especĂ­ficas dedicadas al soporte el/la FC de CNVC, que incluyen:

  • Publicar y promover informaciĂłn de perfil en una base de datos de bĂșsqueda de entrenadores..
  • Publicar y promover los prĂłximos eventos en un programa de capacitaciĂłn en lĂ­nea.
  • Crear un correo electrĂłnico para personas interesadas y cercanas al del CNVC con contenido acordado y aprobado que incluya avisos de las prĂłximas capacitaciones y la promociĂłn de eventos relacionados con la comunicaciĂłn no violenta..
  • Acceso a la red global de los/las FC, para que se posible compartir materiales y programas, asĂ­ como ofrecer y recibir consejos de capacitaciĂłn y bĂșsqueda de apoyo.

6. Ademås, y de conformidad con los estatutos adoptados el 9 de agosto de 2020, todos los/las Formadores Certificados ("FC") son automåticamente Miembros de CNVC.

Cada miembro puede votar y tendrå un voto en todos los asuntos propuestos para votación. El/la FC podrån votar cuando hayan cumplido con los requisitos del Acuerdo de Entrenador del CNVC correspondientes al año en cuestión. Los derechos de voto de los miembros se relacionan con:

  • La elecciĂłn de miembros de la Junta
  • La modificaciĂłn de estatutos
  • Las decisiones en una reuniĂłn con un propĂłsito particular

7. Después de firmar este acuerdo, el/la FC puede usar oficialmente:

  • El nombre "Centro de ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta" o CNVC.
  • El logo del Centro de la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta.
  • Materiales de capacitaciĂłn que contengan el nombre o el logotipo de CNVC.
  • El tĂ­tulo, "Entrenador Certificado por el CNVC" o "Formador Certificado con el CNVC."


De acuerdo con este Acuerdo, Los/las Formadores/as Certificados/as:

1. Mantener los valores centrales del proceso de Comunicación No Violenta. Distinguir claramente la Comunicación No Violenta de otras enseñanzas, conceptos, habilidades, métodos o filosofías, incluso si son consistentes con la Comunicación No Violenta.

2. Apoyar una conexiĂłn consistente y clara con el reconocimiento ante el CNVC.

  • Mostrar la presencia de la comunidad internacional al mencionar a CNVC en cualquier medio o material de comunicaciĂłn no violenta que produzca, como tarjetas de presentaciĂłn, firmas, folletos y sitios web.
  • La firma “Entrenador Certificado CNVC” o traducciĂłn equivalente.

3. Apoyar a otros miembros de la comunidad de FC de CNVC al:

  • Compartir folletos y otros materiales de capacitaciĂłn entre sĂ­ y con el CNVC, dando el crĂ©dito otorgado al creador original.
  • Ponerse en contacto con otros/as FC y comunidades de comunicaciĂłn no violenta, antes de iniciar eventos pĂșblicos de comunicaciĂłn no violenta presenciales en su regiĂłn, para una posible colaboraciĂłn, conexiĂłn y seguimiento.
  • Colaborar con otros/as FC en su regiĂłn y coordinar eventos en nuevas ĂĄreas siempre que sea factible o posible.

4. Apoyar el aprendizaje continuo mediante:

  • Solicitar comentarios de los participantes de la capacitaciĂłn.
  • Ofrecer comentarios a otros/as FC, personal de CNVC y/o miembros de la comunidad para que todos puedan crecer en la comprensiĂłn de la conciencia de la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta y en la habilidad para promover la conciencia de la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta en el mundo.
  • Trabajar con y asistir a talleres de otros/as FC, y ofrecer apoyo a otros miembros de CNVC sin tarifa o a un costo reducido.
  • Participar en una Comunidad de ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta. Le recomendamos encarecidamente que participe en las comunidades de comunicaciĂłn no violenta existentes en su regiĂłn y/o que las forme cuando sea posible, para aprender, crecer y colaborar con sus colegas.

5. Apoyar la misiĂłn de CNVC contribuyendo a la conexiĂłn. Por ejemplo, ofrezca capacitaciones o habilidades de mediaciĂłn para resolver conflictos y facilite el contacto con otros/as FC para obtener apoyo adicional.

6. Considere apoyar la misiĂłn de CNVC haciendo contribuciones financieras adicionales si tiene los medios financieros para hacerlo. Las contribuciones financieras o en especie al CNVC o grupos regionales y locales ayudan a promover la difusiĂłn de la ComunicaciĂłn No Violenta en el mundo.

Ademås de la contribución acordada del/la FC por el CNVC mencionada en la sección denominada "Apoyo del CNVC", le pedimos que realice contribuciones adicionales como actividades gratuitas cuando sea posible mantener la sostenibilidad financiera. Acepto los términos y condiciones descritos anteriormente para ser un FC de CNVC a partir de la fecha a continuación, y sé que esa designación estarå vigente hasta que el CNVC cree un nuevo Acuerdo con Formadores.

Nota: Este Acuerdo de Entrenador revisado fue creado por un grupo de trabajo que trabajó desde octubre de 2022 hasta febrero de 2023 y fue copresidido por: Lorna Ritchie, entrenadora certificada (Alemania) y Jeff Brown, director ejecutivo (EE. UU.).

Firmar Acuerdo

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Trainer Agreement [IT]

Segno Accordo con i formatori e le formatrici


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Lo scopo di questo accordo Ăš quello di creare allineamento e sinergia tra CNVC e I Trainer Certificati e le Trainer Certificate e di aiutare tutti i soggetti coinvolti ad avere piĂč successo nella condivisione della Comunicazione Nonviolenta nel mondo.

Questo accordo ha subito revisioni significative per il 2023, con l'obiettivo di essere piĂč significativo, pertinente, stimolante e in linea con i principi CNV che tutti apprezziamo.

Si prega di leggere questo Accordo e, se si Ăš d'accordo, firmare alla fine. In caso di domande, inviare un'e-mail a [email protected]


Il Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) ù un'organizzazione globale che sostiene l'apprendimento e la condivisione della Comunicazione Nonviolenta e aiuta le persone a risolvere pacificamente ed efficacemente i conflitti in contesti personali, politici e all’interno delle organizzazioni.

Il CNVC Ăš un'organizzazione non profit esentasse registrata negli Stati Uniti, nello stato del Texas, con la classificazione 501(c)(3).

Il CNVC Ăš garante dell'integritĂ  del processo della Comunicazione Nonviolenta e un punto di snodo nella diffusione di informazioni e risorse relative alla Comunicazione Nonviolenta, tra cui formazione, risoluzione dei conflitti, progetti e servizi di consulenza alle organizzazioni. La missione del CNVC Ăš contribuire a relazioni umane piĂč sostenibili, compassionevoli e "al servizio della vita" negli ambiti della crescita personale, delle relazioni interpersonali e nei sistemi e nelle strutture sociali, come gli affari e l’economia, l’istruzione, la giustizia, l’assistenza sanitaria e il mantenimento della pace. Il lavoro con la Comunicazione Nonviolenta viene svolto in oltre 65 paesi ed Ăš sempre piĂč diffuso, toccando la vita di centinaia di migliaia di persone in tutto il mondo.

I Trainer Certificati e le Trainer Certificate (TC, indicati in questo testo anche come Formatori Certificati e Formatrici Certificate) sono persone per cui il CNVC ha determinato, attraverso il proprio processo di valutazione, che vivono e incarnano i valori e i principi della Comunicazione Nonviolenta. Inoltre, i/le TC sanno articolare i principi chiave della Comunicazione Nonviolenta e condividerla in modo coerente con il processo creato da Marshall Rosenberg.

Il CNVC chiede ai/alle TC di continuare ad apprendere e integrare i principi della Comunicazione Nonviolenta anche dopo aver ottenuto la certificazione, come parte di un processo di formazione continua.

Il CNVC chiede ai/alle TC di impegnarsi nel processo di apprendere e portare nella propria vita la consapevolezza alla base della Comunicazione Nonviolenta, e quindi di contribuire in tutti i modi possibili, nei limiti della propria volontĂ  e delle proprie capacitĂ , a progetti di comunitĂ  locali e/o internazionali, o di fare volontariato negli organi di governo del CNVC (circoli, comitati o task force), moltiplicando cosĂŹ la possibilitĂ  di sostenere a tutti i livelli il cambiamento da un paradigma alienato dalla vita a uno che arricchisce la vita.


Lo scopo di questo accordo Ăš allineare il CNVC e i/le TC e creare sinergia tra di loro, aiutando tutti i soggetti coinvolti ad avere maggiore successo nei propri obiettivi.

Questo accordo tra il CNVC e i/le TC concede ai/alle TC il diritto di utilizzare il marchio e il marchio di servizio del CNVC, nonché altri vantaggi identificati nell'Appendice 1, con la richiesta ai/alle TC di compilare il Sondaggio annuale dei formatori e delle formatrici che consente al CNVC di:

‱ Celebrare i contributi che i formatori e le formatrici stanno dando in tutto il mondo e renderli piĂč visibili;

  • Raccogliere dati che ci aiutino a tenere traccia del tipo di impatto che stiamo avendo e con quali gruppi di persone (questo ci aiuta nella ricerca di finanziamenti per i nostri progetti);
  • Raccogliere le buone pratiche e condividerle per sostenere i formatori e le formatrici;
  • Comprendere i fattori che aiutano i formatori e le formatrici a prosperare e ad apprezzare il proprio lavoro (e i fattori che li/le ostacolano).

‱ Allineare completamente intenzione, comportamento e impegni di tutte le parti. CiĂČ include la chiarezza sui processi da attivare nel caso in cui l'accordo non venga rispettato.


Firmando questo accordo, in qualitĂ  di TC accetto di allineare le mie azioni con la Dichiarazione di Intenti, il Codice Etico e gli Obiettivi del CNVC:

1. Dichiarazione di Intenti e Codice Etico

Il CNVC si impegna affinché tutte le proprie azioni, attività e programmi siano basati sulla mutua considerazione dei bisogni umani in armonia con la consapevolezza della Comunicazione Nonviolenta. Pertanto, il CNVC desidera che tutti i rapporti con i/le Trainer Certificati/e e le persone partecipanti siano basati sull'onestà e l'empatia, nel rispetto del presente Accordo con i formatori e le formatrici.

2. Il nostro obiettivo

L'obiettivo del CNVC Ăš quello di continuare a sviluppare e supportare una robusta comunitĂ  in crescita di Trainer Certificati/e che usano le proprie competenze per coltivare un mondo piĂč pacifico.

3. La nostra comprensione della qualitĂ 

Quanto piĂč i Trainer Certificati/e valorizzano la consapevolezza della Comunicazione Nonviolenta nel loro insegnamento e nella loro vita, tanto piĂč efficace sarĂ  l'intera comunitĂ  di Comunicazione Nonviolenta nel raggiungere l’obiettivo di creare un mondo piĂč pacifico. Per vivere i valori della Comunicazione Nonviolenta, il CNVC chiede ai Trainer Certificati e alle Trainer Certificate di mantenere un processo continuo di crescita personale, sostenendosi a vicenda con lo scambio di materiali, dando e ricevendo feedback e offrendo empatia, ed esplorando modi per sviluppare nuovi metodi e materiali di formazione.

Il CNVC incoraggia i Trainer Certificati e le Trainer Certificate a scegliere, al momento di compilare il Sondaggio annuale dei formatori e delle formatrici, di condividere le proprie informazioni con tutti i membri o con il pubblico.

4. Rispetto verso i partecipanti

I Trainer Certificati e le Trainer Certificate si impegnano a lavorare con le persone che partecipano ai propri eventi in armonia con i valori di fiducia, sicurezza e rispetto reciproci. Per il CNVC Ăš un valore fondamentale che i Trainer Certificati e le Trainer Certificate mantengano un alto grado di integritĂ  personale e consapevolezza del proprio ruolo e delle proprie responsabilitĂ  quando insegnano, valutano, supervisionano o consigliano un/a partecipante, in particolare quando vengono messi alla prova i limiti e si formano relazioni.

5. Mantenere i limiti

Durante gli eventi di Comunicazione Nonviolenta Ăš possibile che sia le persone partecipanti che i formatori e le formatrici sentano un livello inaspettato di intensitĂ  emotiva, intimitĂ  o vulnerabilitĂ , e che desiderino esprimere questi sentimenti come contatto sessuale.

Il CNVC vuole essere d’esempio e sostenere l'integritĂ , la responsabilitĂ , la considerazione e la cura nei confronti delle persone partecipanti agli eventi, dei candidati e delle candidate TC e delle comunitĂ , al fine di creare spazi di apprendimento piĂč sicuri. Il CNVC vuole sensibilizzare su:

  • le dinamiche di potere che entrano in gioco.
  • l’impatto di una relazione (sessuale, romantica o di altro tipo) che avviene in presenza di una differenza di potere.
  • la vulnerabilitĂ  delle persone che entrano in ambienti potenzialmente carichi di emozioni.

Pertanto, i Formatori Certificati e le Formatrici Certificate concordano su quanto segue:

  • astenersi dal contatto sessuale con persone partecipanti alle formazioni, studenti privati, persone a cui si offre sostegno o clienti, per la durata dell’evento di Comunicazione Nonviolenta e per un periodo di 6 mesi dopo la fine del rapporto professionale.
  • se un Trainer Certificato o una Trainer Certificata sviluppa sentimenti romantici o sessuali per un/a partecipante, o se un/a partecipante esprime tali sentimenti per un/a TC, chiediamo al/alla TC di cercare supporto e offrire trasparenza all'interno del team di formazione o del cerchio di supporto personale per trovare un modo per prendersi cura di tutti/e senza essere ulteriormente coinvolto. L'apertura al feedback Ăš essenziale per ridurre al minimo i punti ciechi.

Per ulteriori informazioni e approfondimenti su questa richiesta, si prega di fare riferimento alle linee guida del Documento su sesso e l’intimità incluso nel Pacchetto di Preparazione alla Certificazione (Certification Preparation Packet).

6. Inclusione e creazione di uno spazio per tutti e tutte

Il CNVC e i Formatori Certificati e le Formatrici Certificate concordano nel mantenersi consapevoli e attenti/e nel creare inclusivitĂ , celebrare la diversitĂ  e mantenere l'uguaglianza e l'equitĂ  per tutte le persone partecipanti per quanto riguarda il colore, la razza, la religione, la classe, il genere, l'etĂ , l'abilitĂ  e le convinzioni politiche e nel sostenere le persone partecipanti a comunicare i propri bisogni.

Il CNVC e i/le TC si sforzano di includere partecipanti e formatori e formatrici provenienti da paesi e gruppi che sono stati storicamente discriminati o privati dei propri diritti, e di promuovere l'accessibilitĂ  economica per rendere possibile a tutti e tutte la partecipazione agli eventi e alle risorse del CNVC.

Chiediamo ai formatori e alle formatrici di creare spazi in grado di contenere molteplici prospettive, bisogni ed espressioni oneste di ogni persona partecipante, comprese le credenze e le pratiche culturali che le persone presenti portano con sé.

In sostanza desideriamo spazi che accolgono la libertĂ  di espressione e la condivisione vulnerabile, e in cui la vulnerabilitĂ  di ciascuno venga onorata e protetta. Se sorgono richieste sulla riservatezza, chiediamo ai formatori e alle formatrici di esplorare il tema con le persone partecipanti in un modo che incoraggi la formulazione di richieste e accordi che funzionino per la situazione e per tutte le persone presenti.

7. Conflitto di interessi

Il CNVC definisce un conflitto di interessi come una situazione in cui una persona o un'organizzazione ha molteplici interessi, finanziari o di altro tipo, e in cui servire un interesse potrebbe comportare il danneggiamento di un altro, o un guadagno personale, percepito o reale, o un guadagno per una persona con cui si hanno rapporti personali.

I/le TC accettano di dichiarare qualsiasi contratto o ruolo professionale che possa avere un impatto sui loro interessi personali, professionali, legali o finanziari, oltre a qualsiasi relazione che potrebbe compromettere la loro obiettivitĂ , competenza o efficacia nello svolgimento delle loro funzioni di TC. Inoltre, i/le TC accettano di avviare una discussione aperta e trasparente su come gestire il conflitto di interessi percepito o reale.

8. Risoluzione di conflitti e controversie

Riconosciamo che preoccupazioni, reclami, disaccordi e controversie possono sorgere all'interno della rete, con i partecipanti o tra il CNVC e i/le TC in merito a questo accordo.

I/le TC, i membri del consiglio di amministrazione e il direttore esecutivo concordano di affrontare questi problemi in prima istanza con le persone interessate e il prima possibile, come tentativo informale di trovare una soluzione accettabile tra le parti.

I/le TC, i membri del consiglio di amministrazione e il direttore esecutivo concordano inoltre che, se qualcuno di noi viene contattato per risolvere un problema, si impegnerĂ  al meglio delle proprie possibilitĂ  per giungere a una risoluzione. CiĂČ significa che i/le TC, i membri del consiglio e il direttore esecutivo accettano di cercare sostegno, ove necessario, all'interno della rete, da una persona o da un gruppo di trasformazione dei conflitti che sia accettabile per tutte le parti coinvolte. Ci auguriamo che questo approccio si traduca in una risoluzione soddisfacente per tutti i soggetti coinvolti.

Nel caso in cui i conflitti non vengano risolti e creino danni al CNVC, ai/alle TC e/o ai membri del consiglio, il CNVC potrebbe sospendere temporaneamente lo stato del formatore o della formatrice fino a quando non sia disposto/a a impegnarsi in un processo di risoluzione del conflitto (o mediazione) con coloro che subiscono gli effetti dalle sue azioni.

Nel caso in cui le parti non possano giungere a una risoluzione e sia necessario il sostegno di una parte terza, il CNVC coinvolgerà un arbitro dell’International Centre for Dispute Resolution. Tutte le parti concordano di rispettare l'esito di questo processo.

Nel caso in cui una controversia, reclamo o disputa tra le parti derivante dal processo di arbitrato o dall’Accordo con i formatori e le formatrici, o relativa ad essi, non venga risolta da nessuno dei metodi indicati sopra, la detta controversia sarà compresa e interpretata secondo le leggi dello Stato del Texas, Contea di Travis, Stati Uniti.

Poiché il CNVC Ú registrato negli Stati Uniti, Stato del Texas, in ultima istanza siamo soggetti alle leggi di queste istituzione, anche se alcuni principi di questi sistemi legali differiscono dai principi della Comunicazione Nonviolenta. La nostra speranza Ú che l'uso di questi sistemi legali sia l'ultima risorsa e che sia possibile usare i principi della Comunicazione Nonviolenta per trovare una soluzione reciprocamente soddisfacente.


Firmando questo accordo, i/le TC accettano di allineare le proprie intenzioni e azioni con i termini e le condizioni esposte nella precedente Sezione I. In cambio, il CNVC concede ai/alle TC il diritto non esclusivo e non trasferibile di utilizzare il nome, il marchio registrato e il marchio di servizio e i materiali di formazione del CNVC.

1. Diritti riservati

Fatta eccezione per il titolo di "Formatore Certificato CNVC", “Formatrice Certificata CNVC”, "Formatore Certificato", “Formatrice Certificata” o “Trainer Certificato/a” specificamente concesso dal presente Accordo, il CNVC si riserva tutti i diritti sul proprio nome, marchio registrato e marchio di servizio e sui materiali di formazione protetti da copyright.

2. Reputazione del CNVC

È espressamente convenuto tra le parti che la reputazione del CNVC ù per quest’ultimo un bene importante e che potrebbe rendersi necessario per il/la TC di agire per proteggere tale reputazione. Se il CNVC viene a conoscenza di ragionevoli motivi per ritenere che azioni del/della TC possono causare danni alla reputazione del CNVC, il CNVC ù libero di agire per notificare al/alla TC la perdita o il danno e cercare di risolvere il problema utilizzando il processo della Comunicazione Nonviolenta.

3. Termine dell'accordo

Il presente Accordo Ăš in vigore fino a quando il CNVC non lo aggiorna. Ogni anno, attraverso il Sondaggio annuale dei formatori e delle formatrici, il CNVC chiederĂ  a ciascun formatore e formatrice di confermare la propria volontĂ  di agire in linea con il presente Accordo con i formatori e le formatrici. Attraverso il sondaggio verrĂ  fornita l'opportunitĂ  di fornire feedback o suggerimenti per modifiche alle versioni future del presente Accordo..


Resta inteso e concordato dalle parti che il presente Accordo non crea tra di loro alcuna relazione di partenariato, joint venture, rappresentanza, impiego o relazione fiduciaria di nessun tipo, e che nulla nel presente Accordo ha lo scopo di rendere una delle parti un agente generale o speciale, joint venturer, partner o dipendente dell'altro per qualsiasi scopo.

1. Nessuna responsabilitĂ  per rapporti giuridici e finanziari tra le parti

I Trainer Certificati e le Trainer Certificate sono praticanti affiliati/e al CNVC attraverso il processo di Certificazione. Quando il CNVC designa le persone come TC, l'organizzazione fornisce loro credibilitĂ  e visibilitĂ  come persone di cui l'organizzazione si fida, e le raccomanda al pubblico per condividere la Comunicazione Nonviolenta.

Ciascun trainer opera autonomamente nelle proprie strutture commerciali dal punto di vista fiscale e legale. Il CNVC incoraggia i formatori e le formatrici a creare strutture aziendali, acquistare un'assicurazione di responsabilitĂ  civile quando Ăš pertinente, e utilizzare risorse che li supportino nel loro lavoro di condivisione della Comunicazione Nonviolenta nel mondo. Tuttavia, attualmente il CNVC non fornisce queste risorse ai/alle TC.

Il CNVC non si assume alcuna responsabilità per qualsiasi debito o obbligo assunto, garanzia o dichiarazione fornita dal Formatore Certificato o dalla Formatrice Certificata in relazione all'uso del proprio status di TC come descritto nel presente Accordo. I/le TC indennizzano il CNVC da tutti i reclami, le responsabilità e i costi derivanti da negligenza da parte del/della TC, o da una sua condotta non in armonia con i valori della Comunicazione Nonviolenta o con i contenuti del presente accordo. In aggiunta, il CNVC raccomanda ai/alle TC di procurarsi un’assicurazione di responsabilità civile professionale.


Il CNVC puĂČ emettere una notifica di infrazione dell'accordo se l'organizzazione ha fondati motivi per ritenere che un/una TC abbia intrapreso azioni che potrebbero danneggiare la reputazione del CNVC o azioni che creano problemi di responsabilitĂ  per il CNVC.

1. ModalitĂ  di notifica

Il/la TC sarà avvisato/a via e-mail, utilizzando l'indirizzo di posta elettronica fornito dal/dalla TC al CNVC e sarà invitato a rispondere entro 14 giorni. È responsabilità del/della TC assicurarsi che il proprio indirizzo e-mail sia aggiornato nel database del CNVC.

2. Processo

Quando il CNVC ritiene che un/una TC abbia violato uno o piĂč termini di questo accordo, un membro del consiglio d'amministrazione, il Direttore Esecutivo o la Direttrice Esecutiva si rivolgeranno al/alla TC per discutere la situazione, esplorare soluzioni e cercare di stipulare accordi che rispondano alle preoccupazioni dell'organizzazione e che siano anche coerenti con i bisogni del/della TC.

Se ciĂČ non porta a un risultato reciprocamente soddisfacente, il passo successivo Ăš quello di avviare un processo riparativo al quale sono invitate le seguenti parti:

  • Il/la TC che si ritiene abbia violato il presente Accordo con i formatori e le formatrici
  • La persona che sta percependo la violazione dell’Accordo.
  • Uno o piĂč membri del consiglio d’amministrazione
  • Il Direttore esecutivo o la Direttrice esecutiva
  • Un/a facilitatore/trice esperto/a di pratiche riparative o mediazione basate sulla Comunicazione Nonviolenta e gradito a tutte le parti (se non Ăš possible al CNVC e al/alla TC accordarsi su una persona, il Programs Resource Circle sarĂ  invitato a nominare un facilitatore o una facilitatrice)

Se il/la TC che si ritiene abbia violato l’Accordo con i formatori e le formatrici non ù disposto a partecipare al circolo riparativo, o se il circolo riparativo non si traduce in un risultato accettabile per entrambe le parti, il CNVC ingaggerà un arbitro dal Centro internazionale per la risoluzione delle controversie [EN: International Centre for Dispute Resolution] e tutte le parti concordano di rispettare l'esito di questo processo.


In caso di esito negativo delle procedure per la risoluzione delle problematiche sopra descritte, il CNVC comunicherĂ  al/alla TC che il suo status di trainer certificato Ăš sospeso. La notifica avverrĂ  con il metodo ritenuto piĂč idoneo per informare il/la TC e includerĂ  la notifica via e-mail.

1. Obblighi del/della TC in seguito a una notifica di sospensione

Dopo aver ricevuto la notifica dal CNVC che il presente Accordo ù sospeso, il/la TC cesserà immediatamente di utilizzare qualsiasi articolo concesso dall’accordo stesso in relazione alla promozione o allo svolgimento dell’ attività di formazione del/della TC. Questo include ma non si limita a quanto segue:

  • L’uso del logo CNVC
  • L’uso del titolo di Trainer Certificato/a, Formatore Certificato o Formatrice Certificata dal CNVC

2. AmmissibilitĂ  per il ripristino dello stato di Trainer Certificato/a dopo la sospensione

La sospensione non esclude il/la TC dall’essere considerato/a in futuro per un rinnovo dell'accordo da parte del CNVC, e la decisione in merito all'appropriatezza di una futura abilitazione rientra pienamente nella discrezionalità del CNVC e sarà esercitata in modo coerente con la Dichiarazione d’intenti e il Codice Etico del CNVC.


1. Indirizzi per le notifiche

Qualsiasi avviso richiesto dal presente Accordo sarĂ  considerato correttamente consegnato a una delle parti se inviato tramite posta certificata o posta elettronica all'indirizzo della rispettiva parte come indicato di seguito.

2. Indirizzo del CNVC

Center for Nonviolent Communication

1401 Lavaca Street #873

Austin, Texas 78701-1634 Stati Uniti

Indirizzo e-mail: [email protected]

3. Sostegno al CNVC

Il/la TC accetta di fornire un contributo finanziario annuale al CNVC al fine di sostenere la sussistenza dell'organizzazione e permetterle di sostenere i/le TC in tutto il mondo, creando visibilitĂ  per i/le TC e fungendo da polo centrale per la rete globale di Comunicazione Nonviolenta.

Per supportare la sostenibilitĂ  dell'organizzazione, il CNVC richiede un Contributo annuale del formatore o della formatrice per un importo di USD $ 300 o piĂč. Se, a causa di circostanze personali, economiche o strutturali, un/una TC non Ăš in grado di pagare tale importo, il CNVC chiede al/alla TC di contribuire con un importo dopo aver considerato i seguenti fattori:

  • CapacitĂ  di pagare: a quante risorse finanziarie hai accesso?
  • Desiderio di sostenere il CNVC: Quanto vorresti contribuire per sostenere la condivisione della Comunicazione Nonviolenta nel mondo?
  • Il valore che ricevi: In che modo la tua vita Ăš arricchita dalla tua associazione con il CNVC? In che modo essere un Formatore Certificato o una Formatrice Certificata ti aiuta a condividere la Comunicazione Nonviolenta nel mondo?

Il CNVC ti chiede di scegliere un importo che sia per te un modesto sforzo, ma che allo stesso tempo ti permetta di mantenere la tua sostenibilitĂ  e benessere. Anche se l'importo che pagherai Ăš di $ 0, ti chiediamo di indicare sul Sondaggio annuale dei formatori e delle formatrici l'importo che verserai, come forma di coinvolgimento e partecipazione. Questo inoltre fornisce al CNVC informazioni importanti sui formatori e le formatrici da cui poter imparare.

Il contributo annuale del formatore o della formatrice sostiene il costo del programma di certificazione del CNVC e delle attivitĂ  relative, del sito Web del CNVC, della conservazione dei registri, delle referenze personali, e del sostegno dato all'accesso e alla connessione della comunitĂ  dei Formatori Certificati e delle Formatrici Certificate. Dopo aver compilato il sondaggio annuale dei formatori e delle formatrici riceverai le istruzioni su come versare il tuo contributo annuale.

4. Modifica dello stato di certificazione

I Trainer Certificati e le Trainer Certificate possono rinunciare al proprio ruolo di TC in qualsiasi momento informando per iscritto il Dipartimento di Certificazione del CNVC all'indirizzo [email protected].

Un/una Trainer Certificato/a che si Ăš ritirato/a e successivamente desidera ripristinare il proprio stato di Trainer Certificato/a accetta di contattare il dipartimento di certificazione e concordare i passaggi per il ripristino prima di firmare l'Accordo con i formatori e le formatrici.

5. Presa d'atto / Autorizzazione

Ho letto e compreso la Dichiarazione d'Intenti e il Codice Etico, nonchĂ© tutti gli altri termini e condizioni del presente accordo come sopra indicato. Con la mia firma qui sotto prendo atto che l’elemento principale nel valutare la concessione della licenza Ăš la mia promessa di fare del mio meglio per allineare le mie azioni come Formatore Certificato o Formatrice Certificata CNVC con la Dichiarazione d’Intenti e il Codice Etico del CNVC e che la mia inosservanza di ciĂČ sarĂ  considerato un infrazione grave dell’accordo e motivo per rescindere la licenza concessa.

Riconosco di aver avuto l'opportunitĂ  di consultare un avvocato o qualsiasi altro consulente legale prima della firma.

Il presente Accordo entrerĂ  in vigore solo dopo la firma e la consegna del presente Accordo da parte di ciascuna delle Parti e nessun'altra azione, accordo orale o memorandum scritto vincolerĂ  le Parti in relazione all'oggetto contenuto nel presente Accordo ad eccezione del presente Accordo stesso. Il presente Accordo puĂČ essere firmato e consegnato mediante firma e consegna elettronica, e una volta consegnato sarĂ  equiparato all'originale.

Ogni individuo che firma il presente Accordo per conto di una Parte Ăš stato debitamente autorizzato a firmare e consegnare il presente Accordo.


Center for Nonviolent Communication

[Centro per la comunicazione nonviolenta]

Da: Jeff Brown, direttore esecutivo



1. Il CNVC svolge le seguenti funzioni per sostenere i/le TC:

  • Mantiene il sito web
  • Risponde alle richieste del pubblico
  • Riferisce richieste e opportunitĂ  di lavoro ai/alle TC
  • Mantiene una libreria virtuale / negozio online di materiali didattici sulla Comunicazione Nonviolenta (le vendite sono gestite da altri distributori)
  • Crea e sponsorizza corsi di formazione intensivi (IIT) e altri eventi organizzati dal CNVC
  • Aiuta il pubblico a entrare in contatto con i Trainer Certificati e le Trainer Certificate
  • Fornisce supporto amministrativo per il programma di certificazione, incluso il supporto di candidati e assessor
  • Offre supporto amministrativo quando i formatori e le formatrici affrontano conflitti.

2. La designazione di "Formatore certificato CNVC", “Formatrice certificata CNVC”, “Trainer Certificato CNVC” o “Trainer Certificata CNVC” incluso l'uso dei nomi "CNVC" e "The Center for Nonviolent Communication" insieme al logo e al marchio CNVC.

3. La partecipazione a corsi di formazione sponsorizzati dal CNVC come gli International Intensive Trainings (IITs) senza costi di iscrizione o a prezzo scontato puĂČ essere disponibile a seconda delle risorse del CNVC e nella misura in cui vi Ăš spazio disponibile. Il CNVC puĂČ a sua discrezione limitare il numero di posti disponibili. I/le TC sono responsabili per il pagamento delle spese di viaggio, di alloggio e altri costi.

4. La possibilitĂ  di far parte del team di trainer agli IIT, a condizione che sia verificata l’idoneitĂ  del/della TC, che include l’essere in regola con i passi necessari per il rinnovo annuale dell’Accordo con i formatori e le formatrici. I/le Trainer degli IIT sottoscrivono un contratto e ricevono un compenso dal CNVC a condizione che il/la TC abbia completato e presentato la versione piĂč recente del Sondaggio annuale dei formatori e delle formatrici e abbia versato il proprio Contributo Annuale (vedere la sezione VI 3 di questo documento)

5. L’uso del sito e delle funzioni specifiche dedicate al supporto dei Trainer Certificati e delle Trainer Certificate CNVC, tra cui:

  • La possibilitĂ  di pubblicare e promuovere il proprio profilo in un database dedicato e consultabile di Trainer Certificati/e.
  • La possibilitĂ  di pubblicare e promuovere le prossime formazioni in un calendario online.
  • La possibilitĂ  di inviare e-mail a sostenitori del CNVC, con contenuti concordati e approvati che includono avvisi di formazioni imminenti e promozione di eventi relativi alla Comunicazione Nonviolenta.
  • Accesso alla Certified Trainers Global Home, per condividere materiali e curriculum, offrire e ricevere consigli sulla didattica e cercare supporto.

6. Inoltre, e in conformità con lo statuto adottato il 09-ago-2020 tutti i Trainer Certificati e le Trainer Certificate (“TC”) sono automaticamente Membri del CNVC. Ogni membro avente diritto al voto avrà un voto su tutte le questioni sottoposte a votazione. I/le TC avranno diritto di voto quando soddisferanno i requisiti dell’Accordo con i formatori e le formatrici CNVC relativo all'anno in questione. I diritti di voto dei membri si riferiscono a:

  • Elezione dei Consiglieri
  • Modifica dello Statuto/Regolamento
  • Decisioni prese in una riunione a scopo specifico (Special Purpose meeting).

7. Dopo aver firmato questo accordo, i Formatori Certificati e le Formatrici Certificate possono utilizzare legalmente:

  • Il nome "Center for Nonviolent Communication" (Centro per la Comunicazione Nonviolenta) o CNVC;
  • Il logo del Centro per la Comunicazione Nonviolenta;
  • Materiali didattici contenenti il ​​nome o il logo del CNVC;
  • Il titolo "Trainer certificato CNVC", "Trainer certificata CNVC", "Formatore certificato CNVC" o "Formatrice CertificataCNVC."


In conformità con l'accordo, i Formatori Certificati e le Formatrici Certificate e sono d’accordo a:

1. Sostenere i valori fondamentali del processo di Comunicazione Nonviolenta. Distinguere chiaramente la Comunicazione Nonviolenta da altri insegnamenti, concetti, abilitĂ , metodi o filosofie, anche se coerenti con la Comunicazione Nonviolenta.

2. Sostenere una connessione chiara e costante con il CNVC e il riconoscimento dello stesso.

  • Mostrare presenza nella comunitĂ  internazionale nominando CNVC su qualsiasi supporto o materiale di Comunicazione Nonviolenta prodotto, come biglietti da visita, firme, brochure e siti web.
  • Usare la firma “Formatore Certificato CNVC”, “Formatrice Certificata CNVC” o traduzione equivalente.

3. Sostenere la comunitĂ  dei Trainer Certificati e delle Trainer Certificate CNVC:

  • Attraverso la condivisione di dispense e altri materiali di supporto alla didattica con altri Trainer e con il CNVC, accreditando il creatore o la creatrice originale.
  • Contattando i Trainer certificati e le Trainer certificate e la comunitĂ  di CNV prima di avviare eventi pubblici di Comunicazione Nonviolenta dal vivo nella loro regione, per potenziale collaborazione, connessione e follow-up.
  • Collaborando con altri/e TC della propria regione e coordinando eventi in nuove aree quando possibile.

4. Sostenere l'apprendimento continuo :

  • Richiedendo feedback dai partecipanti alle formazioni..
  • Offrendo feedback ai propri colleghi formatori e formatrici certificati, allo staff del CNVC e ai membri della comunitĂ  in modo che tutti possano crescere nella propria comprensione della consapevolezza alla base della Comunicazione Nonviolenta e nella propria capacitĂ  di promuovere la consapevolezza alla base della Comunicazione Nonviolenta nel mondo..
  • Lavorando con altri Formatori Certificati e altre Formatrici certificate e partecipando ai loro seminari, e offrendo la partecipazione ad altri Membri del CNVC senza richiedere il costo di iscrizione o ad un costo ridotto.
  • Partecipando a una comunitĂ  di Comunicazione Nonviolenta. Ti incoraggiamo vivamente a partecipare alle comunitĂ  di Comunicazione Nonviolenta esistenti nella tua regione e/o a formarle quando possibile, al fine di imparare, crescere e collaborare con i tuoi colleghi.

5. Sostenere la missione del CNVC contribuendo alla connessione. Ad esempio, offrendo corsi di formazione o le proprie abilitĂ  di mediazione per risolvere i conflitti e facilitare la connessione con altri Formatori certificati e Formatrici certificate per ulteriore supporto.

6. Prendere in considerazione la possibilità di sostenere la missione del CNVC fornendo ulteriori contributi finanziari se si dispone dei mezzi finanziari per farlo. Contributi economici o “in natura” al CNVC o gruppi regionali e locali aiutano a promuovere la diffusione della Comunicazione Nonviolenta nel mondo. Oltre al contributo concordato per il Formatore Certificato o la Formatrice Certificata CNVC di cui alla sezione "Sostegno al CNVC", ti chiediamo di fornire contributi aggiuntivi laddove siano dati in modo volontario e ti consentano di mantenere la tua sostenibilità finanziaria.

Accetto i termini e le condizioni sopra descritti per essere un Formatore Certificato CNVC o una Formatrice Certificata CNVC a partire dalla data indicata di seguito, che sarĂ  in vigore fino a quando non verrĂ  creato un nuovo Accordo con i formatori e le formatrici da parte del CNVC.

Nota: Questo Accordo con i formatori e le formatrici rivisto Ú stato creato da una task force che ha lavorato da ottobre 2022 a febbraio 2023 ed Ú stata co-presieduta da Lorna Ritchie, Trainer Certificata (Germania) E Jeff Brown, direttore esecutivo (USA).

La traduzione in Italiano Ú stata curata da Aldo Riboni (Italia), Trainer Certificato E Shera Lyn Parpia (Italia), Trainer Certificata.

Se sei d'accordo, firma nella casella sottostante:

Usa il mouse o il dito per disegnare la tua firma

Read more …Trainer Agreement [IT]

Trainer Agreement [DE]

Unterschreiben Sie die "CNVC- Trainer_innen- Vereinbarung"


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[IT] Leggi questo documento in Italiano

Der Zweck dieser Vereinbarung besteht darin, eine Abstimmung und Synergie zwischen CNVC und zertifizierten Trainer:innen (ZT) zu schaffen und allen Beteiligten dabei zu helfen, gewaltfreie Kommunikation erfolgreicher in der Welt zu teilen.

Diese Vereinbarung wurde fĂŒr 2023 erheblich ĂŒberarbeitet, mit dem Ziel, sinnvoller zu sein, relevant, inspirierend und in Übereinstimmung mit den GFK-Prinzipien, die wir alle schĂ€tzen.

Bitte lies diese Vereinbarung durch und - wenn Du damit einverstanden bist - unterzeichne sie am Ende. Falls Du Fragen hierzu hast, teile sie uns bitte per Mail an [email protected] mit.


Das Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) ist eine globale Organisation, die das Erlernen und Weitergeben der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation (GFK) unterstĂŒtzt und Menschen hilft, Konflikte im persönlichen, organisatorischen und politischen Umfeld friedlich und effektiv zu lösen.

CNVC ist eine laut US-amerikanischem Recht nach §501(c)(3) steuerbefreite, gemeinnĂŒtzige Organisation, die in den Vereinigten Staaten, im Bundesstaat Texas, registriert ist.

Das CNVC agiert als ein HĂŒter der IntegritĂ€t des Prozesses der GFK und ein Knotenpunkt fĂŒr Informationen und Ressourcen im Zusammenhang mit der GFK, einschließlich Ausbildung, Konfliktlösung, Projekten und organisatorischen Beratungsdiensten. Der Zweck des CNVC ist es, menschliche Beziehungen in den Bereichen persönliche Entwicklung, zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen und in sozialen Systemen und Strukturen wie Wirtschaft, Bildung, Justiz, Gesundheitswesen und Friedenssicherung nachhaltiger, mitfĂŒhlender und "lebensdienlicher" zu gestalten. Die GFK wird in ĂŒber 65 LĂ€ndern gelehrt und praktiziert (Tendenz steigend), wobei sie das Leben von hunderttausender Menschen auf der ganzen Welt berĂŒhrt.

ZTs sind Menschen, die nach dem Zertifizierungsverfahren des CNVC die Werte und Prinzipien der GFK leben und verkörpern. DarĂŒber hinaus können ZTs die wesentlichen Prinzipien artikulieren und die GFK auf eine Art und Weise weitergeben, die mit dem von Marshall Rosenberg entwickelten Prozess ĂŒbereinstimmt.

Auch nach der Zertifizierung bittet das CNVC die ZTs, die Prinzipien der GFK im Rahmen eines kontinuierlichen Prozesses der Weiterentwicklung zu erlernen und vertiefen.

Das CNVC bittet die ZTs, sich das Bewusstsein der GFK zu eigen zu machen und daher im Rahmen ihrer Bereitschaft und Möglichkeiten auf jede erdenkliche Art und Weise in lokalen und/oder internationalen Gemeinschaftsprojekten mitzuarbeiten. Das CNVC bittet ZTs darum, sich ehrenamtlich in CNVC-Gremien (Kreisen, Komitees oder Arbeitsgruppen) zu engagieren, um so die Chancen fĂŒr einen Paradigmenwechsel von ‘lebensfeindlich’ zu ‘lebensfördernd’ auf allen Ebenen zu erhöhen.


Ziel dieser Vereinbarung ist es, Übereinstimmung und Synergien zwischen dem CNVC und den ZTs zu schaffen und allen Beteiligten zu mehr Erfolg bei ihren Aufgaben zu verhelfen.

Diese Vereinbarung zwischen CNVC und ZTs gewĂ€hrt den ZTs das Recht, das Markenzeichen des CNVC sowie weitere (im Anhang 1 aufgefĂŒhrte) Vorteile zu nutzen, zusammen mit der Bitte an die ZTs, die jĂ€hrliche Trainer:innenumfrage (Annual Trainer Survey) auszufĂŒllen. Diese ermöglicht es dem CNVC:

‱ Die BeitrĂ€ge, die Trainer:innen auf der ganzen Welt leisten zu wĂŒrdigen und sie besser sichtbar zu machen;

‱ Daten zu sammeln, die uns dabei helfen, die erreichte Wirkung und die involvierten

‱ Zielgruppen zu erfassen (dies hilft uns bei der Suche nach Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten fĂŒr Projekte);

‱ BewĂ€hrte Praktiken zu sammeln und diese Praktiken zur UnterstĂŒtzung der ZTs weiterzugeben;

‱ Die Faktoren zu verstehen, die dazu beitragen, dass ZTs erfolgreich sind und Freude an ihrer Arbeit haben (und Faktoren, die dem entgegenstehen);

‱ Einen vollstĂ€ndigen Abgleich von Absicht, Verhalten und Verpflichtungen zwischen allen Parteien zu haben. Dazu gehört auch Klarheit ĂŒber die Verfahren, wenn die Vereinbarung nicht eingehalten wird.


Mit der Unterzeichnung dieser Vereinbarung verpflichte ich mich als ZT, mein Handeln nach dem Leitbild, Ethikkodex und den Zielen des CNVC auszurichten:

1. Leitbild und Ethikkodex

Das CNVC ist bestrebt, dass alle unsere TĂ€tigkeiten, AktivitĂ€ten und Programme auf gegenseitiger BerĂŒcksichtigung der menschlichen BedĂŒrfnisse im Einklang mit dem Bewusstsein der Gewaltfreien Kommunikation beruhen. Daher wĂŒnscht sich das CNVC, dass alle Beziehungen mit ZTs und Teilnehmenden auf Aufrichtigkeit und Empathie im Rahmen der Einhaltung dieser Trainer:innenvereinbarung beruhen.

2. Unser Ziel

Das Ziel des CNVC ist es, eine starke und wachsende Gemeinschaft von ZTs zu entwickeln, die ihre FĂ€higkeiten zur Förderung einer friedlicheren Welt einsetzen und sie dabei zu unterstĂŒtzen.

3. Unser QualitÀtsverstÀndnis

Je mehr ZTs das Bewusstsein der GFK in ihrem Lehren und Leben wertschÀtzen, desto wirksamer wird die gesamte Gemeinschaft der GFK im Erreichen unseres Ziels sein, eine friedlichere Welt zu schaffen.

Um die Werte der GFK zu leben, bittet das CNVC die ZTs, einen fortlaufenden Prozess der persönlichen Entwicklung aufrechtzuerhalten, sich gegenseitig durch den Austausch von Materialien zu unterstĂŒtzen, Feedback zu geben und zu empfangen, Empathie anzubieten und Wege zu erkunden, neue Trainingsformate und -materialien zu entwickeln. Das CNVC ermuntert ZTs in der jĂ€hrlichen Trainer:innenumfrage (Annual Trainer Survey), ihre Informationen ĂŒber ihre Arbeit zu teilen.

4. Respekt gegenĂŒber Teilnehmenden

ZTs verpflichten sich, mit ihren Teilnehmenden im Einklang mit den Werten gegenseitigen Vertrauens, Sicherheit und Respekt zu agieren. Das CNVC legt großen Wert darauf, dass ZTs ein hohes Maß an persönlicher IntegritĂ€t wahren und sich ihrer Rolle und Verantwortung bewusst sind, wenn sie Teilnehmende unterrichten, begleiten, beaufsichtigen oder beraten, insbesondere wenn Grenzen getestet und Beziehungen aufgebaut werden.

5. Grenzen wahren

Im Verlauf von Veranstaltungen der GFK kann es vorkommen, dass Teilnehmende und ZTs gleichermaßen ein unerwartetes Maß an emotionaler IntensitĂ€t, IntimitĂ€t oder Verletzlichkeit empfinden und diese GefĂŒhle in Form von sexuellem Kontakt ausdrĂŒcken möchten.

Das CNVC möchte IntegritĂ€t, Verantwortung, RĂŒcksichtnahme und FĂŒrsorge gegenĂŒber Veranstaltungsteilnehmenden, ZT-Kandidat:innen und Gemeinschaften vorleben und vertreten, um sicherere LernrĂ€ume zu schaffen. Das CNVC möchte ein Bewusstsein fĂŒr folgende Themen schĂ€rfen:

  • Macht Dynamiken, die auftreten können..
  • Auswirkung einer (sexuellen, romantischen oder anderen) Beziehung ĂŒber Machtunterschiede hinweg.
  • Die Verletzlichkeit von Menschen, die sich in potenziell emotional aufgeladene Situationen begeben.

Daher erklÀren sich die ZTs mit Folgendem einverstanden:

  • Sie verzichten auf sexuelle Kontakte mit Seminarteilnehmenden, auch in 1:1 Lernfeldern, mit Coachees oder Klient:innen wĂ€hrend Veranstaltungen der GFK und fĂŒr einen Zeitraum von 6 Monaten nach Beendigung der beruflichen Beziehung.
  • Wenn ZTs romantische oder sexuelle GefĂŒhle fĂŒr Teilnehmende entwickeln oder wenn Teilnehmende solche GefĂŒhle fĂŒr ZTs zum Ausdruck bringen, bitten wir ZTs, UnterstĂŒtzung zu suchen und innerhalb des Trainingsteams oder des persönlichen UnterstĂŒtzerkreises Transparenz zu bieten, um einen Weg zu finden, fĂŒr alle zu sorgen, ohne das VerhĂ€ltnis weiter zu vertiefen. Offenheit fĂŒr Feedback ist wichtig, um blinde Flecken zu minimieren.

Weitere Informationen zu dieser Bitte befinden sich in den Leitlinien zum Thema SexualitĂ€t und IntimitĂ€t, die im Vorbereitungspaket fĂŒr die Zertifizierung enthalten sind.

6. Inklusion und Raum fĂŒr alle schaffen

Das CNVC und die ZTs verpflichten sich, bewusst und achtsam zu sein, wenn es darum geht, InklusivitĂ€t zu schaffen, Vielfalt (DiversitĂ€t) zu zelebrieren und Gleichheit und Fairness fĂŒr alle Teilnehmenden im Hinblick auf ihre Hautfarbe, ethnischen Hintergrund, Religion, Status, Geschlecht, Alter, FĂ€higkeiten und politischen Überzeugungen zu wahren, und die Teilnehmenden dabei zu unterstĂŒtzen, ihre BedĂŒrfnisse zu Ă€ußern.

Das CNVC und die ZTs bemĂŒhen sich, Teilnehmende und Trainer:innen aus LĂ€ndern und Gruppen einzubeziehen, die in der Vergangenheit benachteiligt waren, und fördern den wirtschaftlichen Zugang fĂŒr alle, um an CNVC-Veranstaltungen und Ressourcen teilzuhaben. Wir bitten die ZTs geeignete GesprĂ€chsrĂ€ume zu schaffen, in denen vielfĂ€ltige Perspektiven, BedĂŒrfnisse und ehrliche Äußerungen aller Teilnehmenden möglich sind, einschließlich der kulturellen Überzeugungen und Praktiken, die die Anwesenden mitbringen.

Im Wesentlichen streben wir nach RĂ€umen, in denen freie MeinungsĂ€ußerung, verletzlicher Austausch und Achtung sowie FĂŒrsorge fĂŒr die Verletzlichkeit aller Teilnehmenden willkommen sind. Wenn um Vertraulichkeit gebeten wird, bitten wir die ZTs, dies mit den Teilnehmenden auf eine Weise zu regeln, die die Formulierung von Bitten und Vereinbarungen fördert und der jeweiligen Situation sowie allen Anwesenden gerecht wird.

7. Interessenkonflikte

Das CNVC definiert einen Interessenkonflikt als eine Situation, in der eine Person oder eine Organisation an mehreren Interessen beteiligt ist, sei es finanzieller oder anderer Art. Der Dienst an einem Interesse könnte bedeuten, entgegen einem anderen zu agieren oder einen vermeintlichen oder tatsĂ€chlichen Vorteil fĂŒr sich selbst oder eine andere involvierte Person daraus zu ziehen.

ZTs verpflichten sich, alle beruflichen VertrĂ€ge oder Rollen offenzulegen, die sich auf ihre persönlichen, beruflichen, rechtlichen oder finanziellen Interessen oder Beziehungen auswirken könnten, die ihre ObjektivitĂ€t, Kompetenz oder EffektivitĂ€t bei der Wahrnehmung ihrer Aufgaben als ZT beeintrĂ€chtigen könnten. DarĂŒber hinaus erklĂ€ren sich ZTs bereit, eine offene und transparente Diskussion darĂŒber zu fĂŒhren, wie der vermeintliche oder tatsĂ€chliche Interessenkonflikt gehandhabt werden soll.

8. KlÀrung von Konflikten und Differenzen

Wir erkennen an, dass innerhalb des Netzwerks, mit Teilnehmenden oder zwischen dem CNVC und ZTs Bedenken, Beschwerden, Meinungsverschiedenheiten und Differenzen bezĂŒglich dieser Vereinbarung auftreten können.

Die ZTs, die Mitglieder des Vorstands und der GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer erklĂ€ren sich bereit, diese Probleme in erster Instanz und bei frĂŒhestmöglicher Gelegenheit mit den betroffenen Personen anzusprechen, um auf informellem Wege eine akzeptable Lösung zwischen den Parteien zu finden.

Die ZTs, die Vorstandsmitglieder und der GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer vereinbaren außerdem, sich nach besten KrĂ€ften um eine Lösung zu bemĂŒhen, wenn sie um die Lösung eines Problems gebeten werden. Das bedeutet, dass die ZTs, die Vorstandsmitglieder und der GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer sich bereit erklĂ€ren, im Bedarfsfall innerhalb des Netzwerks die UnterstĂŒtzung einer Person oder einer Konfliktbearbeitungsgruppe zu suchen, die fĂŒr alle beteiligten Parteien annehmbar ist. Wir hoffen, dass dieser Ansatz zu einer Lösung fĂŒhrt, die fĂŒr alle Beteiligten zufriedenstellend ist.

Wenn Konflikte auftreten, die nicht gelöst werden und dem CNVC, den ZTs und/oder den Vorstandsmitgliedern Schaden zufĂŒgen, kann das CNVC den aktiven Status von ZTs vorĂŒbergehend aussetzen, bis sie bereit sind, sich auf einen Konfliktlösungsprozess (oder eine Mediation) mit denjenigen einzulassen, die durch ihr Handeln betroffen sind.

FĂŒr den Fall, dass keine Einigung erzielt werden kann und eine dritte Partei erforderlich ist, wird das CNVC eine:n Schlichter:in des International Centre for Dispute Resolution (Internationales Zentrum fĂŒr Streitbeilegung) beauftragen, und alle Parteien verpflichten sich, sich an das Ergebnis dieses Verfahrens zu halten.

FĂŒr den Fall, dass eine Kontroverse, ein Anspruch oder eine Differenz zwischen den Parteien, die sich aus dem Schlichtungsverfahren oder der Trainer:innenvereinbarung ergibt oder damit zusammenhĂ€ngt, nicht durch eine der oben beschriebenen Methoden gelöst wird, wird die Differenz gemĂ€ĂŸ den Gesetzen und rechtlichen Bestimmungen des Staates Texas, Travis County, Vereinigte Staaten, verstanden und ausgelegt.

Da das CNVC in den Vereinigten Staaten, im Bundesstaat Texas, registriert ist, unterliegen wir letztendlich den dortigen Gesetzen, auch wenn einige Prinzipien der GFK von den Prinzipien dieser Rechtssysteme abweichen. Wir hoffen, dass die Anwendung dieser Systeme der letzte Ausweg ist und dass wir die Prinzipien der GFK nutzen können, um eine fĂŒr beide Seiten zufriedenstellende Lösung zu finden.


Mit der Unterzeichnung dieser Vereinbarung erklĂ€rt sich der/die unterzeichnende ZT bereit, seine/ihre Absichten und Handlungen mit den in Abschnitt I dargelegten Bedingungen in Einklang zu bringen. Im Gegenzug gewĂ€hrt das CNVC dem/der ZT das nicht-exklusive und nicht ĂŒbertragbare Recht, den Namen, das eingetragene Markenzeichen sowie das Schulungsmaterial des CNVC zu verwenden.

1. Rechtsvorbehalt

Mit Ausnahme des Titels "CNVC Zertifizierte:r Trainer:in" oder Zertifizierte:r Trainer:in", der durch diese Vereinbarung ausdrĂŒcklich anerkannt wird, behĂ€lt sich das CNVC alle Rechte an seinem Namen, seinem eingetragenen Markenzeichen sowie an den urheberrechtlich geschĂŒtzten Schulungsmaterialien vor.

2. Werte des CNVC

Die Parteien sind sich ausdrĂŒcklich darĂŒber einig, dass ein wesentlicher Wert des CNVC ideeller Natur ist (z.B. eine wohlwollende Haltung). Es kann daher fĂŒr ein:e ZT notwendig sein, Maßnahmen zum Schutz dieser Werte zu ergreifen. Wenn das CNVC Grund zu der Annahme hat, dass Handlungen eines/einer ZTs diese Werte schĂ€digen könnten, steht es dem CNVC frei, Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um die/den ZT auf die Verletzung, den Verlust oder den Schaden hinzuweisen und Anstrengungen zu unternehmen, eine Lösung des Problems mit Hilfe der Prozesse der GFK zu finden.

3. Laufzeit der Vereinbarung

Diese Vereinbarung ist so lange gĂŒltig, bis sie vom CNVC aktualisiert wird. Jedes Jahr wird das CNVC im Rahmen der jĂ€hrlichen Trainer:innenumfrage (Annual Trainer Survey = ATS) alle ZTs bitten, erneut zu bestĂ€tigen, dass sie bereit sind, im Einklang mit dieser Trainer:innenvereinbarung zu agieren. In der Umfrage gibt es die Möglichkeit, RĂŒckmeldungen zu geben oder VorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr Änderungen an zukĂŒnftigen Versionen dieser Vereinbarung zu machen.


Die Parteien sind sich darĂŒber einig, dass diese Vereinbarung keine Partnerschaft, kein gemeinsames Unternehmen, keine Handlungsvollmacht, kein ArbeitsverhĂ€ltnis und keine treuhĂ€nderische Beziehung jeglicher Art zwischen ihnen begrĂŒndet, und dass keine der Bestimmungen dieser Vereinbarung dazu dient, eine der Parteien zu irgendeinem Zweck zu Vertreter:innen, HandlungsbevollmĂ€chtigten, Mitunternehmer:innen, Partner:innen oder Mitarbeiter:innen der anderen Partei zu machen.

1. Haftung in der Beziehung zwischen den Parteien

ZTs sind praktische Anwender:innen der GFK, die durch den Zertifizierungsprozess an das CNVC angeschlossen sind. Mit der Bezeichnung als ZT verleiht die Organisation ihnen GlaubwĂŒrdigkeit und Sichtbarkeit als Personen, denen die Organisation vertraut und die sie der Öffentlichkeit als GFK-Lehrende empfiehlt.

Alle ZTs agieren finanziell und juristisch selbststĂ€ndig. CNVC ermutigt ZTs, GeschĂ€ftsstrukturen aufzubauen, gegebenenfalls eine Haftpflichtversicherung abschließen und Ressourcen zu nutzen, die sie dabei unterstĂŒtzen, GFK in der Welt zu verbreiten. CNVC stellt ZTs diese Ressourcen jedoch derzeit nicht zur VerfĂŒgung.

CNVC ĂŒbernimmt keine Haftung fĂŒr entstandene Verbindlichkeiten, Verpflichtungen, GewĂ€hrleistungen, Garantien oder Zusicherungen, die ein:e ZT im Zusammenhang mit der Verwendung seines/ihres Status als ZT, wie in dieser Vereinbarung beschrieben, abgegeben hat. ZTs stellen CNVC von allen AnsprĂŒchen, Verbindlichkeiten und Kosten frei, die sich aus Fehlverhalten oder Verhalten als CNVC-ZT ergeben und welches nicht im Einklang mit den Werten der GFK oder dem Inhalt dieser Vereinbarung steht. DarĂŒber hinaus empfiehlt das CNVC den ZTs, eine Berufshaftpflichtversicherung abzuschließen.


Das CNVC kann eine Mitteilung ĂŒber das Nichteinhalten des Vertrags ausstellen, wenn die Organisation berechtigten Grund zu der Annahme hat, dass ein:e ZT Handlungen vorgenommen hat, die den Ruf des CNVC schĂ€digen und/oder Haftungsprobleme fĂŒr das CNVC verursachen könnten.

1. Art der Mitteilung

Der/die ZT wird per E-Mail (ĂŒber die von ihm/ihr beim CNVC angegebene E-Mail-Adresse) benachrichtigt und aufgefordert, innerhalb von 14 Tagen zu antworten. Es liegt in der Verantwortung der ZTs, sicherzustellen, dass die in der CNVC-Datenbank hinterlegte E-Mail-Adresse auf dem neuesten Stand ist.

2. Verfahren

Wenn das CNVC feststellt, dass ein:e ZT gegen eine oder mehrere Bestimmungen dieser Vereinbarung verstoßen hat, setzen sich ein Vorstandsmitglied und der GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer mit der/dem ZT in Verbindung, um die Situation zu erörtern, nach Lösungen zu suchen und Vereinbarungen anzustreben, die den Bedenken der Organisation Rechnung tragen und gleichzeitig den BedĂŒrfnissen des/der ZTs gerecht werden.

FĂŒhrt dies zu keinem fĂŒr beide Seiten zufriedenstellenden Ergebnis, wird als nĂ€chster Schritt ein KlĂ€rungsprozess eingeleitet, zu dem die folgenden Parteien eingeladen werden:

  • Der/die ZT, der/die sich entgegen der Trainer:innenvereinbarung verhalten haben soll
  • Person, die das Nichteinhalten der Trainer:innenvereinbarung wahrnimmt.
  • Ein oder mehrere Vorstandsmitglieder
  • GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer
  • Ein:e in GFK oder Mediation ausgebildete:r Moderator:in, mit der/dem alle Parteien einverstanden sind (wenn sich CNVC und ZT nicht auf eine Person einigen können, wird der Programm Ressourcen Kreis (Program Resource Circle) gebeten, eine:n Moderator:in zu ernennen).

Wenn der/die betreffende ZT, nicht bereit ist, am KlĂ€rungsprozess (z.B. Restorative Circle) teilzunehmen, oder wenn dieser Prozess nicht zu einem fĂŒr beide Seiten annehmbaren Ergebnis fĂŒhrt, wird das CNVC eine:n Schlichter:in des International Centre for Dispute Resolution (Internationales Zentrum fĂŒr Streitbeilegung) beauftragen. Alle Parteien verpflichten sich, sich an das Ergebnis dieses Verfahrens zu halten.


Wenn die oben beschriebenen Verfahren zur Behebung der Probleme fehlgeschlagen sind, wird das CNVC den/die ZT benachrichtigen, dass sein/ihr Status als ZT ausgesetzt ist. Die Benachrichtigung erfolgt auf dem Weg, der am besten geeignet ist, den/die ZT tatsĂ€chlich zu erreichen, einschließlich einer Benachrichtigung per E-Mail.

1. Verpflichtung des/der ZT bei der Mitteilung ĂŒber die Aussetzung

Nach Erhalt der Mitteilung des CNVC, dass der ZT-Status ausgesetzt oder widerrufen wird, stellt der/die ZT die Verwendung aller Mittel die ihm/ihr durch diese Vereinbarung zugestanden werden und im Zusammenhang mit der Förderung oder DurchfĂŒhrung von ZT-Trainingsmaßnahmen stehen, unverzĂŒglich ein. Dies gilt einschließlich, aber nicht beschrĂ€nkt auf :

  • die Verwendung des CNVC-Markenzeichens
  • die Verwendung des Titels: CNVC-zertifizierte:r Trainer:in

2. Anspruch auf Wiederherstellung des Status eines/einer ZTs nach einer Aussetzung

ZTs haben trotz Aussetzung in Zukunft erneut die Möglichkeit, eine neue Vereinbarung mit dem CNVC abzuschließen. Die Entscheidung ĂŒber eine erneute Anerkennung als ZT liegt vollstĂ€ndig im Ermessen des CNVC und wird im Einklang mit dem Zweck und dem Ethikkodex des CNVC getroffen.


1. Adressen fĂŒr Benachrichtigungen

Jede in dieser Vereinbarung vorgesehene Mitteilung gilt als ordnungsgemĂ€ĂŸ zugestellt, wenn sie per Einschreiben oder elektronischer Post an die unten angegebene Adresse der jeweiligen Partei geschickt wird.

2. Anschrift des CNVC

Center for Nonviolent Communication (Zentrum fĂŒr Gewaltfreie Kommunikation)

1401 Lavaca Street #873

Austin, Texas 78701-1634 Vereinigte Staaten

E-Mail Adresse: [email protected]

3. UnterstĂŒtzung des CNVC

ZTs erklĂ€ren sich bereit, einen jĂ€hrlichen finanziellen Beitrag an das CNVC zu leisten. Dies dient dazu, den Fortbestand der Organisation zu sichern und ZTs auf der ganzen Welt zu unterstĂŒtzen, indem sie die Sichtbarkeit der ZTs erhöht und als zentraler Knotenpunkt fĂŒr das globale Netzwerk fĂŒr GFK dient.

Um den Fortbestand der Organisation nachhaltig zu unterstĂŒtzen, bittet das CNVC um einen jĂ€hrlichen Trainer:innenbeitrag (Annual Trainer Survey = ATS) in Höhe von $ 300 (USD) oder mehr. Wenn ZTs aufgrund persönlicher, wirtschaftlicher oder struktureller UmstĂ€nde nicht in der Lage sind, diesen Betrag zu zahlen, bittet das CNVC die ZTs, einen Betrag unter BerĂŒcksichtigung der folgenden Faktoren beizusteuern :

  • Zahlungsvermögen: Welche finanziellen Mittel stehen Dir zur VerfĂŒgung?
  • Bereitschaft, das CNVC zu unterstĂŒtzen: Wie viel möchtest Du geben, um die Verbreitung der GFK in der Welt zu unterstĂŒtzen?
  • Der Wert, den Du erhĂ€ltst: Wie wird Dein Leben durch die Verbindung mit dem CNVC bereichert? Auf welche Weise hilft Dir die Zertifizierung als Trainer:in, die GFK in der Welt zu verbreiten?

Das CNVC bittet Dich, den Dir maximal möglichen Betrag zu wĂ€hlen, der es Dir aber gleichzeitig erlaubt, Deinen eigenen Lebenserhalt und Dein Wohlbefnden zu sichern. Auch wenn der Betrag, den Du zahlen magst, $ 0 (USD) ist, bitten wir Dich, in der jĂ€hrlichen Trainer:innenumfrage (Annual Trainer Survey = ATS) diesen fĂŒr dich stimmigen Beitrag anzugeben. Damit trĂ€gst Du dazu bei, dass CNVC unter anderem wichtige Informationen ĂŒber ZTs erfahren und erfassen kann.

Mit dem jĂ€hrlichen Trainer:innenbeitrag (Trainer Fee) werden die Kosten fĂŒr das CNVC-Zertifizierungsprogramm und die damit verbundenen AktivitĂ€ten sowie die Pflege der CNVC-Website, die Aufzeichnungen, Weiterleitung von Empfehlungen, UnterstĂŒtzung des Zugangs und Anbindung der ZTs an die Gemeinschaft finanziert. Nach dem AusfĂŒllen der jĂ€hrlichen Trainer:innenumfrage erhĂ€ltst Du Hinweise, wie Du Deinen jĂ€hrlichen Trainer:innenbeitrag leisten kannst.

4. Änderung des Zertifizierungsstatus

ZTs können ihre Rolle als ZT jederzeit aufgeben, indem sie die CNVC-Zertifizierungsabteilung schriftlich unter [email protected] informieren. ZTs, die zurĂŒckgetreten sind und anschließend ihren Status als ZT wiederherstellen möchten, erklĂ€ren sich damit einverstanden, die Zertifizierungsabteilung zu kontaktieren und die Schritte zur Wiederaufnahme zu vereinbaren, bevor sie die Trainer:innenvereinbarung unterzeichnen.

5. Anerkennung / Inkrafttreten

Ich habe das Leitbild und den Ethikkodex sowie alle anderen Bedingungen dieser Vereinbarung gelesen und verstanden (siehe oben). Mit meiner Unterschrift erkenne ich an, dass ein wesentliches Element der Gegenleistung fĂŒr die Zuerkennung der Zertifizierung als CNVC Zertfizierte:r Trainer:in (ZT) meine Zusage ist, dass ich mich nach besten KrĂ€ften bemĂŒhen werde, meine Handlungen in Bezug auf meine TĂ€tigkeit als ZT mit dem Leitbild und dem Ethik-Kodex des CNVC in Einklang zu bringen. Mein VersĂ€umnis, dies zu tun, wird als wesentliche Vertragsverletzung und Grund fĂŒr die Aussetzung der erteilten Zertifizierung angesehen.

Ich bestÀtige, dass ich vor meiner Unterschrift die Möglichkeit hatte, einen Rechtsanwalt oder Rechtsberater zu konsultieren.

Diese Vereinbarung wird erst nach Unterzeichnung und AushĂ€ndigung durch beide Parteien wirksam und keine andere Verhaltensweise, mĂŒndliche Vereinbarung oder schriftliche Notizen binden die Parteien in Bezug auf den in dieser Vereinbarung enthaltenen Gegenstand außer dieser Vereinbarung selbst. Diese Vereinbarung kann elektronisch unterzeichnet und zugestellt werden, wobei die damit zugestellte Fassung als Original gilt.

Jede Person, die dieses Abkommen im Namen einer Vertragspartei unterzeichnet, wurde ordnungsgemĂ€ĂŸ unterrichtet und bevollmĂ€chtigt, dieses Abkommen zu unterzeichnen und zu ĂŒbergeben.


Center for Nonviolent Communication (Zentrum fĂŒr Gewaltfreie Kommunikation)

Jeff Brown, GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer



1. Das CNVC nimmt die folgenden Funktionen zur UnterstĂŒtzung der ZTs wahr:

  • Pflege der Website
  • Beantwortung von Anfragen der Öffentlichkeit
  • Weiterleitung von Anfragen und Angeboten an ZTs
  • Unterhaltung einer virtuellen Buchhandlung / eines Online-Shops fĂŒr Lernmaterialien zur GFK (der Verkauf erfolgt ĂŒber andere HĂ€ndler)
  • Entwicklung und Förderung von internationalen Intensivtrainings (IITs) und anderen vom CNVC organisierten Veranstaltungen
  • UnterstĂŒtzung der Öffentlichkeit bei der Kontaktaufnahme mit ZTs
  • Administrative Hilfestellung fĂŒr das Zertifizierungsprogramm, einschließlich der Förderung von Kandidat:innen und Assessor:innen
  • Administrative UnterstĂŒtzung an, wenn ZTs mit Konflikten konfrontiert sind.

2. Die Bezeichnung als "CNVC Zertifizierte:r Trainer:in", einschließlich der Verwendung der Namen "CNVC" und "Zentrum fĂŒr Gewaltfreie Kommunikation" zusammen mit dem CNVC-Logo und dem Markenzeichen.

3. Die Teilnahme an vom CNVC gesponserten Schulungen, wie z.B. IITs, ist je nach CNVC-Ressourcen, im Rahmen der verfĂŒgbaren PlĂ€tze, gebĂŒhrenfrei oder zu ermĂ€ĂŸigten GebĂŒhren, möglich. Das CNVC kann nach eigenem Ermessen die Anzahl der verfĂŒgbaren PlĂ€tze begrenzen. Die ZTs tragen ihre Reise-, Unterkunfts- und sonstigen Kosten selbst.

4. Die Möglichkeit in ein IIT-Trainer:innenteam aufgenommen zu werden, setzt voraus, die Trainer:innen haben die aktuell geltenden Schritte der Erneuerung ihres ZT Status vollzogen. IIT-Trainer:innen werden vom CNVC nur dann unter Vertrag genommen und bezahlt, wenn sie die aktuellste jĂ€hrliche Trainer:innenumfrage (ATS) ausgefĂŒllt, eingereicht und den jĂ€hrlichen Trainer:innenbeitrag entrichtet haben (siehe Abschnitt VI 3 dieses Dokuments).

5. Nutzung der Webseite und spezifischer Funktionen fĂŒr die UnterstĂŒtzung von CNVC-ZTs, einschließlich:

  • Veröffentlichung und Verbreitung von Profilinformationen in einer zugĂ€nglichen Datenbank von ZTs.
  • Veröffentlichung und Werbung fĂŒr bevorstehende Veranstaltungen in einem Online-Trainingsverzeichnis.
  • E-Mails an CNVC-UnterstĂŒtzer:innen mit abgestimmten und genehmigten Inhalten, die Hinweise auf bevorstehende Trainings und Werbung fĂŒr Veranstaltungen zur GFK enthalten. Zugang zum Global Home fĂŒr ZTs, um Materialien und LehrplĂ€ne auszutauschen, Trainer:innenberatung und UnterstĂŒtzung anzubieten und zu erhalten.
  • Zugriff auf das Global Home, um Materialien und LehrplĂ€ne zu teilen, TrainingsratschlĂ€ge anzubieten und zu erhalten und UnterstĂŒtzung zu suchen.

6. DarĂŒber hinaus sind gemĂ€ĂŸ der am 09-Aug-2020 aufgenommenen Satzung alle ZTs automatisch Mitglieder des CNVC. Jedes stimmberechtigte Mitglied hat eine Stimme in allen zur Abstimmung gestellten Angelegenheiten. ZTs sind stimmberechtigt, wenn sie die Anforderungen der CNVC Trainer:innenvereinbarung fĂŒr das betreffende Jahr erfĂŒllen. Die Stimmrechte der Mitglieder beziehen sich auf:

  • Wahlen der Verwaltungsratsmitglieder
  • Änderungen der GeschĂ€ftsordnung
  • BeschlĂŒsse bei Mitgliederversammlungen

7. Nach der Unterzeichnung dieser Vereinbarung sind die ZTs berechtigt, Folgendes zu nutzen:

  • Name "Center for Nonviolent Communication" oder “CNVC”;
  • Logo des Zentrums fĂŒr Gewaltfreie Kommunikation;
  • Trainingsmaterialien, die den Namen oder das Logo des CNVC enthalten;
  • Titel "CNVC-Zertifizierte:r Trainer:in" oder "Zertifizierte:r Trainer:in beim CNVC".


GemĂ€ĂŸ der Vereinbarung werden ZTs:

1. Die Grundwerte der GFK aufrechterhalten. Die GFK klar von anderen Lehren, Konzepten, FĂ€higkeiten, Methoden oder Philosophien unterscheiden, auch wenn diese mit der GFK ĂŒbereinstimmen.

2. Eine kontinuierliche und klare Verbindung zum CNVC und dessen Anerkennung fördern.

  • Zeige PrĂ€senz in der internationalen Gemeinschaft, indem Du das CNVC auf allen von Dir produzierten Medien oder Materialien wie Visitenkarten, Unterschriften, BroschĂŒren und Webseiten erwĂ€hnst.
  • Nutze die Unterschrift CNVC Certified Trainer, "CNVC-Zertifizierte:r Trainer:in" oder eine gleichwertige Übersetzung.

3. Sich innerhalb der ZT-Gemeinschaft gegenseitig unterstĂŒtzen durch:

  • Weitergabe von Handouts und anderen Trainingsmaterialien untereinander und mit dem CNVC unter Nennung des Urhebers.
  • Kontaktaufnahme mit ZTs und Gemeinschaften der GFK, bevor Du öffentliche Veranstaltungen zur GFK in deren Region initiierst, um eine mögliche Zusammenarbeit, Verbindung und Nachbereitung zu ermöglichen.
  • Zusammenarbeit mit anderen ZTs in Deiner Region und Koordination von Veranstaltungen in neuen Gebieten, wann immer dies möglich oder sinnvoll ist.

4. Andauerndes Lernen durch folgende Maßnahmen unterstĂŒtzen:

  • Einholung von Feedback von den Seminarteilnehmenden.
  • ZT-Kolleg:innen, CNVC-Mitarbeitenden und Mitgliedern der Gemeinschaft Feedback geben, damit wir alle in unserem VerstĂ€ndnis der GFK und in unserer FĂ€higkeit, das Bewusstsein fĂŒr GFK in der Welt zu fördern, wachsen können.
  • Zusammenarbeit mit und Teilnahme an Workshops anderer ZTs und Angebot der Teilnahme fĂŒr andere CNVC-Mitglieder ohne GebĂŒhr oder zu einem reduzierten Preis.
  • Mitwirkung in einer Gemeinschaft fĂŒr GFK. Wir ermutigen Dich ausdrĂŒcklich, Dich an bestehenden Gemeinschaften fĂŒr GFK in Deiner Region zu beteiligen und/oder, wenn möglich, solche zu grĂŒnden, um zu lernen, zu wachsen und mit Kolleg:innen zusammenzuarbeiten.

5. Den Auftrag des CNVC unterstĂŒtzen, indem sie zur Vernetzung beitragen, z.B. Trainings, Workshops oder KonfliktklĂ€rungen anbieten und Kontakte zu anderen ZTs ermöglichen/suchen, um sich gegenseitig zu unterstĂŒtzen.

6. Es in ErwĂ€gung ziehen, die Zielsetzung des CNVC durch zusĂ€tzliche finanzielle BeitrĂ€ge zu unterstĂŒtzen, wenn sie die finanziellen Mittel dazu aufbringen können. Finanzielle oder Sachspenden an das CNVC oder regionale und lokale Gruppen helfen, die Verbreitung der GFK in der Welt zu fördern. Neben dem vereinbarten Beitrag fĂŒr CNVC-ZTs, der im Abschnitt "UnterstĂŒtzung des CNVC" genannt wird, bitten wir Dich, zusĂ€tzliche BeitrĂ€ge zu leisten, wenn diese aus freien StĂŒcken gegeben werden und es Dir gleichzeitig ermöglicht, deine finanzielle StabilitĂ€t zu erhalten.

Ich erklÀre mich mit den oben beschriebenen Regelungen einverstanden, um ab dem unten angegebenen Datum zertifizierte:r CNVC-Trainer:in zu sein. Diese Bedingungen gelten so lange, bis eine neue Vereinbarung vom CNVC erstellt wird.

Hinweis: Diese ĂŒberarbeitete Trainer:innenvereinbarung wurde von einer Arbeitsgruppe (TA-Task Force) erstellt, die von Oktober 2022 bis Februar 2023 arbeitete. Diese wurde moderiert von: Lorna Ritchie, zertifizierte Trainerin (Deutschland); Jeff Brown, GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer CNVC (U.S.)

Deutsche Übersetzung: JĂŒrgen Licht, Linda Mentner & Lorna Ritchie, CNVC Zertifizierte Trainer:innen, Deutschland

Ich erklÀre mich mit den oben beschriebenen Regelungen einverstanden, um ab dem unten angegebenen Datum zertifizierte:r CNVC-Trainer:in zu sein. Diese Bedingungen gelten so lange, bis eine neue Vereinbarung vom CNVC erstellt wird.

Verwende Deine Maus oder Deinen Finger, um hier zu unterschreiben.

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Signez Accord des formateur-ices


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Le but de cet accord est de créer un alignement et une synergie entre le CNVC et les formateurs certifiés, et d'aider toutes les personnes impliquées à mieux partager la communication non violente dans le monde.

Cet accord a subi des rĂ©visions importantes pour 2023, dans le but d'ĂȘtre plus significatif, pertinent, inspirant et conforme aux principes de la CNV que nous apprĂ©cions tous. Veuillez lire cet accord et si vous ĂȘtes d'accord, signez Ă  la fin.

Si vous avez des questions, veuillez nous envoyer un courriel Ă  [email protected] (Envoyez-nous un email)


Le Centre pour la Communication NonViolente (Center for Nonviolent Communication, CNVC) est une organisation mondiale qui promeut l'apprentissage et la transmission de la Communication NonViolente (CNV) et oeuvre Ă  la rĂ©solution pacifique et durable des conflits entre ĂȘtres humains dans des contextes personnels, organisationnels et politiques.

Le CNVC est une organisation amĂ©ricaine de type 501(c)(3), Ă  but non lucratif, exonĂ©rĂ©e d'impĂŽts, enregistrĂ©e dans l'État du Texas.

Le CNVC est gardien de l'intégrité du processus de la CNV et est un point de convergence des informations et des ressources dans le domaine de la Communication NonViolente, telles que la formation, la résolution de conflits, les services de consultance organisationnelle et de projets. La mission du CNVC est de contribuer à ce que, à long terme, les relations humaines évoluent vers plus de bienveillance et soient davantage au service de la vie, tant dans les domaines du développement personnel que des relations interpersonnelles ou encore des systÚmes et structures sociales, comme le monde des affaires et l'économie, l'éducation, la justice, les soins de santé et le maintien de la paix. La CNV est pratiquée dans plus de 65 pays et ce nombre ne cesse de croßtre, transformant la vie de centaines de milliers de personnes dans le monde.

Les formateur-ices certifié-es (FC) sont des personnes que le CNVC reconnaßt, selon son propre processus d'évaluation, comme des personnes vivant et incarnant les valeurs et les principes de la Communication NonViolente. De plus, les FC sont capables d'articuler les principes clés et de transmettre le processus de la CNV en intégrité avec le modÚle de Marshall Rosenberg.

MĂȘme aprĂšs leur certification, le CNVC demande aux FC de continuer Ă  apprendre et Ă  intĂ©grer les principes de la Communication NonViolente dans le cadre de leur formation continue.

Le CNVC demande aux FC de s'engager sur un chemin d'apprentissage et de conscience avec la Communication NonViolente et de contribuer de toutes les maniÚres possibles, dans la limite de leur élan et de leurs capacités, à des projets communautaires locaux et/ou internationaux, en se portant volontaires dans les organes de la gouvernance du CNVC (cercles, sous-groupes ou groupes de travail), multipliant ainsi les chances de favoriser les changements de paradigme, de l'aliénation de la vie à l'enrichissement de la vie à tous les niveaux.


Le but de cet accord est d’établir un alignement et de crĂ©er une synergie entre le CNVC et les FC, et d’aider toutes les personnes engagĂ©es Ă  rĂ©aliser pleinement leur mission.

Cet accord entre le CNVC et les FC leur permet d'utiliser la marque commerciale et la marque de service du CNVC, et s’accompagne d'autres avantages mentionnĂ©s dans l'annexe 1, ainsi que d’une demande aux FC de remplir l’EnquĂȘte annuelle auprĂšs des formateur-ices. De cette façon, le CNVC est en mesure de :

  • cĂ©lĂ©brer les contributions que les FC apportent dans le monde entier et les rendre plus visibles ;
  • recueillir des donnĂ©es qui nous aident Ă  suivre le type d'impact que nous avons, et avec quels groupes de personnes (cela nous aide lorsque nous recherchons des financements pour des projets) ;
  • recueillir les meilleures pratiques et les partager afin de soutenir les FC ;
  • comprendre les facteurs qui aident les FC Ă  s'Ă©panouir et Ă  apprĂ©cier leur travail (et les facteurs qui sont un obstacle);
  • aligner pleinement l'intention, le comportement et les engagements de toutes les parties. Cela inclut d’amener de la clartĂ© des processus en cas de non-respect de cet accord.

→ N.d.T: La marque de commerce et de service est enregistrĂ©e aux États-Unis et s'applique Ă  l'utilisation en anglais du terme "Nonviolent Communication". En outre, le terme Ă©quivalent a Ă©tĂ© enregistrĂ© dans certains autres pays en utilisant la version traduite la plus couramment utilisĂ©e de "Communication NonViolente". Bien que les droits lĂ©gaux varient Ă  travers le monde, le CNVC demande qu’à travers le monde, les gens respectent notre intention que seuls les formateur-ices certifiĂ©-es par le CNVC se prĂ©sentent comme tels, quel que soit le statut lĂ©gal de la marque de commerce ou de service.


En signant cet accord, je m'engage, en tant que formateur certifiĂ© ou formatrice certifiĂ©e, Ă  ce que mes actions soient alignĂ©es avec la mission, le code d’éthique et les objectifs du CNVC :

1. Mission et code d’éthique

Dans la rĂ©alisation de toutes ses opĂ©rations, activitĂ©s et programmes, le CNVC s’engage, par principe, Ă  prendre en compte les besoins mutuels avec la conscience de la Communication NonViolente. Par consĂ©quent, le CNVC aspire Ă  ce que toutes les relations avec les FC et les participants soient fondĂ©es sur l'honnĂȘtetĂ© et l'empathie dans le cadre du respect du prĂ©sent accord.

2. Notre objectif

L'objectif du CNVC est de continuer Ă  dĂ©velopper et Ă  soutenir une communautĂ© forte et en pleine croissance de FC qui utilisent leurs compĂ©tences au service d’un monde plus pacifique.

3. Notre conception de la qualité

Plus les formateur-ices du CNVC mettent en valeur la conscience de la CNV dans leur maniĂšre de transmettre le processus et dans leur vie, plus l’ensemble de la communautĂ© CNV s’approche de son objectif de contribuer Ă  un monde plus pacifique.

Afin de vivre les valeurs de la Communication NonViolente, le CNVC demande aux FC de continuer Ă  se former tout au long de leur vie, de se soutenir mutuellement en Ă©changeant du matĂ©riel didactique, en nourrissant la culture du feedback, en s’offrant de l'empathie et en explorant des façons de dĂ©velopper de nouveaux concepts et du matĂ©riel de formation. Le CNVC encourage les FC, lors de l'enquĂȘte annuelle auprĂšs des formateur-ices, Ă  choisir de partager leurs informations.

4. Respect envers les participants

Les FC s’engagent auprĂšs de leurs participant-es Ă  vivre en harmonie avec les valeurs de confiance, de sĂ©curitĂ© et de respect mutuel. L’une des valeurs fondamentales du CNVC est de veiller Ă  ce que les FC maintiennent un degrĂ© Ă©levĂ© d’intĂ©gritĂ© personnelle, de conscience de leur rĂŽle et de leurs responsabilitĂ©s lorsqu'ils ou elles transmettent, Ă©valuent, supervisent ou conseillent un-e participant-e, en particulier lorsque des limites sont mises Ă  l'Ă©preuve et que des relations se crĂ©ent.

5. Respect des limites

Au cours d’évĂ©nements en Communication NonViolente, il est possible que tant les participant-es que les formateur-ices ressentent un niveau inattendu d'intensitĂ© Ă©motionnelle, d'intimitĂ© ou de vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© et qu'ils ou elles souhaitent exprimer ces sentiments sous forme de contact sexuel.

Le CNVC tient Ă  ĂȘtre un modĂšle d'intĂ©gritĂ©, de responsabilitĂ©, de considĂ©ration et d'attention envers les participant-es, les candidat-es Ă  la certification, et les membres des diffĂ©rentes communautĂ©s, afin de crĂ©er des espaces d'apprentissage plus sĂ©cures. Le CNVC tient Ă  sensibiliser aux questions portant sur :

  • les dynamiques de pouvoir qui entrent en jeu,
  • l'impact que peut avoir une relation (sexuelle, amoureuse ou autre) au-delĂ  des diffĂ©rences de pouvoir,
  • la vulnĂ©rabilitĂ© des personnes qui dĂ©couvrent un environnement nouveau et potentiellement chargĂ© en Ă©motions.

Par consĂ©quent, les formateur-ices s’engagent Ă  :

  • s'abstenir de tout contact sexuel avec les participant-es des formations, les Ă©tudiant-es privĂ©-es, les coachĂ©-es ou personnes en supervision, ou encore les client-es lors d’évĂ©nements, d’ateliers, de formations en Communication NonViolente durant une pĂ©riode de 6 mois aprĂšs la fin de la relation professionnelle.
  • Si un-e FC dĂ©veloppe des sentiments amoureux ou une attirance sexuelle envers un-e participant-e ou si un-e participant-e exprime de tels sentiments envers un-e FC, nous demandons Ă  ce-tte FC de rechercher du soutien et d’ĂȘtre transparent avec l'Ă©quipe de formation ou son cercle personnel de soutien, de maniĂšre Ă  prendre soin de toutes les personnes concernĂ©es sans s'impliquer davantage. L'ouverture aux feedbacks est essentielle afin de minimiser le risque d'angles morts.

Pour de plus amples informations à ce sujet, veuillez consulter les lignes directrices du Document sur le sexe et l'intimité qui fait également partie du CPP.

→ N.d.T. il s’agit du Certification Preparation Package: le dossier de prĂ©paration Ă  la certification pour les candidats qui suivent le parcours anglophone).

6. Inclusion et création d'un espace pour tous

Le CNVC et les FC s’engagent Ă  rester conscient-es et attentif-ves Ă  crĂ©er de l’inclusion, Ă  cĂ©lĂ©brer la diversitĂ© et veillent Ă  ce que chaque participant-e soit traitĂ©-e avec Ă©galitĂ© et Ă©quitĂ©, quelque soit sa couleur de peau, sa race, sa religion, sa classe sociale, son genre, son Ăąge, son handicap, ses convictions politiques, et puisse trouver du soutien pour exprimer ses besoins.

Le CNVC et les FC s'efforcent d’inclure des participant-es et des formateurs et formatrices issus de pays et de groupes historiquement marginalisĂ©s ou privĂ©s de leurs droits et encouragent l’accĂšs Ă  tous et toutes aux Ă©vĂ©nements et aux ressources du CNVC.

Nous demandons aux FC de crĂ©er des espaces suffisamment sĂ©cures pour pleinement accueillir des perspectives et besoins multiples, et permettre Ă  chaque participant-e de s’exprimer de maniĂšre authentique, et ouverts Ă  toutes croyances et pratiques culturelles chĂšres Ă  ceux qui les revendiquent.

Nous cherchons essentiellement à promouvoir des espaces ouverts à la liberté d'expression, aux partages vulnérables, qui honorent et prennent soin de la vulnérabilité de chacun-e. En matiÚre de confidentialité, nous demandons aux FC de traiter la question avec les participant-es de maniÚre à encourager la formulation de demandes et d'accords qui tiennent compte de la situation et de toutes les personnes présentes.

7. Conflits d'intĂ©rĂȘts

Le CNVC dĂ©finit un conflit d'intĂ©rĂȘts comme une situation dans laquelle une personne ou une organisation est impliquĂ©e dans de multiples intĂ©rĂȘts, sur le plan financier ou autres et oĂč le fait de servir un intĂ©rĂȘt en particulier pourrait mener Ă  travailler au dĂ©triment d’un autre. Ou encore le fait de tirer profit ou sembler tirer profit Ă  titre personnel d’une personne en interne.

Les FC acceptent de dĂ©clarer toute activitĂ© professionnelle ou rĂŽle susceptible d’impacter leurs intĂ©rĂȘts ou leurs relations sur les plans personnel, juridique ou financier et pourraient compromettre leur objectivitĂ©, leur compĂ©tence ou leur efficacitĂ© dans l'exercice de leurs fonctions en tant que FC. En outre, un-e FC accepte d'entamer un dialogue ouvert et transparent sur la maniĂšre dont le conflit d'intĂ©rĂȘts apparent ou rĂ©el sera gĂ©rĂ©.

8. Résolution des conflits et des différends

Nous reconnaissons que des préoccupations, des plaintes, des désaccords et des différends peuvent survenir au sein du réseau, avec des participant-es ou entre le CNVC et les FC concernant cet accord.

Les FC, les membres du conseil d'administration et le directeur exĂ©cutif /ou la directrice exĂ©cutive conviennent d'aborder ces questions avec les personnes concernĂ©es en premier lieu et le plus tĂŽt possible, dans le cadre d’une approche informelle afin de trouver une solution satisfaisante pour les parties.

Les FC, les membres du conseil d'administration et le directeur exĂ©cutif /ou la directrice exĂ©cutive conviennent Ă©galement que si l'un-e d'entre nous est sollicitĂ©-e pour rĂ©soudre un problĂšme, nous nous engageons au mieux de nos capacitĂ©s Ă  sa rĂ©solution. Ceci signifie qu'il peut s’avĂ©rer nĂ©cessaire que les FC, les membres du conseil d'administration et le directeur exĂ©cutif /ou la directrice exĂ©cutive cherchent, au sein du rĂ©seau, le soutien d'une personne ou d'un groupe spĂ©cialisĂ© en transformation des conflits, acceptĂ©-e par toutes les parties concernĂ©es. Nous espĂ©rons que cette approche aboutisse Ă  une rĂ©solution satisfaisante pour chacune des parties.

Si des conflits non gĂ©rĂ©s causent du tort au CNVC, aux FC et/ou aux membres du conseil d'administration, le CNVC peut suspendre temporairement le statut actif du/de la FC jusqu'Ă  ce qu'il ou elle soit prĂȘt-e Ă  s'engager dans un processus de rĂ©solution de conflit (ou de mĂ©diation) avec les personnes impactĂ©es par ses actions.

Si les parties ne parviennent pas à une résolution et qu'une tierce partie est nécessaire, le CNVC engagera un-e médiateur-ice du International Centre for Dispute Resolution (Centre international pour la résolution des litiges) et toutes les parties accepteront de se conformer au résultat de ce processus.

En cas de controverse, de rĂ©clamation ou d’un litige entre les parties en lien avec ou dĂ©coulant du processus de conciliation ou du prĂ©sent accord, qui ne seraient pas rĂ©solus par l'une des approches dĂ©crites ci-dessus, le litige sera alors compris et interprĂ©tĂ© conformĂ©ment aux lois et statuts juridiques de l'État du Texas, comtĂ© de Travis, aux États-Unis.

Parce que le CNVC est enregistrĂ© aux Etats-Unis, dans l'Etat du Texas, nous sommes in fine soumis Ă  leurs lois, mĂȘme si certains principes de la Communication NonViolente diffĂšrent des principes de ces systĂšmes juridiques. Notre espoir est de faire appel Ă  ces systĂšmes comme dernier recours et d’utiliser le processus de la Communication NonViolente pour trouver une solution satisfaisante pour tous.


En signant cet accord, les FC acceptent d'aligner leurs intentions et leurs actions sur les termes et conditions décrits dans la section I ci-dessus. En contrepartie, le CNVC accorde aux FC le droit non exclusif et non cessible d'utiliser le nom, la marque de fabrique et la marque de service, ainsi que le matériel de formation du CNVC.

1. RĂ©serve de droits

À l'exception du titre de "formateur certifiĂ© du CNVC” ou *formatrice certifiĂ©e du CNVC" ou encore de "formateur certifiĂ©â€ ou “formatrice certifiĂ©e" spĂ©cifiquement accordĂ© par le prĂ©sent accord, le CNVC se rĂ©serve tous les droits sur son nom, sa marque de commerce et de service dĂ©posĂ©e, ainsi que sur le matĂ©riel de formation protĂ©gĂ© par le droit d'auteur.

2. Fonds de commerce du CNVC

Il est expressĂ©ment convenu par les parties qu'un actif important du CNVC constitue son fonds de commerce et qu'il peut devenir nĂ©cessaire pour les FC de prendre des mesures pour protĂ©ger ce fonds de commerce. Si le CNVC a connaissance de motifs raisonnables de croire que les actions d’un-e FC peuvent causer des dommages au fonds de commerce du CNVC, celui-ci est libre de prendre des mesures pour notifier le/la FC du prĂ©judice, de la perte ou du dommage et de chercher Ă  rĂ©soudre le problĂšme en utilisant le processus de la Communication NonViolente.

3. Durée de l'accord

Le prĂ©sent accord est en vigueur jusqu'Ă  une nouvelle mise Ă  jour par le CNVC. Chaque annĂ©e, lors de l'enquĂȘte annuelle auprĂšs des formateur-ices, le CNVC demandera Ă  chaque formateur et formatrice de rĂ©affirmer son engagement Ă  s’aligner aux termes de cet accord. L'enquĂȘte offrira la possibilitĂ© de faire des commentaires ou de suggĂ©rer des modifications aux versions futures du prĂ©sent accord.


Il est entendu et convenu par les parties que le présent accord ne crée pas de partenariat, de coentreprise, d'agence, d'emploi ou de relation fiduciaire de quelque nature que ce soit entre elles et rien dans le présent accord n'est destiné à faire de l'une des parties un agent contractuel ou spécial, un coentrepreneur, un partenaire ou un employé de l'autre à quelque fin que ce soit.

1. Aucune relation de responsabilité entre les parties en matiÚre juridique et financiÚre

Les FC sont affilié-es au CNVC par le biais du processus de certification. En accordant le statut de formateur ou formatrice certifié-e, le CNVC leur accorde la crédibilité et la visibilité en tant que personnes en qui l'organisation a confiance et qu'elle recommande au grand public pour partager la Communication NonViolente.

Chaque formateur et formatrice opĂšre indĂ©pendamment dans sa propre structure commerciale d'un point de vue financier et lĂ©gal. Le CNVC encourage les FC Ă  mettre en place des structures commerciales, Ă  souscrire une assurance de responsabilitĂ© civile lorsque cela est pertinent et Ă  utiliser les ressources qui les soutiennent dans leur travail de transmission de la Communication NonViolente dans le monde. Le CNVC, quant Ă  lui, ne fournit pas, Ă  l’heure actuelle, ces ressources aux FC.

Le CNVC n'assume aucune responsabilitĂ© pour des dettes ou obligations contractĂ©es, ou des garanties, cautions ou reprĂ©sentations octroyĂ©es par le formateur ou la formatrice certifiĂ©-e en relation avec l'utilisation de son statut de FC, tel que dĂ©crit dans cet accord. Les FC renoncent Ă  engager vis-Ă -vis du CNVC toutes rĂ©clamations, responsabilitĂ©s et coĂ»ts dĂ©coulant d'une faute professionnelle ou d'une conduite de leur part qui n’est pas en harmonie avec les valeurs de la Communication NonViolente ou avec le contenu de cet accord.


Le CNVC peut Ă©mettre une notification de rupture d'accord s’il a des motifs raisonnables de croire que le/la FC a agi d’une façon qui nuit Ă  la rĂ©putation du CNVC, ou lui pose des problĂšmes de responsabilitĂ©.

1. Mode de notification

Le/la FC sera informĂ©-e par e-mail, Ă  l’adresse qu’il/elle aura fournie au CNVC et sera invitĂ©-e Ă  rĂ©pondre dans les 14 jours. Il est de la responsabilitĂ© du/de la FC de s'assurer que son adresse e-mail est Ă  jour dans la base de donnĂ©es du CNVC.

2. Processus

Lorsque le CNVC perçoit qu'un-e FC a enfreint une ou plusieurs conditions de cet accord, un membre du conseil d'administration et le directeur exécutif /ou la directrice exécutive contactent le/la FC pour échanger sur la situation, explorer des solutions et trouver un accord respectueux des préoccupations de l'organisation et des besoins du/de la FC.

Si ce processus n’aboutit pas Ă  un rĂ©sultat satisfaisant pour les parties, l'Ă©tape suivante consiste Ă  initier un processus de rĂ©paration auquel les parties suivantes sont invitĂ©es :

  • Le/la FC considĂ©rĂ©-e comme ayant rompu l'accord,
  • La personne qui considĂšre qu’il y a rupture de l'accord,
  • Un ou plusieurs membres du conseil d’administration,
  • Le directeur exĂ©cutif / ou la directrice exĂ©cutive

‱ Un-e facilitateur-ice formĂ©-e aux pratiques restauratives ou Ă  la mĂ©diation avec la Communication NonViolente et validĂ©-e par toutes les parties (si une personne ne peut pas ĂȘtre validĂ©e par le CNVC et par le/la FC, le Programs Resource Circle (Cercle de ressources des programmes) sera invitĂ© Ă  nommer un-e facilitateur-ice.

Si le/la FC considéré-e comme ayant rompu l'accord ne veut pas participer à un Cercle Restauratif, ou si le Cercle Restauratif n'aboutit pas à un résultat acceptable par toutes les parties concernées, le CNVC engagera un-e médiateur-rice du International Centre for Dispute Resolution (FR: Centre international pour le rÚglement des litiges) et toutes les parties acceptent de se conformer au résultat de ce processus.


Si les différentes approches de résolution des litiges décrites ci-dessus ont échoué, le CNVC notifiera le/la FC que son statut de certifié-e du CNVC est suspendu. Il ou elle en sera notifié-e de la façon la plus efficace possible et cela comprendra une notification par e-mail.

1. Engagement des FC lors de la notification de suspension

DÚs que le/la FC reçoit la notification du CNVC que le présent accord est suspendu, il/elle cessera immédiatement toute activité de formation ou de promotion de formation en tant que FC, y compris, mais non limité à:

  • l’utilisation du logo du CNVC
  • l’usage du titre de formateur ou formatrice certifiĂ©-e du CNVC

2. RĂ©tablissement du statut de FC aprĂšs la suspension

Le fait de suspendre le statut de FC ne le/la prive pas de la possibilitĂ© de le renouveler. La dĂ©cision du renouvellement reste Ă  l’entiĂšre discrĂ©tion du CNVC et elle sera prise de maniĂšre Ă  rester en cohĂ©rence avec la mission et le code d’éthique du CNVC.


1. Adresses pour les notifications

Toute notification requise par le prĂ©sent accord sera considĂ©rĂ©e comme correctement transmise si elle est envoyĂ©e par courrier recommandĂ© ou par courrier Ă©lectronique Ă  l'adresse de la partie concernĂ©e, telle qu’indiquĂ© ci-dessous.

2. Adresse du CNVC

Center for Nonviolent Communication
1401, rue Lavaca #873
Austin, Texas 78701-1634 États-Unis
Adresse e-mail : [email protected]

3. Comment soutenir le CNVC

Le/la FC s’engage Ă  verser une contribution financiĂšre annuelle au CNVC qui permet d’assurer la subsistance de l'organisation et de soutenir les FC Ă  travers le monde en leur donnant une visibilitĂ© et en servant de plaque tournante du rĂ©seau mondial de Communication NonViolente.

Afin de soutenir la pĂ©rennitĂ© de l'organisation, le CNVC vous demande en tant que FC une Contribution annuelle d'un montant de 300 USD ou plus. Si, en raison de circonstances personnelles, Ă©conomiques ou structurelles, n’ĂȘtes pas en mesure de payer ce montant, le CNVC propose le versement d’un montant tenant compte des facteurs suivants :

  • Votre solvabilitĂ© : quelles sont vos ressources financiĂšres ?
  • Votre dĂ©sir de soutenir le CNVC : quel montant ĂȘtes-vous prĂȘt-e Ă  verser pour soutenir la diffusion de la Communication NonViolente dans le monde?
  • La valeur ajoutĂ©e : le fait d’ĂȘtre associĂ©-e au CNVC enrichit-il votre vie ? En quoi le fait d'ĂȘtre FC vous soutient dans le partage de la Communication NonViolente Ă  travers le monde ?

Le CNVC vous invite Ă  choisir un montant qui soit Ă  la fois un petit effort financier, et en mĂȘme temps vous permet de prĂ©server votre bien-ĂȘtre et votre activitĂ© de façon durable. MĂȘme si le montant que vous payez est de 0 USD, nous vous demandons d'indiquer ce chiffre au moment de remplir l’EnquĂȘte annuelle auprĂšs des formateur-ices, en guise de tĂ©moignage de votre engagement et participation. Cela permet, entre autres, au CNVC de rĂ©colter des informations importantes concernant les formateurs et formatrices.

La contribution annuelle permet de couvrir les coĂ»ts liĂ©s au programme de certification du CNVC et ses activitĂ©s connexes, aux frais de maintenance du site Web du CNVC, de maintien et d’archivage des donnĂ©es et de rĂ©fĂ©rencements, et les coĂ»ts permettant de rendre les Ă©vĂ©nements du CNVC accessibles, et permettant la mise en lien des FC de la communautĂ© mondiale. Une fois que vous aurez rĂ©pondu Ă  l’enquĂȘte annuelle auprĂšs des formateur-ices, vous recevrez des instructions pour le paiement de votre contribution annuelle.

4. Changement de statut de la certification

Les FC peuvent dĂ©missionner de leur rĂŽle de FC Ă  tout moment en informant par Ă©crit le service de certification du CNVC Ă  [email protected]. Un-e formateur-ice qui s'est retirĂ©-e et qui souhaite par la suite rĂ©tablir son statut de FC s'engage Ă  contacter le service de certification et de suivre les Ă©tapes de sa rĂ©intĂ©gration avant de signer l'accord de formateur-ice.

5. Reconnaissance / Autorisation

J'ai lu et compris la mission et le code d’éthique ainsi que tous les autres termes et conditions du prĂ©sent accord, comme indiquĂ© ci-dessus. En apposant ma signature ci-dessous, je reconnais qu'en contrepartie tangible de l'octroi du statut de formateur ou formatrice certifiĂ©-e, je m’engage Ă  faire de mon mieux pour que les actions que je mĂšne au titre de FC soient alignĂ©es Ă  la mission et le code d’éthique du CNVC, et que dans le cas contraire, cela sera considĂ©rĂ© comme une rupture effective de l’accord et un motif pour suspendre ma certification.

Je reconnais avoir eu la possibilité de consulter un avocat ou tout autre conseiller juridique avant de signer.

Le prĂ©sent accord entrera en vigueur aprĂšs la signature et la remise du prĂ©sent accord par chacune des parties. Aucune autre ligne de conduite, accord verbal ou note Ă©crite ne lie les parties en ce qui concerne l’objet du prĂ©sent accord, Ă  l'exception de l’accord lui-mĂȘme. Le prĂ©sent accord peut ĂȘtre signĂ© et transmis par voie de signature Ă©lectronique et sera ensuite considĂ©rĂ© comme document original.

Chaque personne signant le présent accord au nom d'une partie a été dûment autorisée et habilitée à signer et à remettre le présent accord.


1. Afin de soutenir les FC, le CNVC assure les fonctions suivantes :

  • Maintient le site;
  • RĂ©pond aux demandes du grand public;
  • Renvoie les demandes et les offres et propositions de formation aux FC;
  • Maintient une librairie virtuelle et de vente en ligne de matĂ©riel pĂ©dagogique en Communication NonViolente (les ventes sont rĂ©alisĂ©es par d'autres distributeurs);
  • Organise et parraine les IITs (formations intensives internationales) et d’autres Ă©vĂ©nements organisĂ©s par le CNVC;
  • Assure la mise en lien du grand public avec les formateur-ices certifiĂ©-es;
  • Fournit un soutien administratif pour le programme de certification, y compris le soutien aux candidat-es et aux certificateur-ices;
  • Fournit un soutien administratif lorsque les formateur-ices s’engagent dans la transformation de conflits.

2. Octroie le titre de "formateur certifiĂ© ou formatrice certifiĂ©e du CNVC", y compris l'utilisation des noms "CNVC" et de "Centre pour la Communication NonViolente", ainsi que l’usage du logo et de la marque CNVC.

3. Ouvre la possibilitĂ© de participer Ă  des formations parrainĂ©es par le CNVC telles que les IIT sans frais d’inscription ou Ă  tarif rĂ©duit, en fonction des ressources du CNVC et dans la mesure des places disponibles. Le CNVC peut, Ă  sa discrĂ©tion, limiter le nombre de places disponibles. Les FC prennent en charge leurs frais de dĂ©placement, d'hĂ©bergement et autres dĂ©penses.

4. Ouvre la possibilitĂ© de faire partie d’équipes de formateur-ices des IIT sous rĂ©serve d'Ă©ligibilitĂ©, ce qui inclut d’avoir fait les Ă©tapes de mise Ă  jour de l’accord de FC. Les formateur-ices des IIT sont engagĂ©-es et payĂ©-es par le CNVC Ă  condition qu’ils/elles aient rempli et soumis l’enquĂȘte annuelle auprĂšs des formateur-rices la plus rĂ©cente et aient rĂ©glĂ© leur contribution financiĂšre annuelle (voir la section VI 3 de ce document).

5. Octroie l’tilisation de et des fonctions spĂ©cifiques destinĂ©es Ă  soutenir les FC du CNVC, notamment par :

  • la publication et la promotion des informations de profil dans une base de donnĂ©es consultable des formateur-ices,
  • la publication et la promotion d’évĂ©nements dans un calendrier de formation en ligne,
  • l’envoi d’emails aux supporters du CNVC, dont le contenu a Ă©tĂ© validĂ©, concernant des formations Ă  venir et la promotion d’évĂ©nements en Communication NonViolente,
  • l’accĂšs Ă  la Global Home, plateforme pour les FC pour le partage de matĂ©riel et de programmes, l’échange de conseils sur des formations et des demandes de soutien.

6. De plus, et conformĂ©ment aux statuts adoptĂ©s le 09 aoĂ»t 2020, tous les FC sont automatiquement membres du CNVC. Chaque membre Ă©ligible au vote disposera d'une voix sur toutes les questions soumises Ă  un vote. Les FC sont Ă©ligibles au vote lorsqu’ils/elles se conforment Ă  l'accord des formateur-ices du CNVC de l’annĂ©e en cours. Les droits de vote des membres portent sur :

  • l’élection des membres du conseil d’administration
  • la modification des statuts
  • les dĂ©cisions Ă  prendre lors d’une rĂ©union avec ordre du jour spĂ©cial

7. AprÚs avoir signé cet accord, les FC peuvent légalement utiliser :

  • Le nom « Centre pour la Communication NonViolente» ou CNVC ;
  • Le logo du CNVC
  • Le matĂ©riel de formation contenant le nom ou le logo du CNVC
  • Le titre "Formateur certifiĂ© du CNVC" ou "Formateur certifiĂ© auprĂšs du CNVC", "Formatrice certifiĂ©e du CNVC" ou "Formatrice certifiĂ©e auprĂšs du CNVC"


ConformĂ©ment Ă  l’accord, en tant que FC, vous vous engagez Ă  :

1. PrĂ©server les valeurs fondamentales du processus de la Communication NonViolente. Faire une claire distinction entre la Communication NonViolente et d’autres enseignements, concepts, compĂ©tences, mĂ©thodes ou philosophies, mĂȘme s'ils sont compatibles avec la Communication NonViolente;.

2. Entretenir une relation claire et cohĂ©rente avec le CNVC, et dĂ©montrer de la reconnaissance Ă  l’organisation en :

  • TĂ©moignant de votre prĂ©sence au sein de la communautĂ© internationale, en mentionnant le CNVC sur vos supports et dans vos communications, comme vos cartes de visites, brochures, sites webs.
  • Utilisant dans votre signature les termes "CNVC Certified Trainer” ou toute traduction Ă©quivalente, telle que “Formateur certifiĂ© du CNVC" ou “Formatrice certifiĂ©e du CNVC” ;

3. Soutenir les autres membres de la communauté de FC du CNVC en :

  • Partageant vos livrets de stage ou votre matĂ©riel pĂ©dagogique avec les autres FC et avec le CNVC, avec mention de l’auteur ou autrice original-e,
  • Contactant en personne les FC et les communautĂ©s de CNV de la rĂ©gion avant d’y proposer des Ă©vĂ©nements publics en Communication NonViolente, de maniĂšre Ă  favoriser la coopĂ©ration, la connexion et le suivi,
  • CoopĂ©rant avec les autres FC de la rĂ©gion et en coordonnant des Ă©vĂ©nements dans de nouvelles rĂ©gions chaque fois que cela est faisable ou possible.

4. L'apprentissage continu en :

  • demandant des feedbacks aux participant-es de vos formations,
  • proposant des feedbacks Ă  vos pair-es, au personnel du CNVC et aux membres de la communautĂ© afin que chacun-e puisse continuer de cheminer avec la conscience de la Communication NonViolente et grandir dans sa capacitĂ© Ă  transmettre cette conscience Ă  travers le monde,
  • co-animant des stages et en assistant d'autres FC, et en proposant une participation gratuite ou Ă  tarif rĂ©duit Ă  d'autres membres du CNVC,
  • faisant partie d’une communautĂ© de Communication NonViolente. Nous vous encourageons fortement Ă  rejoindre des communautĂ©s de CNV existantes dans votre rĂ©gion et/ou Ă  les former lorsque cela est possible, afin d’avoir des espaces d'apprentissage, d’évolution et de coopĂ©ration avec vos collĂšgues;

5. Soutenir la mission du CNVC en favorisant la connexion. Par exemple, en proposant des formations ou en offrant vos compĂ©tences en mĂ©diation pour aider Ă  rĂ©soudre des conflits, ou encore en mettant en lien d’autres FC pour un appui supplĂ©mentaire;

6. Soutenir la mission du CNVC en offrant une contribution financiÚre supplémentaire si vous en avez les moyens financiers. Les contributions financiÚres ou apports en nature que vous faites au CNVC ou à des groupes régionaux et locaux aident à promouvoir la diffusion de la Communication NonViolente dans le monde.

Outre la contribution financiĂšre minimum du FC mentionnĂ©e dans la section intitulĂ©e «Comment soutenir le CNVC», nous vous invitons, dans la mesure oĂč vous vous sentez pleinement libre et en capacitĂ© de maintenir votre stabilitĂ© financiĂšre, Ă  verser une contribution supplĂ©mentaire.

J'accepte les termes et conditions du prĂ©sent accord qui m’accorde le statut de formateur-ice certifiĂ©-e du CNVC Ă  partir de la date mentionnĂ©e ci-dessous. Ces termes et conditions restent en vigueur jusqu'Ă  ce qu'un nouvel accord des formateur-ices soit Ă©laborĂ© par le CNVC.

→ Traduit par Farrah Carlier, Nathalie Murat et Florence François-Poncet, Karin Garaialde, formatrices certifiĂ©es du CNVC.

→ Le travail de rĂ©vision de l’accord des formateur-ices a Ă©tĂ© menĂ© par un groupe de travail qui a ƓuvrĂ© Ă  son Ă©laboration entre d'octobre 2022 Ă  fĂ©vrier 2023. Ce groupe de travail Ă©tait co-prĂ©sidĂ© par : Lorna Ritchie, formatrice certifiĂ©e (Allemagne) et Jeff Brown, directeur exĂ©cutif (États-Unis).

J'accepte les termes de l'accord de formateur certifié

Utilisez votre souris ou votre doigt pour dessiner votre signature.

Read more …Trainer Agreement [FR]

Memorandum of Understanding

Austria-Slovenia IIT 2024

: Trainers for the International Intensive Training (IIT) in Austria-Slovenia in 2024: Could you please review and sign the following document?

PURPOSE: Establish alignment and clarity about everyone's roles (what CNVC does, and what the trainers do) so that we have predictability and clarity of roles.

REQUEST: If you are aligned with this agreement, could you please sign it below? If you have questions or concerns, please email us at [email protected]


1. Purpose of this Document:

The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is to establish a shared understanding between the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) and trainers at the the International Intensive Training (IIT) in regard to mutual agreements, responsibilities, and roles of CNVC and the IIT Trainer before, during, and after the IIT in Austria-Slovenia happening from 19-Apr-2024 to 28-Apr-2024.

2. Purpose of this International Intensive Training:

This IIT will be a 9-day Nonviolent Communication (NVC) “immersion experience” residential workshop where Participants, Trainers, and Organizers live and learn in community during the training that provides real-life opportunities to live NVC over an extended period of time. Participants develop NVC skills and consciousness with the guidance and support of the Certified Trainer team. See a description of the roles at IITs.

3. Responsibilities of the Trainer

In order to help make this IIT as successful as possible for everyone involved, we ask you as an IIT Trainer to agree to the following:

a) BEFORE the IIT:
  • Read and understand the Manual for Organizing an IIT.
  • Align with the Agreements for attending an IIT that will will ask each person who will be at the IIT to sign.
  • Become familiar with the guidelines and framework around the IIT and actively support the CNVC policies and processes that are described on the IIT page on the website; the pre-registration form; and the IIT Spreadsheet (maintained by CNVC and the Organizer)
  • Make travel arrangements as soon as the IIT receives the go-ahead by CNVC in order to ensure that the most economical travel options can be chosen. If you take a flight to the IIT, we agree to reimburse you for an economy fare ticket (which we request to help conserve our financial resources). If you wish to purchase another ticket class such a business class or first class, you agree to contact CNVC ahead of time to discuss.
  • Contribute to multiple aspects of marketing such as your website, social media accounts, email list, in-person announcements, and/or other strategies that you have available to you.
  • Appear in promotional videos and/or participate in promotional sessions that are either educational in nature or Q&A.
  • Contribute “freemiums" -- NVC-related content that draws people in through free educational NVC materials (for example: Feelings/Needs lists, online introductory classes already on Youtube channels)
  • Support the quality of the event by being available for planning meetings and email conversations in the months leading up to the IIT.
  • Coordinate with the other members of the Training Team when planning sessions to ensure variety, notice redundancy, and ensure that Marshall Rosenberg’s core curriculum is being offered.
  • Co-create systems for conflict transformation in order to live in consciousness of nonviolence and to create systems of support for the event (examples: empathy assistants, facilitated conversations, mediation, or restorative processes).
  • Request approval from the CNVC Programs Department before inviting other people to the IIT who will perform any of the roles of the training team.
  • Appoint one Trainer of the IIT Trainer team to be part of the Financial Assistance decision-making committee -- along with the Organizer and a representative from CNVC. This committee determines who receives financial assistance and in what amounts based on the Financial Assistance for IITs: Guidelines.
  • Make printed training materials available 6 weeks prior to the start of the IIT, so the Organizer can include these resources into a Participants Manual.
  • Keep CNVC and the Organizer Team informed about an unforeseen circumstance such as illness or family emergency which has an impact on the availability of the Trainer.
  • Arrive at the venue 48 hours before the start of the IIT time for landing, building cohesiveness with other members of the training and organizing team, and finish planning the program.
b) DURING the IIT:
  • Share the Core Curriculum of Nonviolent Communication as created by Marshall Rosenberg.
  • Offer introductory-level sessions that are clearly communicated to the participants.
  • Provide clarity to the Participants whether any sessions will be recorded and made available to them.
  • Be a steward of trust around intimate relationships as a representative of CNVC.=
c) AFTER the IIT:
  • Submit reimbursable expense receipts within two weeks after the IIT is completed.
  • Allow sufficient time after the end of the IIT to debrief with the Organizers and Trainers. In these meetings we encourage you to:
    • Share personal learnings and request specific feedback from the team members about your learning edges.
    • Share your self-assessment and invite honest feedback from others.
    • Evaluate the IIT as a whole and harvest collective learnings.
    • Provide a written summary of the collective learnings and suggestions for future IITs and share them on the CNVC Global Home within 3 weeks of the end of the IIT.

4. Responsibilities of CNVC

The IIT is produced, paid for, managed, and directed by CNVC, which is committed to supporting the Trainers, Organizers, On-site coordinators to create a successful event. CNVC commits to the following:

  • Communicate decisions and implement management directives via the Programs Department.
  • If you are present for the entire IIT, pay you a trainer's fee of USD $3,500 if there are 54 or fewer paid participants, and a trainer's fee of USD $4,000 if there are 55 or more paid participants.
  • Pay your room, board, travel expenses, and meals that are directly related to the IIT. The total compensation will be processed within 10 business days after receipt of documented expenses. Please submit receipts for any expenses that you request reimbursement for.
  • Provide a single occupancy room, with ensuite when possible, to provide privacy and and opportunity to recharge between sessions.
  • Create a Landing Page and forms for Pre-registration, Payments, Financial Assistance, and Intake.
  • Contribute to marketing including on our website, email announcements, social media, and posting videos of Trainers.
  • Provide visa invitation letters or templates if requested by trainers
  • Provide a representative for the Financial Assistance decision-making committee -- along with the Organizer and one IIT Trainer. This committee determines who receives financial assistance and in what amounts, as well as which Certified Trainers qualify for free tuition spaces. 

5. Termination / Cancellation


While it is extremely rare for CNVC to cancel an IIT and we have every intention to host each one that we sponsor, CNVC reserves the right to cancel the IIT at its sole discretion. CNVC is more likely to cancel if fewer than 15 full-tuition registrations are booked three months before the scheduled start-date. If the IIT is canceled, CNVC will reimburse IIT Trainers for direct expenses, such as the nonrefundable part of pre-ordered travel tickets.

CNVC reserves the right to terminate this agreement in cases where CNVC and the IIT Trainer reach a point of irreconcilable differences that affect the IIT Trainer’s involvement in the IIT. For example, the IIT Trainer chooses to end the relationship with the organization as a CNVC Certified Trainer.

By the IIT Trainer:

While signing this MoU indicates a clear intent from the IIT Trainer to partake in the IIT, there may be circumstances that prevent you from fulfilling this intention. If you needs to cancel their participation in the IIT, the Trainer will notify CNVC at the earliest possible time to support CNVC’s ability to find a replacement.

CNVC will not pay compensation or reimbursement to the CNVC Trainer if they cancel their participation in the IIT before the IIT takes place. If the IIT Trainer cancels in the midst of the IIT, CNVC will offer prorate compensation based on the number of full or partial days completed. CNVC will reimburse the original receipts for travel and meal, prior to the change in fees.

This agreement is non-transferable. If you withdraw from your role as a trainer in this IIT, you may not transfer your role to another trainer. Rather, a replacement would be selected by CNVC in consultation with the remaining trainers and the Organizer.

6. Addendum

The following resources can be accessed for a broader understanding of IITs:


As a Certified Trainer who has been invited to serve on the training team for this IIT, by signing below, I agree to all of the points described in this MoU (if you have any concerns or questions before signing this document, please email us at [email protected]).

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature in the box above.

Trainer Agreement

Trainer agreement for Certified Trainers

Created March 2023 (effective until updated)

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The purpose of this agreement is to create alignment and synergy between the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) and Certified Trainers (CTs), and to help everyone involved be more successful in sharing Nonviolent Communication in the world.

Please read this Agreement and if you agree, sign at the end. If you have questions, email us at [email protected]


The Center for Nonviolent Communication is a global organization that supports the learning and sharing of Nonviolent Communication, and helps people peacefully and effectively resolve conflicts in personal, organizational, and political settings.

CNVC is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt, nonprofit organization registered in the United States, in the state of Texas.

CNVC is a steward of the integrity of the Nonviolent Communication process and a nexus point of Nonviolent Communication-related information and resources, including training, conflict resolution, projects and organizational consulting services. CNVC’s mission is to contribute to more sustainable, compassionate, and “life-serving” human relations in the realms of personal change, interpersonal relationship and in social systems and structures, such as business/economics, education, justice, healthcare, and peace-keeping. Nonviolent Communication work is being done in over 65 countries and growing, touching the lives of hundreds of thousands of people around the world.

Certified Trainers are people who CNVC has determined, according to the organization’s assessment process, as living and embodying the values and principles of Nonviolent Communication. In addition, CTs can articulate the key principles and can share Nonviolent Communication in a way that is consistent with the process created by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg.

Even after being certified, CNVC asks CTs to continue to learn and integrate Nonviolent Communication principles as part of a continuing education process.

CNVC asks CTs to embrace the process of learning and living the Nonviolent Communication consciousness and therefore contributes in whatever ways possible within the limits of willingness and capacity in local and/or international community projects, volunteering in CNVC governing bodies (circles, committees, or task forces), thereby multiplying the chances of nurturing paradigm shifts from life-alienating to life-enriching on all levels.


The purpose of this agreement is to establish alignment and to create synergy between CNVC and CTs, and to help everyone involved be more successful in their missions.

This agreement between CNVC and CTs grants the CT the right to use the trademark and service mark of CNVC, as well as other benefits as identified in Appendix 1, along with a request of the CT to fill out the Annual Trainer Survey which enables CNVC to:

  • Celebrate the contributions that trainers are making throughout the world and make them more visible;
  • Gather data that helps us to track what type of impact we are having, and with which groups of people (this helps us when seeking funding for projects);
  • Collect best practices and share them to support trainers;
  • Understand the factors that help trainers to thrive and enjoy their work (and factors that get in the way of this).
  • Fully align intention, behavior, and commitments between all parties. This includes clarity about processes when the agreement is not upheld.

I. How we want to live and share Nonviolent Communication

By signing this agreement, as a CT I agree to align my actions with the CNVC Mission Statement, Code of Ethics, and Goals:

1. Mission Statement and Code of Ethics

CNVC strives for all of our operations, activities, and programs to be based on mutual consideration of human needs in harmony with the consciousness of Nonviolent Communication. Therefore, CNVC longs for all relationships with Certified Trainers and participants to be based on honesty and empathy within the context of keeping to this Trainer Agreement.

2. Our Goal

CNVC’s goal is to continue developing and supporting a strong growing community of Certified Trainers who use their skills toward nurturing a more peaceful world.

3. Our Understanding of Quality

The more Certified Trainers value Nonviolent Communication consciousness in their teaching and living, the more effective the whole Nonviolent Communication community will be in reaching our goal of creating a more peaceful world.

In order to live the values of Nonviolent Communication, CNVC asks Certified Trainers to maintain an ongoing process of personal development, supporting each other by exchanging materials, giving and receiving feedback and offering empathy, and exploring ways to develop new training designs and materials. CNVC encourages Certified Trainers in the Annual Trainer Survey to share information about their work.

4. Respect Towards Participants

Certified Trainers agree to work with their participants in harmony with the values of mutual trust, safety and respect. CNVC holds a core value that Certified Trainers maintain a high degree of personal integrity in, and awareness of, their role and responsibilities when teaching, evaluating, supervising or advising a participant and especially when boundaries are being tested and relationships being formed.

5. Holding Boundaries

In the course of Nonviolent Communication events, it is possible that participants and trainers alike may feel an unexpected level of emotional intensity, intimacy, or vulnerability, and may wish to express these feelings as sexual contact.

CNVC wants to model and stand for integrity, responsibility, consideration, and care towards event participants, CT candidates, and communities, in order to create safer learning spaces. CNVC wants to raise awareness around:

  • power dynamics that come into play.
  • impact of a relationship (sexual, romantic, or other) across power differences.
  • vulnerability of people who step into potentially emotionally-charged environments.

Therefore, Certified Trainers agree to the following:

  • Abstain from sexual contact with training participants, private students, coachees or clients during Nonviolent Communication events and for a period of 6 months after the professional relationship has ended.
  • If a Certified Trainer develops romantic or sexual feelings for a participant, or if a participant expresses such feelings for a CT, we ask the CT to seek support and offer transparency within the training team or personal support circle to find a way to care for everyone without getting further involved. Openness to feedback is essential to minimize blind spots.

For more information and depth about this request, please refer to the guidelines in the Sex and Intimacy document that appears in the Certification Preparation Packet.

6. Inclusion and Creating a space for everyone

CNVC and Certified Trainers agree to remain aware and mindful in creating inclusivity, celebrating diversity, and maintaining equality and fairness for all participants with regard to their color, race, religion, class, gender, age, ability, and political beliefs and to support participants to make their needs known.

CNVC and CT's strive to include participants and trainers from countries and groups that have been historically disenfranchised and promote economic accessibility for all to join CNVC events and resources.

We ask that trainers create spaces that are strong enough to hold many perspectives, needs, and honest expressions of every participant, including the cultural beliefs and practices that the people present have brought with them.

Essentially, we are aiming for containers that welcome freedom of expression, vulnerable sharing, and honoring and caring for everyone's vulnerability. If requests around confidentiality arise, we ask trainers to navigate this with participants in a way that encourages the formulation of requests and agreements that work for the situation and everyone present.

7. Conflict of Interest

CNVC defines a conflict of interest as a situation in which a person or organization is involved in multiple interests, financial or otherwise, and serving one interest could involve working against another, or have perceived or real personal gain or gain to a connected person.

Certified Trainers agree to disclose any contract or professional role that may impact their personal, professional, legal or financial interests, as well as any relationship that may compromise their objectivity, competence, or effectiveness in performing their duties as a CT. Furthermore, CTs agree to enter into an open and transparent discussion on how to manage any perceived or actual conflicts of interest.

8. Resolution of Conflicts and Disputes

We acknowledge that concerns, complaints, disagreements, and disputes may arise within the network, with participants or between CNVC and CTs concerning this agreement.

CTs, Board Members, and the Executive Director agree to address these issues with the people concerned in the first instance, and at the earliest opportunity, as an informal attempt to find an acceptable solution between the parties.

CTs, Board Members, and the Executive Director also agree that if any one of us are approached to resolve an issue we will engage to the best of our ability in finding resolution. This means that when it is needed, CTs, Board Members, and the Executive Director agree to seek support within the network from a person or conflict transformation group that is mutually acceptable to all parties involved. It is our hope that this approach will result in a resolution that is satisfactory to everyone involved.

If conflicts occur that are not resolved and are creating harm to CNVC, CTs, and/or Board Members, CNVC might temporarily suspend the trainer’s active status until they are willing to engage in a conflict resolution process (or mediation) with those who are being impacted by their actions.

In the event that the parties cannot come to a resolution and a third party is needed, CNVC will engage an arbitrator from the International Centre for Dispute Resolution and all parties agree to abide by the outcome of this process.

In the event that any controversy, claim, or dispute between the parties arising out of or related to the arbitration process or the Trainer Agreement which is not solved by any of the methods described above, the dispute will be understood and interpreted according to the laws and legal statutes of the State of Texas, Travis County, United States.

Because CNVC is registered in the United States, State of Texas, ultimately we are subject to their laws even though some Nonviolent Communication principles differ from the principles of these legal systems. Our hope is that using these systems is a last resort, and that we can use Nonviolent Communication principles to find a mutually satisfactory solution.

II. Granting Certification

By signing this agreement, CTs agree to align their intentions and actions with the terms and conditions outlined in Section I above. In response, CNVC grants the CT the non-exclusive and non-assignable right to use the name, registered trademark and service mark, and training materials of CNVC.

1. Reservation of Rights

Except for the title of “CNVC Certified Trainer” or “Certified Trainer” specifically granted by this Agreement, CNVC reserves all rights in its name, registered trademark and service mark, and copyrighted training materials.

2. Goodwill of CNVC

It is expressly agreed by the parties that an important asset of CNVC is its goodwill and that it may become necessary for the CT to take action to protect that goodwill. If CNVC becomes aware of reasonable grounds to believe actions of the CT may cause damage to CNVC’s goodwill, CNVC is free to take action to notify the CT of the injury, loss or harm and seek to solve the problem using the Nonviolent Communication process.

3. Term of Agreement

This Agreement is in effect until CNVC updates it. Each year on the Annual Trainer Survey, CNVC will ask each trainer to reaffirm that they are willing to act in alignment with this Trainer Agreement. An opportunity will be provided on the survey to give feedback or make suggestions for changes to future versions of this Agreement.


It is understood and agreed by the parties that this Agreement does not create a partnership, joint venture, agency, employment, or fiduciary relationship of any kind between them, and nothing in this Agreement is intended to make either party a general or special agent, joint venturer, partner, or employee of the other for any purpose.

1. No Liability Legal and Financial Relationship between the parties

Certified Trainers are practitioners who are affiliated with CNVC through the Certification process. When CNVC designates people as CTs, the organization provides credibility and visibility to them as people who the organization trusts and recommends to the general public to share Nonviolent Communication.

Each trainer operates independently in their own business structures from a financial and legal standpoint. CNVC encourages trainers to establish business structures, acquire liability insurance when it is relevant, and use resources that support them in their work of sharing NVC in the world. However, CNVC does not currently provide these resources for CTs.

CNVC assumes no liability for any debt or obligation incurred, or warranty, guarantee, or representation given by the Certified Trainer in connection with the use of their status of Certified Trainer as described in this Agreement. CTs indemnify CNVC against all claims, liabilities, and costs arising from CNVC Certified Trainer malpractice or conduct which is not in harmony with the values of NVC or the contents of this agreement. In addition, CNVC recommends that CTs obtain professional liability insurance.



CNVC may issue a Notification of Breach of Agreement if the organization has reasonable grounds to believe that the CT has taken actions that could damage the reputation of CNVC, or has taken actions which create liability issues for CNVC.


1. Method of Notification

The CT will be notified by email, using the email address provided by the CT to CNVC and will be asked to respond within 14 days. It is the responsibility of the CT to ensure that their email address is up to date in the CNVC database.


2. Process

When CNVC perceives that a CT has violated one or more terms of this agreement, one Board Member and the Executive Director will reach out to the CT to discuss the situation, explore solutions, and seek to make agreements that address the organization’s concerns and also is consistent with the CT’s needs.

If this does not lead to a mutually satisfying result, the next step is to initiate a restorative process to which the following parties are invited:

  • CT who is perceived to have violated the Trainer Agreement
  • Person who is perceiving the violation of the Trainer Agreement
  • One or more Board Members
  • Executive Director
  • Facilitator trained in Nonviolent Communication-based restorative practices or mediation and agreeable to all parties (if a person cannot be agreed upon by CNVC and the CT, the Programs Resource Circle will be asked to appoint a facilitator)

If the CT who is perceived to have violated the Trainer Agreement is not willing to participate in the Restorative Circle, or if the Restorative Circle does not result in mutually agreeable outcome, CNVC will engage an arbitrator from the International Centre for Dispute Resolution and all parties agree to abide by the outcome of this process.



If procedures for addressing the issues as described above have failed, CNVC will notify the CT that their status as a Certified Trainer is suspended. Notification shall be by the method deemed to be the most likely to give actual notice to CT and will include email notification.

1. Duty of CT upon Notification of Suspension

Upon receiving notification from CNVC that this Agreement is suspended, the CT shall immediately cease to use any of the items in connection with the promotion or delivery of CT’s training activities, including but not limited to the following:

  • Use of the CNVC logo
  • Claiming that they are a current CNVC Certified Trainer
2. Eligibility for restoration of Certified Trainer status after Suspension

The CT is not disqualified from consideration for a renewed agreement by CNVC in the future as a result of having been suspended, and the decision regarding the appropriateness of future status is fully within the discretion of CNVC and will be exercised in a manner consistent with the Mission and Code of Ethics of CNVC.


1. Addresses for Notifications

Any notice required by this Agreement will be deemed to have been properly delivered to a party if sent by certified mail or electronic mail to the address of the respective party as set forth below.

2. Address of CNVC

Center for Nonviolent Communication
1401 Lavaca Street
Suite 873
Austin, Texas 78701 United States

Email address: [email protected]

3. Support of CNVC

The CT agrees to make an annual financial contribution to CNVC in order to support the organization’s subsistence, and to support CTs around the world by creating visibility of CTs and serving as a central hub for the global Nonviolent Communication network.

To support the organization's sustainability, CNVC requests an Annual Trainer Contribution in the amount of USD $300 or more. If, due to personal, economic, or structural circumstances, a CT is unable to pay this amount, CNVC asks the CT to contribute an amount after considering the following factors:

  • Ability to pay: How much financial resources do you have access to?
  • Desire to support CNVC: How much would you like to give, to support the sharing of Nonviolent Communication in the world?
  • The value that you receive: How is your life enriched by being associated with CNVC? In what ways does being a Certified Trainer help you share Nonviolent Communication in the world?

CNVC asks you to choose an amount that is a modest stretch for you, but that also allows you to maintain your sustainability and well being. Even if the amount that you will pay is $0, we ask you to state on the Annual Trainer Survey the amount that you will contribute as a form of engagement and participation. Among other things, this gives CNVC important information about trainers to learn from.

The Annual Trainer Contribution supports the cost of the CNVC certification program and related activities, as well as maintaining the CNVC website, record-keeping, referrals, supporting access and community connection for Certified Trainers. Once you fill out the Annual Trainer Survey, you will receive instructions for how to make your Annual Trainer Contribution.

4. Change in Certification Status

Certified Trainers may resign their role as a Certified Trainer at any time by informing the CNVC Certification Department in writing at [email protected]. A Trainer who has withdrawn and subsequently wishes to reinstate their Certified Trainer status agrees to contact the Certification Department and agree the steps to reinstatement before signing the Trainer Agreement.

5. Acknowledgement/Authorisation

I have read and understand the Mission Statement and Code of Ethics, as well as all other terms and conditions of this Agreement as set forth above. By my signature below, I acknowledge that a material element of the consideration for the grant of the status/title as CNVC Certified Trainer is my promise that I will use my best efforts to align my actions in relation to my activities as a CNVC Certified Trainer with the Mission and Code of Ethics of CNVC and that my failure to do so shall be considered a material breach of contract and grounds to suspend the certification granted.

I acknowledge that I have had the opportunity to consult with an attorney or any other legal advisor prior to signing.

This Agreement shall become effective only after the signing and delivery of this Agreement by each of the Parties and no other course of conduct, oral agreement or written memoranda shall bind the Parties with respect to the subject matter contained in this Agreement except this Agreement itself. This Agreement may be signed and delivered by way of electronic signature and delivery, which when delivered, shall function as the original.

Each individual signing this Agreement on behalf of a Party has been duly authorized and empowered to sign and deliver this Agreement.


1. CNVC performs the following functions that support CTs:
  • Maintains the website
  • Responds to general public enquiries
  • Refers requests and business opportunities to CTs
  • Maintains a virtual bookstore / online shop of Nonviolent Communication educational materials for sale (sales are fulfilled by other distributors)
  • Creates and sponsors intensive trainings (IITs) and other CNVC-organized events
  • Helps the public connect to Certified Trainers
  • Provides administrative support for the certification program, including supporting candidates and assessors
  • Offers administrative support when trainers are addressing conflicts.

2. Designation as a “CNVC Certified Trainer” including use of the names "CNVC" and “The Center for Nonviolent Communication” along with the CNVC logo and branding.

3. Attendance at trainings sponsored by CNVC such as International Intensive Trainings (IITs) without tuition charge or at discounted tuition charge may be available depending on CNVC resources to the extent there is space available. CNVC may at its discretion limit the number of places available. CTs are responsible for their travel, accommodation, and other costs.

4. Consideration to be part of IIT Trainer Teams subject to eligibility which includes being current with the annual renewal steps for CTs. IIT Trainers are contracted and paid by CNVC provided that the CT has completed and submitted the most recent Annual Trainer Survey and has made their Annual Trainer Contribution (see section VI 3 of this document)

5. Use of and specific functions dedicated to CNVC Certified Trainer support including:

  • Post and promote profile information in a searchable database of trainers.
  • Post and promote upcoming events in an online training schedule.
  • Email CNVC supporters with agreed and approved content that includes notices of upcoming training, and promotion of Nonviolent Communication-related events.
  • Access to the Certified Trainers Global Home, for sharing materials and curriculum, offering and receiving training advice and seeking support.

6. In addition, and in accordance with the bylaws adopted on 09-Aug-2020 all Certified Trainers (“CTs”) are automatically Members of CNVC. Each Member eligible for voting will have one vote on all matters put forward for voting. CTs will be eligible for voting when they comply with the requirements of the CNVC Trainer Agreement relevant for the year in question. The Member Voting Rights relate to:

  • election of Board Members
  • amendment of Bylaws
  • decisions at a Special Purpose meeting.

7. After signing this agreement, Certified Trainers may legally use:

  • The name "Center for Nonviolent Communication" or CNVC.
  • The logo of the Center for Nonviolent Communication.
  • Training Materials containing the name or logo of CNVC.
  • The title, “Certified Trainer with the Center for Nonviolent Communication" or "CNVC Certified Trainer."


In Accordance with the Agreement, Certified Trainers will: 

1. Maintain the core values of the Nonviolent Communication process. Clearly distinguish Nonviolent Communication from other teachings, concepts, skills, methods or philosophies, even if they are consistent with Nonviolent Communication.

2. Support a consistent and clear connection with, and recognition of, CNVC.

  • Exhibit presence in the international community by mentioning CNVC on any Nonviolent Communication media or materials you produce such as business cards, signatures, brochures, and websites.
  • The signature “CNVC Certified Trainer” or equivalent translation.


3. Mutually support other members of the CNVC Certified Trainer community by:

  • Sharing handouts and other training support materials with one another and with CNVC, with credit given to the original creator.
  • Contacting Certified Trainers and Nonviolent Communication communities before you initiate in-person public Nonviolent Communication events in their region for potential collaboration, connection, and follow-up.
  • Collaborating with other CTs in your region and coordinating events in new areas whenever feasible or possible.

4. Support Ongoing Learning by:

  • Requesting feedback from training participants.
  • Offering feedback to your fellow Certified Trainers, CNVC Staff, and community members so everyone can grow in our understanding of the consciousness of Nonviolent Communication and in our skill to promote Nonviolent Communication awareness in the world.
  • Working with and attending workshops of other Certified Trainers, and offering attendance to other CNVC Members without fee or at a reduced cost.
  • Participating in a Nonviolent Communication community. We strongly encourage you to participate in existing Nonviolent Communication communities in your region and/or to form them when possible, in order to learn, grow, and collaborate with your colleagues.


5. Support CNVC’s mission by contributing to connection. For example, offer trainings or mediation skills to resolve conflicts, and facilitate connections with other Certified Trainers for additional support.

6. Consider supporting CNVC’s mission by making additional financial contributions if you have the financial means to do so. Financial or “in kind” contributions to CNVC or regional and local groups helps to promote the spread of Nonviolent Communication in the world. Aside from the agreed CNVC Certified Trainer contribution referred to in the section called ‘Support of CNVC’ we ask you to make additional contributions where it is given freely and allows you to maintain your financial sustainability.

I agree to the terms and conditions described above to be a CNVC Certified Trainer starting which will remain in effect until a new Trainer Agreement is created by CNVC. 
This Trainer Agreement was revised by a Task Force that worked from October 2022 to February 2023 and was co-chaired by Lorna Ritchie, Certified Trainer (Germany) and Jeff Brown, Executive Director (United States).

Agreed by CNVC:

Center for Nonviolent Communication
By: Jeff Brown, Executive Director

Agreed by you, the Certified Trainer:

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature in the box above.