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Memorandum of Understanding

United States (California) IIT 2024

TO: Trainers for the International Intensive Training (IIT) in the United States (California) beginning 24-May-2024: Could you please review and sign the following document?

PURPOSE: Establish alignment and clarity about everyone's roles (what CNVC does, and what the trainers do) so that we have predictability and clarity of roles.

REQUEST: If you are aligned with this agreement, could you please sign it below? If you have questions or concerns, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


1. Purpose of this Document:

The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) is to establish a shared understanding between the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) and trainers at the the International Intensive Training (IIT) in regard to mutual agreements, responsibilities, and roles of CNVC and the IIT Trainer before, during, and after the IIT in California, United States happening from 24-May-2024 to 02-Jun-2024.

2. Purpose of this International Intensive Training:

This IIT will be a 9-day Nonviolent Communication (NVC) “immersion experience” residential workshop where Participants, Trainers, and Organizers live and learn in community during the training that provides real-life opportunities to live NVC over an extended period of time. Participants develop NVC skills and consciousness with the guidance and support of the Certified Trainer team. See a description of the roles at IITs.

3. Responsibilities of the Trainer

In order to help make this IIT as successful as possible for everyone involved, we ask you as an IIT Trainer to agree to the following:

a) BEFORE the IIT:
  • Read and understand the Manual for Organizing an IIT.
  • Align with the Agreements for attending an IIT that will will ask each person who will be at the IIT to sign.
  • Become familiar with the guidelines and framework around the IIT and actively support the CNVC policies and processes that are described on the IIT page on the website; the pre-registration form; and the IIT Spreadsheet (maintained by CNVC and the Organizer)
  • Make travel arrangements as soon as the IIT receives the go-ahead by CNVC in order to ensure that the most economical travel options can be chosen. If you take a flight to the IIT, we agree to reimburse you for an economy fare ticket (which we request to help conserve our financial resources). If you wish to purchase another ticket class such a business class or first class, you agree to contact CNVC ahead of time to discuss.
  • Contribute to multiple aspects of marketing such as your website, social media accounts, email list, in-person announcements, and/or other strategies that you have available to you.
  • Appear in promotional videos and/or participate in promotional sessions that are either educational in nature or Q&A.
  • Contribute “freemiums" -- NVC-related content that draws people in through free educational NVC materials (for example: Feelings/Needs lists, online introductory classes already on Youtube channels)
  • Support the quality of the event by being available for planning meetings and email conversations in the months leading up to the IIT.
  • Coordinate with the other members of the Training Team when planning sessions to ensure variety, notice redundancy, and ensure that Marshall Rosenberg’s core curriculum is being offered.
  • Co-create systems for conflict transformation in order to live in consciousness of nonviolence and to create systems of support for the event (examples: empathy assistants, facilitated conversations, mediation, or restorative processes).
  • Request approval from the CNVC Programs Department before inviting other people to the IIT who will perform any of the roles of the training team.
  • Appoint one Trainer of the IIT Trainer team to be part of the Financial Assistance decision-making committee -- along with the Organizer and a representative from CNVC. This committee determines who receives financial assistance and in what amounts based on the Financial Assistance for IITs: Guidelines.
  • Make printed training materials available 6 weeks prior to the start of the IIT, so the Organizer can include these resources into a Participants Manual.
  • Keep CNVC and the Organizer Team informed about an unforeseen circumstance such as illness or family emergency which has an impact on the availability of the Trainer.
  • Arrive at the venue 48 hours before the start of the IIT time for landing, building cohesiveness with other members of the training and organizing team, and finish planning the program.
b) DURING the IIT:
  • Share the Core Curriculum of Nonviolent Communication as created by Marshall Rosenberg.
  • Offer introductory-level sessions that are clearly communicated to the participants.
  • Provide clarity to the Participants whether any sessions will be recorded and made available to them.
  • Be a steward of trust around intimate relationships as a representative of CNVC.=
c) AFTER the IIT:
  • Submit reimbursable expense receipts within two weeks after the IIT is completed.
  • Allow sufficient time after the end of the IIT to debrief with the Organizers and Trainers. In these meetings we encourage you to:
    • Share personal learnings and request specific feedback from the team members about your learning edges.
    • Share your self-assessment and invite honest feedback from others.
    • Evaluate the IIT as a whole and harvest collective learnings.
    • Provide a written summary of the collective learnings and suggestions for future IITs and share them on the CNVC Global Home within 3 weeks of the end of the IIT.

4. Responsibilities of CNVC

The IIT is produced, paid for, managed, and directed by CNVC, which is committed to supporting the Trainers, Organizers, On-site coordinators to create a successful event. CNVC commits to the following:

  • Communicate decisions and implement management directives via the Programs Department.
  • Pay you a trainer's fee of USD $4,000, assuming that you are present for the entire IIT (exceptions must be agreed to ahead of time by CNVC).
  • Pay your room, board, travel expenses, and meals that are directly related to the IIT. The total compensation will be processed within 10 business days after receipt of documented expenses. Please submit receipts for any expenses that you request reimbursement for.
  • Provide a single occupancy room, with ensuite when possible, to provide privacy and and opportunity to recharge between sessions.
  • Create a Landing Page and forms for Pre-registration, Payments, Financial Assistance, and Intake.
  • Contribute to marketing including on our website, email announcements, social media, and posting videos of Trainers.
  • Provide visa invitation letters or templates if requested by trainers
  • Provide a representative for the Financial Assistance decision-making committee -- along with the Organizer and one IIT Trainer. This committee determines who receives financial assistance and in what amounts, as well as which Certified Trainers qualify for free tuition spaces. 

5. Termination / Cancellation


While it is extremely rare for CNVC to cancel an IIT and we have every intention to host each one that we sponsor, CNVC reserves the right to cancel the IIT at its sole discretion. CNVC is more likely to cancel if fewer than 15 full-tuition registrations are booked three months before the scheduled start-date. If the IIT is canceled, CNVC will reimburse IIT Trainers for direct expenses, such as the nonrefundable part of pre-ordered travel tickets.

CNVC reserves the right to terminate this agreement in cases where CNVC and the IIT Trainer reach a point of irreconcilable differences that affect the IIT Trainer’s involvement in the IIT. For example, the IIT Trainer chooses to end the relationship with the organization as a CNVC Certified Trainer.

By the IIT Trainer:

While signing this MoU indicates a clear intent from the IIT Trainer to partake in the IIT, there may be circumstances that prevent you from fulfilling this intention. If you needs to cancel their participation in the IIT, the Trainer will notify CNVC at the earliest possible time to support CNVC’s ability to find a replacement.

CNVC will not pay compensation or reimbursement to the CNVC Trainer if they cancel their participation in the IIT before the IIT takes place. If the IIT Trainer cancels in the midst of the IIT, CNVC will offer prorate compensation based on the number of full or partial days completed. CNVC will reimburse the original receipts for travel and meal, prior to the change in fees.

This agreement is non-transferable. If you withdraw from your role as a trainer in this IIT, you may not transfer your role to another trainer. Rather, a replacement would be selected by CNVC in consultation with the remaining trainers and the Organizer.

6. Addendum

The following resources can be accessed for a broader understanding of IITs:


As a Certified Trainer who has been invited to serve on the training team for this IIT, by signing below, I agree to all of the points described in this MoU (if you have any concerns or questions before signing this document, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Use your mouse or finger to draw your signature in the box above.