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Supporting Membership


For decades Nonviolent Communication (NVC) has been helping people find common ground with anyone, anywhere, at any time, both personally and professionally. For decades Nonviolent Communication has been helping people to thrive.

And for the first time since Marshall Rosenberg founded the Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNVC) in 1984, we are today welcoming you to become an official supporting member.

Supporting members join a growing movement of like-minded people who are using Nonviolent Communication to impact their communities across the globe! They also receive discounts on trainings, an invitation to a free online annual gathering, a members-only video library and provide input into CNVC's future.

By joining with us, you are building a critical mass of people who are connecting across differences and responding to both inner and outer conflict nonviolently: not through the use of guilt, force, or coercion… but by connecting with our common humanity and engaging our compassionate nature.

Come home to compassion, to authenticity and to freedom.

Be at home with us.

join the annual supporting members' online event!

At this year’s annual members’ event, we will…

💡Get creative - imagining life cooperating in an online NVC community

🎓Get inspired - Liv Larsson on “Compassion and Connection at Every Stage of Life” 

To accommodate your various time-zones we’ve planned two separate, identical 100-minute meetings. You can choose which suits you best from:

1. Sunday 26-May-2024 UTC 07.00 (your time / add to calendar)

2. Sunday 02-Jun-2024 UTC 15.00 (your time / add to calendar)

🌐 Non-native English speakers: self-enable real-time captions in your own language.

Learn more here. To receive all the information and registration details, join now!



  1. Official alignment with the global home of Nonviolent Communication
  2. Invitation to a free online annual membership event
  3. Opportunities to shape the future of CNVC
  4. Video library of exclusive full-length, live recordings from Certified Trainers from around the world
  5. Official recognition on our website (unless you prefer to remain anonymous)
  6. Access to a private member's hub webpage (...and COMING SOON: 'Online Discussion-Sharing Platform')


  1. Receive a 10% discount on tuition at CNVC’s immersive trainings
  2. Priority consideration for financial assistance for immersive trainings


  • "I've been working with journalism, employee communications, PR and marketing for more than 20 years. Feeling a deep professional crisis during the last 5 years. When I first listened about nonviolent communication - during an online talk organised by friends while we were all isolated due to covid 19 - I felt like going back home, to a home I've never lived in. Since then, I've been studying and trying to practise NVC as part of a career transition. So that's why I decided to become a Supporting Member. I truly believe NVC can be a game changer in our society. I am considering becoming a Certified Trainer in the future."

  • "NVC make a lot of sense in my life giving to understand what I'm feeling linked with what I met or not with a need. And then I can offer this to others in goal to have better understanding and connection with my relationship."

  • "The principle of NVC is something that resonates with me at a very deep level, and I want to be associated with it."

  • "To deepen my relationship with CNVC and support the spreading of NVC around the world. Also, to have access to free or more affordable information and trainings about NVC, once NVC trainings in my country (Brazil) are too expensive to me in my actual financial situation and in the actual currency exchange rates. I dream of becoming a certified practitioner or trainer."

  • "I believe NVC has great potential if it can mature to care for all beings. Unfortunately, I believe people who currently have easy access to NVC teachings/practice spaces often unintentionally exploit its tools at the cost of its principles. I believe they have given NVC a bad name in many circles and have done extensive harm. I.e. They have used many of its tools to increase their own power in a way that is life-suffocating for themselves and others. I hope that in being part of CNVC, in a small way, I can contribute to a general shift in awareness of these harms and dangerous potentialities so that NVC can mature more fully into a force for good in the world."

  • "I want to learn the practice. I am a beginner. I want community in the practice."

  • "I want to become a Certified Trainer of non violent communication!!! I just started last year with my first part and my vision is to inhale this new language, to live after this new life with full of compassion, healing and inner peace and spread it out of me into my world in my hometown, my state, my land, all over the World. I'm already so thankful and deep impressed, what I've learned and feeled. Thank you so much, Marshall, where ever you are..."

  • "Since I first read Non-Violent Communication (audio book) I was fascinated by the manner in which Marshall Rosenberg outlined strategies to heal relationship within the self, with family and associates, in communities and possibly the world. Having been involved in media and communication training for over 40 years, I wanted to find out as much as possible about NVC. I was keen to receive in depth training and possibly to become a trainer myself. However, living in the Caribbean there are few opportunities to attend training sessions and the combined cost of overseas travel and course fees have proven to be prohibitive in recent years. Becoming a Supporting Member is a way to keep in contact until I can be involved in the intensive training programmes."


These screenshots give you a sneak preview of the member's hub area. You'll get access to this after joining. And... very soon, member's will get their own logins and have access to a discussion and sharing forum - watch this space! 

  • Member Video Library

  • Emailed Learning Resources

  • Annual Membership Event

  • Appreciation Wall

  • Get engaged

  • shape CNVC's future


Join by choosing an annual contribution that suits your unique circumstances

Supporting membership joins you to a growing global community of NVC supporters and enthusiasts - that’s you!

We want to make membership equitable and accessible to everyone, regardless of your personal financial resources or the economic system that you live in.

Therefore, we ask members to make an annual financial contribution of 0.1% of their total household income, and to choose from two options:

  1. to make an annual financial contribution using the 'Buy One Time' option. For example, if 0.1% of your annual household income is $60, consider contributing $60 per year.
  2. to make a quarterly (every 3 months) contribution using the 'Subscribe' option. For example, if 0.1% of your annual household income is $60, consider contributing $15 per quarter.

Multiplying your household income by 0.001 gives 0.1%.


USD United States $50,000 X 0.001 = $50
BRL Brazil 100.000 R$ X 0.001 = 100 R$
EUR most of Europe 50,000€ X 0.001 = 50€
KES Kenya 2.000.000 KSh X 0.001 = 2.000 KSh
GBP United Kingdom £50,000 X 0.001 = £50
INR India रु1.000.000 X 0.001 = रु1.000
JPY Japan 5,000,000¥ X 0.001 = 5,000¥
AUD Australia A$70,000 X 0.001 = A$70
CNY China 元/¥ 325,000 X 0.001 = 元/¥ 325
KRW South Korea ₩60,000,000 X 0.001 = ₩60,000 

Once you have an amount, enter that amount into the 'your value' box of the 'pay what you want' area.

Payment Confirmation: After you make your contribution on the next page, you will receive an email that contains a receipt (invoice) that you can use for your records.

Also, after you make the payment (and in the email confirmation), please download the PDF file that contains your special access link to member benefits. You can access your benefits immediately!

Note: If you prefer to simply donate money to CNVC and not become an official Supporting Member at this time, visit our donation page. We are grateful for your financial support any way you would like to offer it!

Would you like to know where your money goes? It helps CNVC to sustain serving as a global multilingual Nonviolent Communication hub. Check out our 2022 Financial Report for more details.

Alternative payment method: We strongly prefer that you make your payment using a Credit Card, Apple Pay, Google Pay or PayPal because this is the most efficient way for us to keep track of payments. However, if you do not have access to these payment methods, you can send us a bank transfer instead. Important: Be sure to include your full name when you send the transfer because this will be the only way that we will know the money is from you.


The appreciation wall is the place on CNVC's website where we honour and celebrate the contributions of our Supporting Members (those who consented to having their names publicised).

We need one another. And only with the generous support of our Supporting Members do we thrive.

Together we're co-creating a world where everyone's needs matter and people have the tools to respond to conflicts skilfully and peacefully.


Mark joined CNVC's staff in April 2023. His first encounter with NVC came in the spring of 2017 in his adopted Cornish hometown of Falmouth: "My heart cracked open and there was no way back." He has been a Certification Candidate since 2021, and works as a community builder for CNVC's Supporting Members and donors.

If you have a question, suggestion, or would just like to reach out, you can make contact with him using the contact form here.

What is it with giraffes and NVC? 

Giraffes have the largest heart of all land mammals, measuring up to 0.6 meters (2 feet) long and weighing an average of 11 kg (25 pounds). Plus, their lungs can hold 55 liters (12 gallons) of air! In Nonviolent Communication, it symbolizes the intention and capacity to recieve and speak with compassion and empathy — with a big heart! They also have a specially adapted tongue and mouth that allows them to eat thorny branches without getting hurt.

  • Portrait of Marshall B Rosenberg
    Founder of the Center for Nonviolent Communication

    "Get very clear about the kind of world we would like and then start living that way."

  • Portrait of Marshall B Rosenberg
    Founder of the Center for Nonviolent Communication

    "Our survival as a species depends on our ability to recognize that our well-being and the well-being of others are in fact one and the same."

  • Portrait of Marshall B Rosenberg
    Founder of the Center for Nonviolent Communication

    "While we may not consider the way we talk to be ‘violent,’ words often lead to hurt and pain, whether for others or ourselves."

  • Portrait of Marshall B Rosenberg
    Founder of the Center for Nonviolent Communication

    "Empathy is a respectful understanding of what others are experiencing. Instead of offering empathy, we often have a strong urge to give advice or reassurance and to explain our own position or feeling. Empathy, however, calls upon us to empty our mind and listen to others with our whole being."


    What happens next?

    As one of CNVC's Supporting Members, we are eager to get your feedback about how this program is working.

    Excitginly, our member's sharing platform is currently under development, and we intend to launch this as soon as possible! Naturally, we'll contact you to invite you in, and give you your logins as soon as we can - keep an eye on your inbox!

    In addition, periodically, we will email you to let you know about new videos available in the video library.

    If you have any questions or feedback, please email me, Mark, at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

    Where does my money go?

    Your money helps CNVC to sustain serving as a global multilingual Nonviolent Communication hub.

    Would you like to see more in-depth financial details? Check out our financial report for 2022 here.


    10% discount for tuition for the International Intensive Training programs (IITs and VITs)

    As long as you have been a Supporting Member for more than 6 months before the IIT start date, you are eligible for your member discount on tuition.

    During the registration for an IIT, you have 3 steps to take: 1) pre-register; 2) register and pay; 3) details.

    Step 2 includes the oppportunity to share that you are a CNVC Supporting Member, so we can confirm and apply your discount.

    *discount does not apply to the accommodation/food part of the IIT experience

    What are the CNVC voting roles?

    CNVC has two types of members as described in our bylaws:

    1. Voting Members: Certified Trainers, members of the Board of Directors, and staff members have the ability to vote in Board Elections and other decisions.
    2. Non-Voting Members: All other members are officially “Supporting Members” and do not have the ability to vote in Board Elections and other decisions, but have all of the other benefits of membership as described above. If you are not a Voting Member as described above, you can become a Supporting Member.
    When will the annual membership event take place?


    Date likely TBC early May 2024

    2023 (Already done)

    1. Sunday 04-Jun-2023 UTC 16.00 (/your time): click here to register and get connection details

    2. Sunday 11-Jun-2023 UTC 08.00 (/your time): click here to register and get connection details

    Can I volunteer for CNVC?

    We celebrate people who contribute to our mission of creating a world in which everyone’s needs matter, and are met through compassionate giving.

    Please fill out this form to let us know about your skills, experience, and what you might enjoy doing as a volunteer.