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From our CNVC Certified Trainers
In person

The Power of Self Compassion

Learning to be more compassionate with yourself will help you to also be more compassionate with others

By: Aukje Byker


Friday, Aug 23, 2024 8:00 PM —
Sunday, Aug 25, 2024 3:00 PM
Unicamp of Ontario 638157 Prince of Wales Rd W, Mulmur, ON L9V 0C5, Canada
Timezone: America/Toronto

So often we are more judgemental about ourselves than about others. What if we could change those self judgements into Self Compassion? In this workshop we will explore how you can be more compassionate with yourself, rather than beating up on yourself when you have done something that you wish you hadn't. Being more compassionate with yourself will also give you space to be more compassionate with others, even if you don't agree with them.

In this experiential workshop you will have an opportunity to explore how to change judgemental and critical thoughts of yourself by developing an understanding of why you choose the behaviours you do. This opens the door to self compassion.

Although this workshop is based on teachings from Nonviolent or Compassionate Communication (NVC), it is appropriate for both those who have taken past workshops in NVC as well as those who have no knowledge of NVC at all.

Pay what you feel comfortable paying based both on your wallet and your heart - suggested fees are between $25 and $250. Accommodations and meals are separate but there are several different options available including tenting, sharing a dorm or a cabin.

This workshop is being held at Unicamp, a Unitarian Universalist Camp and Conference Centre.  It is a beautiful camp on the Niagara escarpment and there will be time over the weekend to enjoy just being there.  Accommodations are simple and camping is an option.  If you are staying in a dorm, you will need to also book meals.  If you are camping you can either book meals or make your own.  When you go to the link to register you will see a whole list of programs that are also offered at Unicamp.  Scroll down to the 10th one and you will see The Power of Self Compassion listed with my name.  Click on the title to get to the registration.  If you have any problems with the registration, contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or send me email



  • Health & Healing
  • Mind-Body-Spirit
"The most important use of NVC may be in developing self-compassion" Marshall Rosenberg